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General Acknowledgments

Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 15, Special Issue 8 (2016)

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2017 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 24, Special Issue 7 i 24(Special Issue 7):i Everglades Invasive Species General Acknowledgments This Special Issue was based on a workshop held at the 2015 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. The workshop focused on advances in research and management of invasive exotic species in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem. Many individuals contributed to the publication of this Special Issue. The workshop was sponsored by the US Geological Survey, the US National Park Service, and the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. We are especially thankful to Nick Aumen and Beth Miller- Tipton for inspiring and organizing this workshop. We are grateful to the editorial staff of the Southeastern Naturalist, especially Keith Goldfarb, Jill Weber, and Joerg-Henner Lotze, for generously agreeing to publish the papers resulting from the workshop, and patiently overseeing the submission and review process. We are indebted to the manuscript editors and the anonymous reviewers whose work made this volume possible. We thank the authors for presenting papers at the workshop and for contributing their work to this Special Issue. Finally, we would like to dedicate this special issue in memory of Daniel Frank Austin, 1943–2015. Dan, an Emeritus Professor at Florida Atlantic University, was a pioneer of invasive species biology and management in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem. – Special Issue Editors: Frank J. Mazzotti Wildlife Ecology and Conservation University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center Davie, FL H. Leroy Rodgers Land Resources Bureau South Florida Water Management District West Palm Beach, FL Michael Cherkiss Wetland and Aquatic Research Center US Geological Survey Fort Lauderdale, FL Everglades Invasive Species 2017 Southeastern Naturalist 15(Special Issue 8):i