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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 13, Special Issue No. 4, 2006

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front Cover  
Inside Front Cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
General Acknowledgments  
Introduction to the Special Issue: Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on the Mount Hope Bay Ecosystem
Rodney A. Rountree and Daniel G. MacDonald
Fisheries in Mount Hope Bay: Notes on a Special Symposium from a Session Moderator
Giancarlo Cicchetti (Symposium Session Moderator)
The Mount Hope Bay Tidal Restriction Atlas: Identifying Man-made Structures which
Potentially Degrade Coastal Habitats in Mount Hope Bay, Massachusetts

Stephen B. Barrett, Brian C. Graves, and Barbara Blumeris
On the Heat Budget for Mount Hope Bay
Yalin Fan and Wendell S. Brown
Effects of Brayton Point Station’s Thermal Discharge on Mount Hope Bay Winter Flounder
Robert J. O’Neill, Thomas L. Englert, and Jee K. Ko
Trends in Fish Abundance in Mount Hope Bay: Is the Brayton Point Power Station Affecting Fish Stocks?
Joseph T. DeAlteris, Thomas L. Englert, and John A.D. Burnett
The Exchange of Water through Multiple Entrances to the Mount Hope Bay Estuary
Chris Kincaid
Modeling of Temperature Distributions in Mount Hope Bay Due to Thermal Discharges from the Brayton Point Station
Craig Swanson, Hyun-Sook Kim, and Subbayya Sankaranarayanan
Hypoxia in the Upper Half of Narragansett Bay, RI, During August 2001 and 2002
Christopher F. Deacutis, David Murray, Warren Prell, Emily Saarman, and Larissa Korhun
Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on the Mount Hope Bay Ecosystem: Concluding Remarks
Daniel G. MacDonald and Rodney A. Rountree





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