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Debating the Thing in the North II: Selected Papers from Workshops Organized by The Assembly Project

Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 8

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts. 

Front Cover





Research Articles

Community and Society: The Thing at the Edge of Europe
Frode Iversen

The Politics of Identity: Late Iron Age Sanctuaries in the Rhineland
Manuel Fernández-Götz and Nico Roymans

Kingdoms, Communities, and Óenaig: Irish Assembly Practices in their Northwest European Context
Patrick Gleeson

Assembly Places and Elite Collective Identities in Medieval Ireland
Elizabeth FitzPatrick

Þingvellir: A Place of Assembly and a Market?
Natascha Mehler

Place Names, Landscape, and Assembly Sites in Skåne, Sweden
Ola Svensson

Gallows, Cairns, and Things: A Study of Tentative Gallows Sites in Shetland
Joris Coolen

Assembly Mounds in the Danelaw: Place-name and Archaeological Evidence in the Historic Landscape
Alexis Tudor Skinner and Sarah Semple

Between Marklo and Merseburg: Assemblies and their Sites in Saxony from the Beginning of Christianization to the Time of the Ottonian Kings
Caspar Ehlers

Performing Oaths in Eddic Poetry: Viking Age Fact or Medieval Fiction?
Anne Irene Riisoy

Eddic Poetry: A Gateway to Late Iron Age Ladies of Law
Anne Irene Riisoy

Re-evaluating the Scottish Thing: Exploring A Late Norse Period and Medieval Assembly mound at Dingwall
Oliver J.T. O’Grady, David MacDonald, and Sandra MacDonald

Factors for the Protection of Merchants in Early Medieval Northern Europe
Carsten Müller-Boysen (Translated by Stuart Jenks)






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