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Distribution of Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) and Their Habitat in New York’s Susquehanna River Watershed

Robin L. Foster1.3,*, Chris P.S. Larsen1, and Amy M. McMillan2

1Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior Program, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14261. 2Department of Biology, SUNY Buffalo State University, Buffalo, NY 14222. 3Current address - Department of Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation, Canisius University, Buffalo, NY 14208. *Corresponding author.

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 31, Issue 2 (2024): 163–180

First published early online: 28 May 2024

Accurate assessment of species distribution is a critical component in conservation planning. We utilized a multi-method approach to assessing the distribution of Cryptobranchus alleganiensis (Hellbender) and the habitat the species occupies in the New York portion of the Susquehanna River watershed, including a ground-validated species-distribution model (SDM), visual assessment of rock cover, rock-lifting surveys, and eDNA sampling. Suitable rock cover was sparsely distributed, and Hellbender distribution was limited to a small subset of the study area. Hellbenders were detected at 9 of 22 historic sites, suggesting considerable decline. Only a single individual was captured, but eDNA identified Hellbender presence at 13 of 51 sites. We suggest that a multi-method approach integrating SDM and eDNA is more effective for monitoring low-density populations than traditional field methods alone.

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