Our interests
Programs we offer
Journals we publish
Our campus and nature reserves
Individual and group retreats
Downeast Maine
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The Institute has a multiplicity of interests, which we view from the standpoint that they exist in parallel within a so-called harmonic Humboldtian balance.
Some of our interests are expressed in the form of in-person and online programs. Others result in the publication of a suite of peer reviewed journals. Yet others enable us to provide resources of various kinds. We welcome suggestions and engagement.
The interests of the institute are mostly focused on aspects of the sciences, as follows. |
The following interests can be thought of as cultural overlays, in that they contribute significantly to a pleasant, meaningful, and more broadly engaged way of life at Eagle Hill, by way of balancing out our interests in the sciences. As such, they are playing an ever more important role in the future of the institute. We are seeking to expand our commitments to them. |
National and International Affairs