Articles Special Volumes
JONA Special Volume 12 (2019)
Maritime Communities of the North Atlantic Arc in the Early Modern Period
JONA Special Volume 11 (2018–2019)
Selected Papers from the North Atlantic Archaeology Group 2013 Symposium: The Viking Age and the Early Middle Ages
JONA Special Volume 10 (2017):
North American East Coast Shell Midden Research
JONA Special Volume 9 (2015):
2010 Hebridean Archaeological Forum
JONA Special Volume 8 (2015–2017):
Debating the Thing in the North II: Selected Papers from Workshops Organized by The Assembly Project
JONA Special Volume 7 (2014–2018):
Viking Settlers of the North Atlantic: An Isotopic Approach
JONA Special Volume 6 (2014):
In the Footsteps of Vebæk Vatnahverfi Studies 2005–2011
JONA Special Volume 5 (2013):
Debating the Thing in the North I: Selected Papers from Workshops Organized by The Assembly Project
JONA Special Volume 4 (2013):
Across the Sólundarhaf: Connections between Scotland and the Nordic World Selected Papers from the Inaugural St. Magnus Conference 2011
JONA Special Volume 3 (2012):
Greenland Isotope Project: Diet in Norse Greenland AD 1000–AD 1450
JONA Special Volume 2 (2009–2010):
Norse Greenland: Selected Papers from the Hvalsey Conference 2008
JONA Special Volume 1 (2009–2011):
Archaeologies of the Early Modern North Atlantic