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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 8, Number 2, 2009

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Dacetine Ants in Southeastern North America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Mark Deyrup and Stefan Cover
Thinking Big: A Conservation Vision for the Southeastern Coastal Plain of North America
Paul A. Keddy
Genetic Assessment of Species Ranges in Fundulus heteroclitus and F. grandis in Northeastern Florida Salt Marshes
Iara Gonzalez, Michael Levin, Sura Jermanus, Brent Watson, and Matthew R. Gilg
Seven Populations of the Southern Kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus jonesi) Discovered in the Choctawhatchee River Basin, Alabama
Michael M. Gangloff and Paul W. Hartfield
Nutrients and Light Limitation of Phytoplankton Biomass in a Turbid Southeastern Reservoir: Implications for Water Quality
Dmitri Sobolev, Kandis Moore, and Ashley L. Morris
Enneacanthus chaetodon (Blackbanded Sunfish): An Imperiled Element of Maryland’s Coastal Plain Ichthyofauna
Jay V. Kilian, Scott A. Stranko, Richard L. Raesly, Andrew J. Becker, and Patrick Ciccotto
Effectiveness of Call-broadcast Surveys for Breeding Marsh Birds Along Coastal Alabama
Eric C. Soehren, James W. Tucker, Jr., and D. Garth Crow
Distribution, Habitat Characteristics, and New County-level Records of Baccharis halimifolia L. on a Portion of its Present US Range Boundary
Gary N. Ervin
Spatial Distribution of Epiphytic Diatoms on Lotic Bryophytes
Jessica M. Knapp and Rex L. Lowe
Mycetozoans of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: An All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory Project
Steven L. Stephenson and John C. Landolt
Soil Moisture and Temperature: Tolerances and Optima for a Non-native Earthworm Species, Amynthas agrestis (Oligochaeta: Opisthopora: Megascolecidae)
D. Russell Richardson, Bruce A. Snyder, and Paul F. Hendrix
Wet-season Food Habits and Intersexual Dietary Overlap of Florida Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina bauri) on National Key Deer Wildlife Refuge, Florida
Steven G. Platt, Clint Hall, Hong Liu, and Christopher K. Borg
Impacts of Nutria Removal on Food Habits of American Alligators in Louisiana
Steven W. Gabrey, Noel Kinler, and Ruth M. Elsey
Myotis septentrionalis Trouessart (Northern Long-eared Bat) Records from the Coastal Plain of North Carolina
Adam D. Morris, Maarten J. Vonhof, Darren A. Miller, and Matina C. Kalcounis-Rueppell
Site Characteristics and Prey Abundance at Foraging Sites Used by Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) Wintering in Florida
Garth Herring and Jaime A. Collazo
Noteworthy Books 375

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