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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 13, Number 2, 2014

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Sex Ratios of Wild American Alligator Hatchlings in Southwest Louisiana
Ruth M. Elsey and Jeffrey W. Lang
Patch Burning Improves Forage Quality and Creates Grassbank in Old-field Pasture: Results of a Demonstration Trial
Devan Allen McGranahan, Charlotte B. Henderson, Jonas S. Hill, Gina M. Raicovich, W. Nathan Wilson, and C. Kenneth Smith
Species Richness Estimation and Rarefaction of Fish Assemblages in a Small Watershed
J. Murray Hyde, Paul M. Stewart, and Jonathan M. Miller
Responses of Planted Native Warm-season Grasses and Associated Vegetation to Seasonality of Fire in the Southeastern US
Elizabeth Holcomb, Patrick Keyser, and Craig Harper
A Comparison of Resident Fish Assemblages in Managed and Unmanaged Coastal Wetlands in North Carolina and South Carolina
Kelly F. Robinson and Cecil A. Jennings
Home Range and Habitat Selection of an Inland Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Population at the Northwestern Edge of the Distribution Range
Joseph D. Lewis, James W. Cain III, and Robert Denkhaus
Melanistic Coyotes in Northwest Georgia
Christopher B. Mowry and Justin L. Edge
The Vascular Flora of the Old Cahawba Forever Wild Tract, Dallas County, Alabama
T. Wayne Barger, Brian D. Holt, Linda Derry, and Jonathan Matthews
Logging Legacies Affect Insect Pollinator Communities in Southern Appalachian Forests
Michelle M. Jackson, Monica G. Turner, and Scott M. Pearson
A Survey for the Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) in Western Kentucky
Danna L. Baxley, James O. Barnard, and Heather Venter
Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae) in the Paint Rock River (Jackson, Madison, and Marshall Counties), Alabama
Todd B. Fobian, Michael L. Buntin, Jesse T. Holifield, Thomas A. Tarpley, Jeffrey T. Garner, and Paul D. Johnson
Simulating Potential Population Growth of Wild Pig, Sus scrofa, in Texas
Janell M. Mellish, Aaron Sumrall, Tyler A. Campbell, Bret A. Collier, William H. Neill, Billy Higginbotham, and Roel R. Lopez
Surface-soil Properties of Alder Balds with respect to Grassy and Rhododendron Balds on Roan Mountain, North Carolina–Tennessee
James T. Donaldson, Zachary C. Dinkins, Foster Levy, and Arpita Nandi
Spider (O: Araneae) Responses to Fire and Fire Surrogate Fuel Reduction in a Piedmont Forest in Upstate South Carolina
Michael E. Vickers and Joseph D. Culin
Ground Beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Species Composition in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
Robert Browne, Sarah Maveety, Leigh Cooper, and Kathryn Riley
Vocalization Observed in Starving White-tailed Deer Neonates
M. Colter Chitwood, Marcus A. Lashley, Christopher E. Moorman, and Christopher S. DePerno
An Unusual Song-like Vocalization Produced by Female Bachman’s Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis)
James A. Cox, Clark D. Jones, James W. Tucker, Jr., and Gregory F. Budney
Female Performance of Male Courtship Display in Northern Cardinals
M. Susan DeVries, Caitlin P. Winters, and Jodie M. Jawor
Unusual Bat Behavior During Winter in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
James A. Carr, Riley F. Bernard, and William H. Stiver
Noteworthy Books B6

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