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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 24, Special Issue 7, 2017

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
General Acknowledgments i
Preface ii
Habitat Use and Foraging Behavior of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) in Relation to Winter Weather
Todd J. Weinkam, Gregg A. Janos, and David R. Brown
Pupation Site Selection and Enemy Avoidance in the Introduced Pine Sawfly (Diprion similis)
Nathaniel T. Wheelwright, Liam U. Taylor, Benjamin M. West, Erin R. Voss, Sabine Y. Berzins, Andrew R. Villeneuve, Hannah R. LeBlanc, Victor B. Leos, Samuel J. Mayne, Sarah A. McCarthy, Shan J. Nagar, and Jenna S. Watling
Winter Space Partitioning of Woodpeckers and Nuthatches in Wisconsin
Bree L. Richardson, Jenna A. Cava, Richard P. Thiel, and Jason D. Riddle
Snowpack Loss Promotes Soil Freezing and Concrete Frost Formation in a Northeastern Temperate Softwoods Stand
Corianne Tatariw, Kaizad Patel, Jean D. MacRae, and Ivan J. Fernandez
Winter Strategies of Ruffed Grouse in a Mixed Northern Forest
Bernd Heinrich
Variation in Captures of Adult Winter Moths (Operophtera brumata) In Coastal Maine Over Two Years
Kaitlyn O’Donnell and Eleanor Groden
Winter Use of a Highly Diverse Suite of Habitats by Irruptive Snowy Owls
Jean-François Therrien, Scott Weidensau, David Brinker, Steve Huy, Trish Miller, Eugene Jacobs, Drew Weber, Tom McDonald, Mike Lanzone, Norman Smith, and Nicolas Lecomte
Predicting Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Winter Mortality in Connecticut Forests by Climate Divisions
Carole A.S.-J. Cheah
Winter Quiescence, Growth Rate, and the Release from Competition in the Temperate Scleractinian Coral Astrangia poculata (Ellis & Solander 1786)
Sean Grace
Winter Movements of Sitta canadensis L. (Red-breasted Nuthatch) in New England and Beyond: A Multiple-scale Analysis
W. Herbert Wilson Jr. and Bets Brown
Escape into Winter: Does a Phenological Shift by Ellychnia corrusca (Winter Firefly) Shield It from a Specialist Predator (Photuris)?
Stephen T. Deyrup, Riley G. Risteen, Kathareeya K. Tonyai, Madalyn A. Farrar, Bailey E. D’Antonio, Zenab B. Ahmed, Brian T. Christofel, Nicole R. Howells, and Scott R. Smedley
Phytoplankton Seasonality Along a Trophic Gradient of Temperate Lakes: Convergence in Taxonomic Compostion during Winter Ice-Cover
Emon Butts and Hunter J. Carrick
High Rates of Winter Activity and Arousals in Two New England Bat Species: Implications for a Reduced White-nose Syndrome Impact?
D. Scott Reynolds, Kevin Shoemaker, Susi von Oettingen, and Stephen Najjar
Winter Climate Change Influences on Soil Faunal Distribution and Abundance: Implications for Decomposition in the Northern Forest
Lynn Christenson, Hannah Clark, Laura Livingston, Elise Heffernan, John Campbell, Charles Driscoll, Peter Groffman, Timothy Fahey, Melany Fisk, Myron Mitchell, and Pamela H. Templer
Distribution Data Support Warm Winter Temperatures as a Key Limit on the Range of a Goldenrod Gall Fly Host Race
Amy V. Whipple, Jason T. Irwin, Paul L. Heinrich, and Warren G. Abrahamson
The Dog Days of Winter: Indigenous Dogs, Indian Hunters, and Wintertime Subsistence in the Northeast
Strother E. Roberts
Skiing Turns Through the Timber: Cutting a Trail toward Multi-Use, Ecological Forestry
Christopher L. Pastore
“Every Swamp is a Castle”: Navigating Native Spaces in the Connecticut River Valley, Winter 1675–1677 and 2005–2015
Lisa Brooks
The Great Snow of 1717: Settler Landscapes, Deep Snow Cover, and Winter’s Environmental History
Thomas Wickman
Thinking with James Bay: Crees, English, and Cold
Peter C. Mancall






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