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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 25, Special Issue 9, 2018-2021

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area: Overview of Recent Research

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
General Acknowledgments i
Foreword: Message from the Superintendent of the National Parks of Boston
Michael Creasey
Robert F. Chen
Introduction to a Special Issue—Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area: Overview of Recent Research
Danny Haelewaters and Marc Albert
Six-Legged Colonists: The Establishment and Distribution of Non-Native Beetles in Boston Harbor Islands NRA
Jessica J. Rykken and Brian D. Farrell
Exploring the Microwilderness of Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area: Terrestrial Invertebrate All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory
Jessica J. Rykken and Brian D. Farrell
A Preliminary Checklist of Fungi at the Boston Harbor Islands
Danny Haelewaters, Alden C. Dirks, Lara A. Kappler, James K. Mitchell, Luis Quijada, Roo Vandegrift, Bart Buyck, and Donald H. Pfister
Mammals of the Boston Harbor Islands: Permanent and Ephemeral Residents
Lauren Nolfo-Clements
Bats of the Boston Harbor Islands
Joshua B. Johnson and J. Edward Gates
Laboulbeniales (Ascomycota) of the Boston Harbor Islands II (and Other Localities): Species Parasitizing Carabidae, and the Laboulbenia flagellata Species Complex
Danny Haelewaters, André De Kesel, Michał Gorczak, Kevin Bao, Gerrit Gort, Serena Y. Zhao, and Donald H. Pfister
Xylariales (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) of the Boston Harbor Islands
Roo Vandegrift
Bioblitz Assessment of Rocky Intertidal Biodiversity within the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Catherine M. Matassa and Colleen B. Hitchcock
Long-term Coastal Breeding Bird Monitoring in the Boston Harbor Islands, 2007–2019
Carol Lynn Trocki, Aaron S. Weed, Adam Kozlowski, and Kristin Broms






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