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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 16, Special Issue No. 5, 2009

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front Cover  
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Serp Ecology front matter page  
General Acknowledgments  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
Advances in Serpentine Geoecology: A Retrospective
Nishanta Rajakaruna and Robert S. Boyd
Geobotany and Biogeochemistry of Serpentine Soils of Neyriz, Iran
Seyed Majid Ghaderian, Houshang Fattahi, Ahmad Reza Khosravi,
and Mousa Noghreian
Variation of Morphology and Elemental Concentrations in the California Nickel Hyperaccumulator Streptanthus polygaloides (Brassicaceae)
Robert S. Boyd, Michael A. Wall, Scott R. Santos, and Michael A. Davis
Morphological Variation in Teucrium chamaedrys in Serpentine and
Non-Serpentine Populations

Dolja Pavlova
Saxifraga gemmulosa Boiss (Saxifragaceae), an Endemic Nickel Bioindicator from Ultramafic Areas of the Southern Iberian Peninsula
Blanca Diez-Garretas, Alfredo Asensi, Lourdes Rufo, Nuria Rodriguez,
Daniel Sánchez-Mata, Ricardo Amils, and Vicenta de la Fuente
Serpentine Plants in Hokkaido and their Chemical Characteristics
Takafumi Mizuno, Kenji Horie, Shiro Nosaka, Hitoshi Obata,
and Naoharu Mizuno
Accumulation of Nickel in Trichomes of a Nickel Hyperaccumulator Plant, Alyssum inflatum
Rasoul Ghasemi, Seyed Majid Ghaderian, and Ute Krämer
Elemental Concentrations of Eleven New Caledonian Plant Species from Serpentine Soils: Elemental Correlations and Leaf-age Effects
Robert S. Boyd and Tanguy Jaffré
Adiantum viridimontanum, Aspidotis densa, Minuartia marcescens, and Symphyotrichum rhiannon: Additional Serpentine Endemics from Eastern North America
Tanner Harris and Nishanta Rajakaruna
Climate Gradients, Climate Change, and Special Edaphic Floras
Susan Harrison, Ellen Damschen, and Barbara M. Going
Uptake and Accumulation of Cobalt by Alyssum bracteatum, an Endemic Iranian Ni Hyperaccumulator
Seyed Majid Ghaderian, Mahsa Movahedi, and Rasoul Ghasemi
Do Tropical Nickel Hyperaccumulators Mobilize Metals into Epiphytes? A Test Using Bryophytes from New Caledonia
Robert S. Boyd, Michael A. Wall, and Tanguy Jaffré
Manganese Hyperaccumulation in Phytolacca americana L. from the Southeastern United States
A. Joseph Pollard, Heather L. Stewart, and Caroljane B. Roberson
Plant Colonization Limits Dispersion in the Air of Asbestos Fibers in an Abandoned Asbestos Mine
Sergio-Enrico Favero-Longo, Enrica Matteucci, and Consolata Siniscalco
Soil and Vegetation Differences from Peridotite to Serpentinite
Earl B. Alexander
Heavy Metals and Biological Properties of Subalpine Soils on Ophiolites in the Italian Western Alps
Michele E. D’Amico, Francesca Calabrese, Andrea Rossetti, and Franco Previtali
Using Chelator-buffered Nutrient Solutions to Limit Ni Phytoavailability to the Ni-Hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale
Rufus L. Chaney, Guido Fellet, Ramon Torres, Tiziana Centofanti, Carrie E. Green, and Luca Marchiol
Serpentine Geoecology of the Eastern and Southeastern Margins of North America
Earl B. Alexander
Serpentine Revegetation: A Review
Ryan E. O’Dell and Victor P. Claassen
Serpentinizing Fluids Craft Microbial Habitat
Dawn Cardace and Tori M. Hoehler
“Serpentinomics”—An Emerging New Field of Study
Jessica W. Wright and Eric von Wettberg
Plant Colonization on a Contaminated Serpentine Site
Stefano Marsili, Enrica Roccotiello, Cristina Carbone, Pietro Marescotti,
Laura Cornara, Mauro G. Mariotti
Geoecology of a Forest Watershed Underlain by Serpentine in Central Europe
Pavel Krám, Filip Oulehle, Veronika Štědrá, Jakub Hruška, James B. Shanley, Rakesh Minocha, and Elena Traister
Are Oaks Locally Adapted to Serpentine Soils?
Sara Branco
The Lichen Flora of Serpentine Outcrops in the Middle Urals of Russia
Alexander G. Paukov
Root Ultrastructure of Senecio coronatus Genotypes Differing in Ni Uptake
Jolanta Mesjasz-Przybyłowicz, Alban Barnabas, and Wojciech Przybyłowicz
Geologic and Edaphic Controls on a Serpentine Forest Community
Jerry L. Burgess, Steven Lev, Christopher M. Swan, and Katalin Szlavecz
Nickel Hyperaccumulation by Brassicaceae in Serpentine Soils of Albania and Northwestern Greece
Aida Bani, Guillaume Echevarria, Alfred Mullaj, Roger Reeves, Jean Louis Morel, and Sulejman Sulçe
Ecological Studies on the Serpentine Endemic Plant Cerastium utriense Barberis
Stefano Marsili, Enrica Roccotiello, Ivano Rellini, Paolo Giordani,
Giuseppina Barberis, and Mauro G. Mariotti
Biology of Ultramafic Rocks and Soils: Research Goals for the Future
Robert S. Boyd, Arthur R. Kruckeberg, and Nishanta Rajakaruna





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