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This page is for internal use and limited sharing with our discussion partners. We are working through our ideas by way of drafting these webpages.

Fine Art at Eagle Hill

The Eagle Hill Insitute is re-envisaging its commitment to the world of fine art. It is primarily doing so by planning for the construction of a cultural and events center, called the Athenaeum, on the precipitous edge of the western slope of Eagle Hill on Dyer Neck, the only inhabited peninsula summit on the eastern Maine coast, and the only peninsula between Schoodic Point and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge.

The Athenaeum will have the “feel” on the inside of an old-fashioned reading-room-style library which also serves as a setting for exhibiting fine art, but it will be programmatically adapted to simultaneously function as study, meeting, teaching, conference, concert, and special events venue.

We welcome engaging with others who have interests in fine art and who may be willng to help us by way of their comments, questions, and suggestions.

Joerg-Henner Lotze
207-546-2821 Ext 4

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