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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 13, Number 3, 2014

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Early-Successional Breeding Bird Communities in Intensively Managed Pine Plantations: Influence of Vegetation Succession but Not Site Preparations
Falyn L. Owens, Philip C Stouffer, Michael J. Chamberlain, and Darren A. Miller
Phylogeographic Patterns Among the Subspecies of Notophthalmus viridescens (Eastern Newt) in South Carolina
Gavin R. Lawson and Eran S. Kilpatrick
Survival and Home-Range Size of Southeastern Fox Squirrels in North Carolina
Annemarie Prince, Christopher S. DePerno, Beth Gardner, and Christopher E. Moorman
Small-Mammal Occupancy in Freshwater Marshes of Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
Eric J. Tobin, Jenneke M. Visser, James K. Peterson, and Paul L. Leberg
Does Gut Passage Affect Post-dispersal Seed Fate in a Wild Chili, Capsicum annuum?
Clay F. Noss and Douglas J. Levey
Life-History Correlates of Plant Endemism in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems
Jennifer M. Fill, Shane M. Welch, Herrick Brown, Jayme L. Waldron, Alan S. Weakley, and Timothy A. Mousseau
Episodic Flooding of The Ouachita River: Levee-mediated Mortality of Trees and Saplings in a Bottomland Hardwood Restoration Area
Matthew L. Reid and Joydeep Bhattacharjee
Evidence of Natural Reproduction by Muskellunge in Middle Tennessee Rivers
Lila H. Warren and Phillip W. Bettoli
Occurrence of Juvenile Paralichthys lethostigma (Southern Flounder) in Tributaries of Chesapeake Bay
Sean C. Lusk, Brian E. Watkins, Ashleigh Rhea, Casey B. Dillman, and Eric J. Hilton
Reduced Densities of Ectosymbiotic Worms (Annelida: Branchiobdellida) on Reproducing Female Crayfish
Kaitlin J. Farrell, Robert P. Creed, and Bryan L. Brown
Conservation Status of Etheostoma luteovinctum and Notes on Observations of a Burying Behavior
Matthew D. Wagner, Mark S. Hoger, and Rebecca E. Blanton
Fish Assemblages on Sand/gravel Bar Habitat in the Alabama River, Alabama
T. Heath Haley and Carol E. Johnston
Dispersal Behavior of Diamond-backed Terrapin Post-hatchlings
Andrew T. Coleman, Thane Wibbels, Ken Marion, Taylor Roberge, David Nelson, and John Dindo
The Influence of Maternal Size on the Eggs and Hatchlings of Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Anne Marie LeBlanc, David C. Rostal, K. Kristina Drake, Kristina L. Williams, Michael G. Frick, John Robinette, and Debra E. Barnard-Keinath
An Evaluation of June Wood Duck Banding in the Southern Atlantic Flyway
Gregory D. Balkcom, Pamela R. Garrettson, and R. Joseph Benedict, Jr.
Effectiveness of a Hand Removal Program for Management of Nonindigenous Apple Snails in an Urban Pond
Jennifer L. Bernatis and Gary L. Warren
Effects of Bait Type, Bait Age, and Trap Hours on Capture Success of Freshwater Turtles
Ivana Mali, David Haynes, and Michael R.J. Forstner
A Prehistoric Freshwater Mussel Assemblage from the Big Sunflower River, Sunflower County, Mississippi
Joseph Mitchell and Evan Peacock
New Record of Everglades Mink in Everglades National Park from the Stomach of an American Alligator
Adam E. Rosenblatt, James C. Nifong, Michael R. Heithaus, Mark W. Parry, and
Frank J. Mazzotti
Are Seeds Consumed by Crocodilians Viable? A Test of the Crocodilian Saurochory Hypothesis
Adam E. Rosenblatt, Scott Zona, Michael R. Heithaus, and Frank J. Mazzotti
Confirmation of Coyote Predation on Adult Female White-tailed Deer in the Southeastern United States
M. Colter Chitwood, Marcus A. Lashley, Christopher E. Moorman, and Christopher S. DePerno
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