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In the Footsteps of Vebæk: Vatnahverfi Studies 2005–2011

Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 6, 2014

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts. 

Front Cover





Research Articles

Impact of Medieval Fjord Hydrography and Climate on the Western and Eastern Settlements in Norse Greenland
Antoon Kuijpers, Naja Mikkelsen, Sofia Ribeiro, and Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz

Archaeoentomology at Tatsip Ataa: Evidence for the Use of Local Resources and Daily Life in the Norse Eastern Settlement, Greenland
Frédéric Dussault, Véronique Forbes, and Allison Bain

Vatnahverfi: A Green and Pleasant land? Palaeoecological Reconstructions of Environmental and Land-use Change
Paul M. Ledger, Kevin J. Edwards, and J. Edward Schofield

Lake Sediments as an Archive of Land Use and Environmental Change in the Eastern Settlement, Southwestern Greenland
Vincent Bichet, Emilie Gauthier, Charly Massa, and Bianca B. Perre

Dress, Cloth, and the Farmer’s Wife: Textiles from Ø 172 Tatsipataa, Greenland, with Comparative Data from Iceland
Michèle Hayeur Smith








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