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Journal of the North Atlantic Volume 2, 2009

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts. 

Front Cover


Research Articles


Conceptual Models of 1200 years of Icelandic Soil Erosion Reconstructed Using Tephrochronology
Andrew J. Dugmore, Gudrún Gísladóttir, Ian A. Simpson, and Anthony Newton

Pigs in the Faroe Islands: An Ancient Facet of the Islands’ Paleoeconomy
Símun V. Arge, Mike J. Church, and Seth D. Brewington

Sustainability and Resilience in Prehistoric North Atlantic Britain:
The Importance of a Mixed Paleoeconomic System

Stephen J. Dockrill and Julie M. Bond

Isotopic Analysis of Faunal Material from South Uist, Western Isles, Scotland
Jacqui Mulville, Rich Madgwick, Rhiannon Stevens, Tamsin O’Connell, Oliver Craig, Adrienne Powell, Niall Sharples, and Mike Parker Pearson

Seals and Sea Ice in Medieval Greenland
Astrid E.J. Ogilvie, James M. Woollett, Konrad Smiarowski, Jette Arneborg, Simon Troelstra, Antoon Kuijpers, Albina Pálsdóttir, and Thomas H. McGovern

New Excavations at the Brough of Deerness: Power and Religion in Viking Age Scotland
James H. Barrett and Adam Slater

Noteworthy Books Received by the Journal of the North Atlantic






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