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Online Seminars Calendar

Online Seminars. This page features our fully interactive Online Seminars. They are being offered througout the year as a direct result of and as a creative response to the coronavirus. They are intensive training opportunities with expert instructors who teach by way of a Zoom link. They are interactive without the use of recorded presentations. They have broad geographic applicability. Each includes suggestions for readings and references as well as helpful websites to efficiently augment what is covered during online presentations. The sharing of photographs is encouraged. Almost all are taught outside of normal work-week hour, i.e., during evenings (Eastern Time) and on weekends. A free Zoom account is needed. Classes are recorded so partipants can review them or make up missed ones. Recording are only available to participants.

Online Seminars Paired with a Nature Retreat. Some online seminars focus on taxa that are species-rich in the vicinity of Eagle Hill. These seminars pair well with informal self-study at Eagle Hill. Participants who choose to come to Eagle Hill for a nature retreat can spend the daytime collecting and studying specimens that are the focus of their online seminar, with the goal of preparing to participate in its online classes in the evening. They will join other participants from other locations.

Other Eagle Hill natural history programs are as follows.

Summer Week-long Seminars. These are the traditional week-long, in-person, and in-residence field seminars we have been offering since 1987.

Fall Weekend Workshops. Our in-person and in-residence workshops offer shorter intensive learning opportunites over weekends with expert instructors. We have been offering them since 2014.

Nature Retreats. Opportunities for nature retreats overlap with the above programs.

Online seminar participants are welcome for nature retreats at Eagle Hill.

They can participate in evening seminar classes, explore the coast of Maine during the day, use microscopes, high speed internet, and a 10,000 volume library.

Natural History Science Programs Overview

General information and costs

Application form




Date ranges Titles Instructors

2024 Seminars - Proposals are welcome.

May 6 - 20 Introduction to Entomology Seminar full, with waitlist. Ron Butler
May 22-31 Introduction to Spiders: Biology, Ecology, and Identification Kefyn Catley
May 27 - Jun 5 Introduction to the Collection and Study of Lichens Canceled. Gary Perlmutter
Jun 12 - 21 Deep Time: The Cenozoic Era Frederick Rogers
Jun 24 - Jul 3 Macrolichens and their Ecology Gary Perlmutter
Jul 22 -31 Crustose Lichens and their Ecology Canceled. Gary Perlmutter
Other seminars are in discussion.

2024 seminars completed

Jan 23 - Feb 22 Myxomycetes (Slime Molds): Taxonomy, Ecology, and Moist Chamber Culturing Steven Stephenson
Feb 5 - 19 Ecology and Evolution of Peatmosses (Sphagnum) Jon Shaw
Mar 25 - Apr 3 An Overview of The Quillworts: Identification, Ecology, and Evolution Peter Schafran
Apr 1 - 4 Identification of Common Grasses (Poaceae) Using Field Features Registration Closed, Seminar Full. Robert Lichvar
Apr 8 - 10 Identification of Common Carex (Sedges) Using Field Features Registration Closed, Seminar Full. Robert Lichvar

2023 seminars completed

Jan 23 – 26 (4 days) Identification of Common Grasses (Poaceae) Using Field Features** Full. Robert Lichvar
Jan 30 – Feb 1 (3 days) Identification of Common Carex (Sedges) Using Field Features** Full. Robert Lichvar
Feb 4 - Mar 4 Photo Editing: Adobe Lightroom Classic and Creative Cloud for Naturalists Erika Mitchell
Feb 6 - 15 Crustose Lichens Gary Perlmutter
Feb 7 - 21 Ecology and Evolution of Peatmosses (Sphagnum) Full. Jon Shaw
May 1 - 10 Macrolichens Gary Perlmutter
May 31 - June 9 Deep Time: The Mesozoic Era Frederick Rogers
Sep 4 - 13 Introduction to the Collection and Study of Lichens Gary Perlmutter
Oct 16 - 25 Macrolichens Gary Perlmutter
Nov 13 - 22 The Worlds of the Ants: Natural History, Cultural History, and Research Perspectives Aaron Ellison
Dec 5 - 19 Winter Identification of Trees and Woody Plants of the Northern Forest: A Wholistic Approach Erika Mitchell

2022 Online seminars

Jan 15 - 23 The American Chestnut: An Environmental History (4 days) Donald Edward Davis and Ralph H. Lutts
Jan 29 - Feb 26 Winter Identification of Trees and Woody Plants of the Northern Forest Full. Erika Mitchell
Jan 30 - Feb 27 Introduction to Tardigrade Study and Identification Full. Emma Perry
Feb 19 - Mar 19 Hornwort Biology and Systematics Full. Juan Carlos Villareal Aguillar
Mar 21 - 25 The Genus Quercus: Ecology, Evolution, and Global Distribution ** Paul Manos
April 4 - 13 Introduction to the Study of Lichens Gary Perlmutter
Apr 4 - May 2 Photography and Biology of Spring Insects and Spiders Kefyn Catley
May 24 - Jun 7 An Overview of The Quillworts: Identification, Ecology, and Evolution Peter Schafran
Jun 1 - 10 Deep Time: The Paleozoic Era Fred Rogers
Oct 17 - 26 Introduction to Lichens Full. Gary Perlmutter
Oct 31 - Nov 9 Spider Biology, Ecology, and Identification Full. Kefyn Catley
Oct 22 - Nov 19 Fall Identification of Trees and Woody Plants of the Northern Forest Erika Mitchell
Nov 28 - Dec 7 Introduction to Lichens Full. Gary Perlmutter

