Eagle Hill Masthead

Fine Art Home

Advisory Board - Museum

Advisory Board - Conservation

Fine Art Collection

Legacy Donations

Painting Conservation Studio


Residencies in Fine Art ... Pending


Positions available

Eagle Hill homepage

Positions available

We welcome inquiries from others who share a passion for fine art.

Advisory Board members - We seek mentoring from experts in the fields of fine art and art conservation and from those who have taken it upon themselves to play leading roles in facilitating a greater interest in fine art.

In-person lecture presenter - Our annual in-person summer lecture series (Link) is also ready to list lectures on fine art. We are looking for experts in fine art who who are amenable to giving a 1-hour lecture for a general audience, including time for questions. Participants may sign up for an optional dinner afterwards with the presenter. We need 2-weeks notice for planning and publicity. These are voluntary opportunities for experts in fine art who plan on traveling to eastern Maine and for whom the lecture is a pleasant stopover point. We can generally provide overnight accommodations. Lectures are mostly offered on a Wednesday or Thursday at 5:00.

Joerg-Henner Lotze
207-546-2821 Ext 4

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