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Legacy donations and bequests

We surely need the support of major donors who are in a position to make a legacy donation of cash during their lifetime or by way of a bequest. Such donations can inspire a burst of creativity and rapid progress. They offer a deeply meaningful way for a donor to partner with us to achieve something significant that parallels a life-long interests they have had.

The institute does not generally seek donations and bequests in order to support its current or new mission interests, but it does seek support for capital projects, such as facilities improvements and the construction of new buildings, such as the cultural and events center planned for the western slope of Eagle Hill.

Legacy decisions involving fine art ... We are keenly interested in engaging with collectors of fine art who are contemplating a legacy decision and who can envisage what it will mean to have works in their collection remain in coastal eastern Maine for the enjoyment of future generations within the fine art museum at Eagle Hill, rather than being left to the vagaries of fate or ending up in the deep recesses of a major museum. It is important in this regard to remember that coastal eastern Maine is a favored global travel destination.

Our Charitable Giving Guide

This Guide provides a broad overview of the multiplicity of ways in which financial planners can help donors with questions about how they can best support the institute by way of their donations. Our Financial Consultant is available to answer discreet question.

A fiscally conservative organization ... For decades, the institute has been 98% publicly supported each year, without exception.

Naming opportunities

Our endowment

Joerg-Henner Lotze, the Director of the institute, is pleased to answer questions by email, to speak by telephone or zoom, and to travel to meet in-person. Our financial advisor is standing by to answer detailed questions.
