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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 19, Number 3, 2020

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Pulverulina, a New Genus of Agaricales for Clitocybe ulmicola
P. Brandon Matheny, Karen W. Hughes, Jacob Kalichman, and Renée Lebeuf
Identifying Habitat Associations of Sea Turtles Within an Area of Offshore Sub-Tropical Reefs (NW Atlantic)
Peter J. Auster, Fabio Campanella, Rochelle Kurth, Roldan C. Muñoz, and J. Christopher Taylor
Bee Communities of Emergent Wetlands Under Restoration in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Arkansas
Phillip L. Stephenson,Ashley P.G. Dowling, and David G. Krementz
An Ecological Characterization of Fish Assemblages in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida
Dakota M. Lewis,Brittany V. Troast, Jackson C. Glomb, and Geoffrey S. Cook
Natural History Traits and Ecology of the Striped Mud Turtle in a Florida Wetland
Leyna R. Stemle,Kristen M. Martinet, and Gabriel J. Langford

Seasonal Changes in the Active Bat Community of the Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana
Richard D. Stevens,Carlos J. Garcia, Macy A. Madden, Beau B. Gregory, and Roger W. Perry
Evaluation of Microhabitat Conditions Used by Noturus stanauli (Pygmy Madtom) in the Clinch River, Tennessee
William G. Wells, Jessica L. Davis, and Hayden T. Mattingly
Inter-annual Variation of Exogenous Cues Influences Reproductive Phenology of the Longnose Shiner, Notropis longirostris
David C. Heins
Apparent Resilience to Fire of Native Bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Communities from Upland Longleaf Pine Forests in Louisiana and Mississippi
Sara A. Simmons and Janice L. Bossart
Spatial and Temporal Water Quality Assessment in the Lower St. Johns River, Florida
Gretchen Bielmyer-Fraser, Ksenja Llazar>, Joceff Ramirez1, Ashlen Ward, and Fasinia Santiago
Effect of Self- and Cross-pollination Treatments and Microhabitat on Seed Germination of Prosthechea cochleata and Encyclia tampensis (Orchidaceae) in Southern Florida
Haleigh A. Ray, Michael E. Kane, and Jennifer L. Gillett-Kaufman
Erratum 612
Refining the Distribution of Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat in Florida
Lisa M. Smith, Kevin J. Oxenrider, R. Blair Hayman, and Jeffery A. Gore
Novel Epibiont Coral Found on Limulus polyphemus (Atlantic Horseshoe Crab) in Northwestern Florida
Berlynna M. Heres, Rosalyn F. Kilcollins, and Claire E. Crowley
Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens) Use of Trees as Day Roosts in North Carolina and Tennessee
Stephen T. Samoray,Shelby N. Patterson, Joey Weber, and Joy O’Keefe
The Discovery of Gray Bats (Myotis grisescens) in Bridges in Western North Carolina
Katherine L.C. Etchison and Joey Weber
New Record for the Endangered Myotis grisescens (Gray Bat) in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Riley F. Bernard, Emma V. Willcox, Grace M. Carpenter, and William H. Stiver
Noteworthy Books B2

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