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North American East Coast Shell Midden Research

Journal of the North Atlantic Special Volume 10

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts. 

Front Cover



Dedication and General Acknowledgments

Brian Scott Robinson - In Memoriam
Arthur Spiess

Introduction: North American East Coast Shell Middens
Matthew W. Betts and M. Gabriel Hrynick

Research Articles

A Relational Approach to Hunter-Gatherer Architecture and Gendered Use of Space at Port Joli Harbour, Nova Scotia
M. Gabriel Hrynick and Matthew W. Betts

An Economic History of the Maritime Woodland Period in Port Joli Harbour, Nova Scotia
Matthew W. Betts, Meghan Burchell, and Bernd R. Schönes

Temporal Changes in Marine Shellfish? A Preliminary Archaeological Perspective from the Northumberland Strait
Michelle Lelièvre

Birch Cove and the Protohistoric Period of the Northern Quoddy Region, New Brunswick, Canada
Sue Blair, Margaret Horne, A. Katherine Patton, and W. Jesse Webb

Archaeological Sea Mammal Remains from the Maritime Provinces of Canada
David W. Black

Maritime Culture Patterns and Animal Symbolism in Eastern Maine
Brian S. Robinson and A. Sky Heller

People of the Clam: Shellfish and Diet in Coastal Maine Late Archaic and Ceramic Period Sites
Arthur E. Spiess

3000 Years of Human Subsistence and Estuarine Resource Exploitation on the Rhode River Estuary, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Torben C. Rick, Leslie A. Reeder-Myers, Michael J. Carr, and Anson H. Hines

The Roque Island Archaeological Project, Maine, USA: Methodologies and Results
William R. Belcher and David Sanger








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