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Journal of the North Atlantic Volume 1, 2008

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front Cover


Research Articles


Land in Landscapes Circum Landnám: An Integrated Study of Settlements in Reykholtsdalur, Iceland
Gudrún Sveinbjarnardóttir, Ian A. Simpson, and Amanda M. Thomson

The Nature of Contact between Native Greenlanders and Norse
Hans Christian Gulløv

“Go shag a horse!”: The 17th–18th Century Basque-Icelandic Glossaries Revisited
Viola Giulia Miglio

Fine-spatial Paleoecological Investigations Towards Reconstructing Late Holocene Environmental Change, Landscape Evolution, and Farming Activity in Barrees, Beara Peninsula, Southwestern Ireland
Anette Overland and Michael O’Connell

Lordship and Environmental Change in Central Highland Scotland c.1300–c.1400
Richard Oram and W. Paul Adderley

The Solutrean Atlantic Hypothesis: A View from the Ocean
Kieran Westley and Justin Dix

Gásir in Eyjafjörur: International Exchange and Local Economy in Medieval Iceland
Ramona Harrison, Howell M. Roberts, and W. Paul Adderley

Noteworthy Books Received by the Journal of the North Atlantic 120






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