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Special Issues

The Northeastern Naturalist welcomes your proposal for Special Issues based either on conference proceedings or a themed collection of articles. For more information or to discuss your proposal, please review our special issue guidelines and then contact

Click on hotlinked issue number, title, or cover image to view open access Table of Contents.

Special Issue No. 12 (2024)

Biology and Conservation of Emydine Turtles

(Issue in Progress)

NENA special issue 12 cover

Special Issue No. 11 (2021)

Climate Change in the Mountains of Maine and the Northeast

NENA special issue 11 cover

Special Issue No. 10 (2020)

Marine Ecosystem Assessment of Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

NENA special issue 10 cover

Special Issue No. 9 (2018–2021)

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area: Overview of Recent Research

NENA special issue 9 cover

Special Issue No. 8 (2017)

Natural History of Agricultural Landscapes         

NENA special issue 8 cover

Special Issue No. 7 (2017)

Winter Ecology: Insights from Biology and History

NENA special issue 7 cover

Special Issue No. 6 (2012)

2011 Northeast Natural History Conference: Selected Papers

NENA special issue 6 cover

Special Issue No. 5 (2009)

Soil and Biota of Serpentine: A World View. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Serpentine Ecology

NENA special issue 5 cover

Special Issue No. 4 (2006)

Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on the Mount Hope Bay Ecosystem

NENA Special Issue 4 cover

Special Issue No. 3 (2005)

Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area: Natural Resources Overview

Special Issue 3 cover

Special Issue No. 2 (2004)

Ecosystem Modeling in Cobscook Bay, Maine: A Boreal, Macrotidal Estuary

Special Issue 2 cover

Special Issue No. 1 (2001)

Alexander von Humboldt's Natural History Legacy and its Relevance for Today

NENA Special Issue 1 cover


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Issue-in-Progress: Vol. 31 3) ... early view

Current Issue: Vol. 31(2)
NENA 31(1)

Check out NENA's latest monograph and the current Special Issue In Progress:

Monograph 24
NENA monograph 24

Special Issue 12
NENA special issue 12

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