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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 14, Number 3, 2015

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Survey of a Rodent and Tick Community in East-Central Texas
Jaime E. Rodriguez, Sarah A. Hamer, Adrian A. Castellanos, and Jessica E. Light
Movement, Homing, and Fates of Fluvial-Specialist Shoal Bass Following Translocation into an Impoundment
Andrew T. Taylor and Douglas L. Peterson
Area Sensitivity of Grassland Sparrows Overwintering in a South Carolina Forested Landscape
Paul J. Champlin, John C. Kilgo, J. Drew Lanham, and Frank J. Spilker
Prey Selection by Three Mesopredators that are Thought to Prey on Eastern Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo sylvestris) in the Pineywoods of East Texas
Haemish I.A.S. Melville, Warren C.Conway, Michael L.Morrison, Christopher E. Comer, and Jason B. Hardin
Muskrat Predation of Native Freshwater Mussels in Shoal Creek, Alabama
Andrew J. Edelman, John Moran, Timothy J. Garrabrant, and Kaley C. Vorreiter
Current Distribution and New County Records for the Confederate Daisy, Helianthus porteri (Asteraceae), in Alabama
David M. Frings and Lawrence J. Davenport
Herpetofaunal Diversity and Seasonality from a Remnant Coastal Chenier Forest in Southwestern Louisiana
Will Selman
Small-Mammal Mortality Caused by Discarded Bottles and Cans along a US Forest Service Road in the Cherokee National Forest
M. Kevin Hamed and Thomas F. Laughlin
The Ichthyofauna of Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida
Marcus Zokan, Greg Ellis, Shawn E. Clem, Jerome Lorenz, and William F. Loftus
Nutrient Composition of Prey Items Consumed by Free-Ranging Drymarchon couperi (Eastern Indigo Snakes)
Ellen S. Dierenfeld, Terry M. Norton, Natalie L. Hyslop, and Dirk J. Stevenson
Pomacea maculata (Island Apple Snail) Invasion in Seasonal Wetlands on Florida Ranchland: Association with Plant- Community Structure and Aquatic-Predator Abundance
Colleen Smith, Elizabeth H. Boughton, and Steffan Pierre
Sediment-trapping by Beaver Ponds in Streams of the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont and Coastal Plain, USA
Daniel E. Kroes and Christopher W. Bason
First Molecular Verification of a Marine-collected Specimen of Alosa alabamae (Teleostei: Clupeidae)
Paul F. Mickle, Jim S. Franks, Brian R. Kreiser, Gary J. Gray, Jeremy M. Higgs, and Jeanne-Marie Havrylkoff
A New Record for the Maximum Length of the American Alligator
Arnold M. Brunell, Thomas R. Rainwater, Michael Sievering, and Steven G. Platt
Atypical Den Use of Carolina Northern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
Corinne A. Diggins, Christine A. Kelly, and W. Mark Ford
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