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Our peer reviewed journals

The Institute published its first journal in 1993 under the name, the Maine Naturalist. An earlier journal by this name was published in the 1920s by the Maine Naturalist Society, but ceased publication because of the Great Depression. The Portland Society of Natural History eventually resumed its publication, but it again ceased publication when the society closed. The Maine Audubon Society published the Maine Field Naturalist for a number of years, but its publication again ceased.

Submissions of manuscripts for the institute's version of the Maine Naturalist were too limited to sustain it, so it was renamed the Northeastern Naturalist and has been successfully published under this names since 1996. The journal under this names was so successful that it led to the publication by the institute of the Southeastern Naturalist, thus expanding the institute's publication range to eastern North America.

Other journals were added over the years, in most cases, by way of suggestions of societies or other publishers who asked the institute to adopt their journals.

Maine Naturalist

Maine. Published 1993–1995. Renamed and published as the Northeastern Naturalist 1998-present
Northeastern Naturalist

Northeastern North America. Published 1996-present
Southeastern Naturalist

Southeastern United States
Prairie Naturalist

North American Great Plains
Eastern Paleontologist

Paleontology of the eastern United States. Published 2018–2024. Renamed and published as the Pan-American Paleontologist 2025-present
Pan-American Paleontologist

Paleontology of all of the Americas. Published 2025-present
Caribbean Naturalist

Caribbean islands and circum-Caribbean coastal regions
Neotropical Naturalist

Neotropics, including Mexico and Central America
Urban Naturalist

Urban and suburban regions, globally

Laboratory-based biological science
Journal of North American Bat Research

Bat research of North America
Journal of the North Atlantic

Circum-North Atlantic archaeology and environmental history, focusing mostly on the Viking Era
Space and Evolution
