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Regular Articles*

*Note ... Up through 2010, all articles not published as part of a special volume were compiled into annual regular volumes. Beginning in 2012, they were published individually as numbered monographs.

Articles list - With text only ... Here

No. 45, 2024

A Comparative Study of Norse Palaeodemography in the North Atlantic
No. 44, 2024

Norse Navigation in the Northern Isles
No. 43, 2022

The Environmental History of Skeiðarársandur Outwash Plain, Iceland
No. 42, 2022

Behind the Ice: The Archaeology of Nunatarsuaq, Southwest Greenland
No. 41, 2020

Between Piety and Productivity: Monastic Fisheries of the White and Barents Sea in the 16th–18th Centuries
No. 40, 2020

What the Blazes!? A People's History of Fire in Labrador
No. 39, 2019

Towards an Alternative Black Death Narrative for Ireland: Ecological and Socio-Economic Divides on the Medieval European Frontier
No. 38, 2019

Aran Islands, Western Ireland: Farming History and Environmental Change, Reconstructed from Field Surveys, Historical Sources, and Pollen Analyses
No. 37, 2018

Dairy Farmers and Seal Hunters: Subsistence on a Norse Farm in the Eastern Settlement, Greenland
No. 36, 2018

Central Places in a Rural Archaeological Landscape
No. 35, 2018

Fire in the Moor: Mesolithic Carbonised Remains in Riverine Deposits at Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland
No. 34, 2018

Taming the Waterways: The Europeanization of Southern Québec’s Riverside Landscapes during the 16th–18th Centuries
No. 33, 2017

The Norse Penny Reconsidered: The Goddard Coin—Hoax or Genuine?
No. 32, 2017

Mid-Late Holocene Vegetational History and Land-use Dynamics in County Monaghan, Northeastern Ireland–the Palynological Record of Lough Muckno
No. 31, 2017

A 550-Year Record of the Disturbance History of White Spruce Forests Near Two Inuit Settlements in Labrador, Canada
No. 30, 2016

Early Neolithic Agriculture in County Mayo, Republic of Ireland: Geoarchaeology of the Céide Fields, Belderrig, and Rathlackan
No. 29, 2016

Resources, Production, and Trade in the Norse Shetland
No. 28, 2015

Legitimation through Association? Scandinavian Accompanied Burials and Pre-historic Monuments in Orkney
No. 27, 2015

Viking Age Fences and Early Settlement Dynamics in Iceland
No. 26, 2014

Archaeoentomological Research in the North Atlantic: Past, Present, and Future
No. 25, 2014

The Rediscovery of U 170: Runestones, Churchyards, and Burial Grounds in Sweden
No. 24, 2014

Zooarchaeology of the Historic Cod Fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
No. 23, 2014

Six-legged Hitchhikers: An Archaeobiogeographical Account of the Early Dispersal of Grain Beetles
No. 22, 2013

Small-Scale Evaluation of a Post-Medieval Blackhouse at Bereiro, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland
No. 21, 2013

Dating of the Viking Age Landnám Tephra Sequence in Lake Mývatn Sediment, North Iceland
JONA No. 19 Cover
No. 20, 2013

Antiquarians, Archaeologists, and Viking Fortifications
JONA No. 19 Cover
No. 19, 2012

Urbanization in Reykjavík: Post-medieval Archaeofauna from the Downtown Area
JONA No. 19 Cover
No. 18, 2012

Sailing the Saga Seas: Narrative, Cultural, and Geographical Perspectives in the North Atlantic Voyages of the Íslendingasögur
JONA No. 18 Cover
Volume 3, 2010 JONA Volume 3 Cover
Volume 2, 2009 JONA volume 1 cover
Volume 1, 2008 JONA volume 2 cover


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