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Pulverulina, a New Genus of Agaricales for Clitocybe ulmicola

P. Brandon Matheny1,*, Karen W. Hughes1, Jacob Kalichman1, and Renée Lebeuf2

1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1610. 2Saint-Casimir, QC G0A 3L0, Canada.*Corresponding author.

Southeastern Naturalist,Volume 19, Issue 3 (2020): 447–459

A new genus, Pulverulina, is described to accommodate the monotypic lineage Clitocybe ulmicola in the Porotheleaceae. Pulverulina ulmicola is characterized by small, clitocyboid, pileate-stipitate basidiomata with a tough, pruinose stipe; distant decurrent lamellae; smooth inamyloid basidiospores; long, abundant caulocystidia; interwoven lamellar trama, and lignicolous habit on bark of living trees. A taxonomic description and illustrations are provided together with molecular phylogenetic analysis of 14 genera of Porotheleaceae. One new taxon and 3 new combinations are proposed: Pulverulina gen. nov. and Pulverulina ulmicola comb. nov., Hydropus rugosodiscus comb. nov., and Leucoinocybe auricoma comb. nov.

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