2021 Online seminars

Jan 9 - Feb 6 Winter Identification of Trees and Woody Plants of the Northern Forest Full. Erika Mitchell
Jan 20 - 29 Costa Rican Natural History and Culture: An Evolutionary Perspective Full. Gregorio Dauphin
Feb 2 - 16 Perceptions of Flora and Fauna in Ancient Central and South American Art and Culture Shelley Burian
Feb 13 - Mar 13 Winter Identification of Trees and Woody Plants of the Northern Forest Full. Erika Mitchell
Feb 22 - Mar - 8 Crustose Lichens Full. Gary Perlmutter
Mar 22 - 31 Nonindigenous Amphibians and Reptiles in Florida from 1863–2020: Evidence for 157 Years of Invasions Kenneth Krysko
Mar 6 - Apr 10 Hornwort Biology and Systematics Full. Juan Carlos Villarreal Aguilar
Mar 27 - Apr 10 Myxomycetes (Slime Molds) and Higher Fungi in Tropical Forests, with an Emphasis on Northern Thailand Steven Stephenson
Apr 6 - Apr 20 Crustose Lichens Full. Gary Perlmutter
Apr 5 - May 3 Photography and Biology of Spring Insects and Spiders Kefyn Catley
Apr 21 - May 5 Marine Red Algae: Ecology, Identification, Distribution, and Importance in the Northwestern Atlantic Full. Amanda Savoie
May 15 - 29 Freshwater Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Australia with an Emphasis on Tropical Species Cancelled C Barre Hellquist
Apr 29 - May 27 Leaf and Stem Mining Insects of the Southern USA Charley Eiseman
Jun 1 - 10 Biology and Field Identification of Amphibians Lynda Miller
Jun 2 - 11 Deep Time: The History of Life on Earth Fred Rogers
Jun 5 - 19 The Genus Quercus: Ecology, Evolution, and Global Distribution Paul Manos
Jun 22 - Jul 6 Woven Cultures: Exploring the Textiles of the Ancient Andes Shelley Burian
Jun 19 - July 17 A Global Ecology Journey Douglas Zook
Jun 28 - Jul 7 Canopy Lichens: Identification and Ecology Full. Gary Perlmutter
Sep 20 - 24 Identification of Common Grasses (Poaceae) Using Field Features Full. ** Robert Lichvar
Sep 27 - 29 Identification of Common Carex (Sedges) Using Field Features Full. ** Robert Lichvar
Oct 4 - 13 Myxomycete Biology, Systematics, Ecology, and Distribution Full. Steven Stephenson
Oct 5 - 19 The Worlds of the Ants: Natural History, Cultural History, and Research Perspectives Aaron Ellison
Oct 25 - Nov 3 Introduction to the Study of Lichens Full. Gary Perlmutter
Nov 15 - 29 Introduction to Spiders: Biology, Ecology, Behavior and Field Identification Full. Kefyn Catley
Nov 6 - Dec 4 Fall Identification of Trees and Woody Plants of the Northern Forest Erika Mitchell
Nov 16 - Dec 2 Marine Macroalgae: Ecology, Identification, Distribution, and Importance Amanda Savoie
Dec 1 - 10 Crustose Lichens Gary Perlmutter

2020 Online seminars

Jul 25 - Aug 29 Leaf Mining and Stem Mining Insects Full. Charley Eiseman
Jul 28 - Aug 6 Biology and Field Identification of Amphibians and Reptiles Lynda Miller
Jul 29 - Aug 26 The Poet and The Natural World Hayley Kolding
Aug 1 - 29 Introduction to Tardigrade Study and Identification Full. Emma Perry
Sep 4 - Oct 2 Painting Hummingbirds in Watercolor Full. Dorie Petrochko
Sep 5 - Oct 3 Leaf Mining and Stem Mining Insects Full. Charley Eiseman
Sep 21 - 25 Identification of Common Grasses (Poaceae) Using Field Features Full. Robert Lichvar
Sep 28 - Oct 7 Photographing and Identifying Fall Insects and Spiders
Kefyn Catley
Oct 5 - 7 Identification of Common Carex (Sedges) Using Field Features Full. Robert Lichvar
Nov 2 - 11 A "Dive" into the Liverworts and Hornworts of Central America Full. Gregorio Dauphin
Nov 13 - Dec 1 Marine Macroalgae: Ecology, Identification, Distribution, and Importance Full. Amanda Savoie
Nov 9 - 23 Introduction to Lichens Full. Gary Perlmutter
Dec 5 - 19 Ferns of Central America Weston Testo
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