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eBio is valued by the academic, agency, NGO, and private-sector research community as a respected and trusted source for science related to all aspects of the biology of organisms as it relates to the structure, function, and development of their internal systems, and as it pertains to their use in medical and other applications not directly related to the ecology and conservation of species or their habitats.

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The Mitochondrial Genome and mRNA Processing in an Appalachian Isolate of the Green Alga Edaphochlamys debaryana Pröschold & Darienko (Goroschankin)
A. Bruce Cahoon, Ashar Khan, Robin Matthews

An Analysis of Hoxa3 Gene Expression and Regulation across Gnathostomes
Benjamin S. Wortman, Shafiya M.S. Khan, Amber L. Rittgers, John McGinnis, Michael A. White, and Adam Davis

Effect of Plasticizers on Androgen Receptor Activation
Amelia K. Rinehart and Sarah Lundin-Schiller

An Addition to the Toolkit: An Ethogram for Trichoplusia ni
Logan Pearson, Chloe Meewes, Sydney Spencer, Angela Ayala, Brad Bailey, Erin E. Barding, Ryan Shanks, and Margaret Smith

Loss of Courtship Suppression Memory in a Drosophila melanogaster Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Eric Robles, Johannes Berlandi, Chris Ellis, Tianyi Wu, Astrid Jeibmann, and Fang Ju Lin

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