The Cultural and Events Center

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A Design Charrette for the Performance Spaces in the Cultural and Events Center

We are boldy seeking to raise $3,250,000 to create a new home for the music program in the cultural and events center on the western slope of Eagle Hill that will be commensurate with its enormous potentials.

We feel that it is important to involve members of the extended Eagle Hill family in helping to envisage what this will mean for the future of the music program. Discussions can focus on envisaging a larger performance space, a traditional green room suite, and a teaching room for hosting music master classes with multiple practice rooms.

A design charrette is a traditional way for seeking design suggestions and for evaluating design proposals from competing architects. With this in mind, we are open now to suggestions from members of the extended Eagle Hill family. We will carefully consider these and present selections linked from this webpage. They will be passed on to architects.

We will be especially looking forward to engaging with donors to involve them prior to key decision-making points.