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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 7, Number 1, 2008

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Foraging Behavior of Short-eared Owls and Northern Harriers on a Reclaimed Surface Mine in Kentucky  
Mark Vukovich and Gary Ritchison
Winter Bird Population Studies and Project Prairie Birds for Surveying Grassland Birds
Daniel J. Twedt, Paul B. Hamel, and Mark S. Woodrey
Age-related Differences in Kleptoparasitic Behavior of Magnificent Frigatebirds
Lesley P. Bulluck and Jason F. Bulluck
Current and Historical Composition and Size Structure of Upland Forests Across a Soil Gradient in North Mississippi
Sherry B. Surrette, Steven M. Aquilani, and J. Stephen Brewer
Ridgetop Fire History of an Oak-Pine Forest in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas
Bear L. Engbring, Eric Heitzman, and Martin A. Spetich>
Influence of Competition on the Density of the Federally Endangered Michaux’s Sumac (Rhus michauxii) at Fort Pickett, Virginia
Verl Emrick and Jeffray Jones
Life History of the Tricolor Shiner, Cyprinella trichroistia (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), in Alabama
Jeremy H. Scott and Richard L. Mayden
Shelter-use and Interactions Between Banded Sculpin (Cottus carolinae) and Bigclaw Crayfish (Orconectes placidus) in Stream-pool habitats
Crystal Bishop, Brianna Begley, Christina Nicholas, Jessica Rader, Elizabeth Reed, Kyle Sykes, Todd Williams, Elizabeth Young, and Dennis Mullen
Distribution of Tardigrades in Florida
Harry A. Meyer
A Dung Beetle Assemblage in an Urban Park in Louisiana
Meghan G. Radtke, Chris E. Carlton, and G. Bruce Williamson
Scale-dependent Habitat Selection by Female Florida Black Bears in Ocala National Forest, FL
Melissa A. Moyer, J. Walter McCown, and Madan K. Oli
Osteological Variation within the Baldwin County, GA, Population of Didelphis virginiana
David B. Patterson and Alfred J. Mead
Seasonal Food Habits of the Coyote in the South Carolina Coastal Plain
Joshua D. Schrecengost, John C. Kilgo, David Mallard, H. Scott Ray, and Karl V. Miller
Distribution of Mycoplasma agassizii in a Gopher Tortoise Population in South Florida
Melissa L. Karlin
Visible Implant Elastomer as a Tool for Marking Etheostomine Darters (Actinopterygii: Percidae)
Michael R. Weston and Ronald L. Johnson
Tag Returns from Loggerhead Turtles from Wassaw Island, Georgia
Kristina L. Williams and Michael G. Frick
A Complex Mimetic Relationship Between the Central Newt and Ozark Highlands Leech
Malcolm L. McCallum, Stacy Beharry, And Stanley E. Trauth
Notes on Harper’s Beauty, Harperocallis flava (Tofieldiaceae), in Bay County, Florida
Lisa A. Keppner and Loran C. Anderson
Book Reviews 185

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