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The Northeastern Naturalist is valued by the academic, agency, NGO, and private-sector research and conservation community as a respected and trusted source for natural history science related to all aspects of the biology, ecology, and conservation of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine organisms and the environments of the northeastern portion of North America.

Most Recent Articles ... click on hot-linked titles to view open-access abstract pages
King Rail (Rallus elegans) Morphometric, Nesting, Mortality, and Movement Notes from a Northern Study Area
Dustin E. Brewer, Thomas M. Gehring, Brendan T. Shirkey, and John W. Simpson
Egg-mass Abundance and Within-pool Characteristics for Three Species of Vernal Pool-dependent Amphibians in a Massachusetts State Forest
Patricia Serrentino and Alex Haro
Mooneye, Hiodon tergisus (Lesueur), in the Oswegatchie River Basin, New York: Findings from 2021–2023
Douglas M. Carlson, Scott L. Schlueter, David Selner, Tom A. Langen, and Glenn Johnson
Northern Zigzag Salamander (Plethodon dorsalis Cope) Ovarian Follicle Growth and Egg-Brooding in the Western Edge of Its Range
Aaron C. Gooley, John G. Palis, and William T. McDowell
Probable Wisconsinan Glacial Refugia as a Determinant of Fish Species Status in Vermont
Richard Langdon
Patterns in Fish-Assemblage Structure Over a Decade of Monitoring in the Upper Delaware River Watershed
Daniel P. Morrill, David H. Keller, and Colin R. Rohrback
Distribution of Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) and Their Habitat in New York’s Susquehanna River Watershed
Robin L. Foster, Chris P.S. Larsen, and Amy M. McMillan
Environmental Sensitivity of Soil Microbial Communities is Altered in Association with Plant Roots in Saltmarsh Ecosystems
Steven E. Travis, Matt R. Simon, and Gregory P. Zogg

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Current Issue: Vol. 31(2)
NENA 31(1)

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Monograph 24
NENA monograph 24

Special Issue 12
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