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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 24, Special Issue 8, 2017

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
Introduction: The Natural History of Agricultural Landscapes
Gary Kleppel
Seasonal Foraging by Forest Mice Enhances Loss of Weed Seeds from Crop–Field Edges
Sarah A. Abercrombie, Jacob L. Berl, Elizabeth A. Flaherty, and Robert K. Swihart
Influence of Different Habitat Factors on Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) within Channelized Agricultural Headwater Streams
Peter C. Smiley Jr., Kevin W. King, and Norman R. Fausey
Sheep Grazing as a Grassland Management Tool: Lessons Learned on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Karen C. Beattie, Jennifer M. Karberg, Kelly A. Omand, and Danielle I. O’Dell
Grazing and the Coupling of Biodiversity in Vascular Plant and Soil Microbial Communities
Caroline B. Girard-Cartier and Gary S. Kleppel
The Effect of Grazing Regime on Grassland Bird Abundance in New York State
Lisa R. Cassidy and Gary Kleppel
A Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Identifying Priority Conservation Areas for Grassland Birds
Flavio Sutti, Allan Strong, and Noah Perlut






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