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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 7, Number 4, 2008

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Host-tree Selection by an Epiphytic Orchid, Epidendrum magnoliae Muhl. (Green Fly Orchid), in an Inland Hardwood Hammock in Georgia
Bradley J. Bergstrom and Richard Carter
The Vascular Flora of an Ozark Plateau Site, Ottawa County, Oklahoma
Bruce W. Hoagland and Amy K. Buthod         
Soil Region Effects on White-tailed Deer Forage Protein Content
Phillip D. Jones, Stephen Demarais, Bronson K. Strickland, and Scott L. Edwards
Roost selection by Big Brown Bats in Forests of Arkansas: Importance of Pine Snags and Open Forest Habitats to Males
Roger W. Perry and Ronald E. Thill
Noteworthy Records of Bats from Central Georgia
Michael J. Bender and Dennis Parmley
Categorizing Introduced Fishes Collected from Public Waters
Paul L. Shafland, Kelly B. Gestring, and Murray S. Stanford
Population Genetics of the Blue Shiner, Cyprinella caerulea
Anna L. George, John B. Caldieraro, Kathryn M. Chartrand, and Richard L. Mayden
Comparison of Red Grouper Populations from Campeche Bank, Mexico and West Florida Shelf, United States
Linda A. Lombardi-Carlson, Mark A. Grace, and David E. De Anda Fuentes
Density Dynamics of a Threatened Species of Darter at Spatial and Temporal Scales
Mitchell S. Wine, Michael R. Weston, and Ronald L. Johnson
Life-history Plasticity Among Stream Sites in the Chattahoochee River Drainage, Alabama
Lemuel R. Casten and Carol E. Johnston
Diet and Abundance of Southern Two-lined Salamander Larvae (Eurycea cirrigera) in Streams within an Agricultural Landscape, Southwest Georgia
Tara K. Muenz, Stephen W. Golladay, Lora L. Smith, and George Vellidis
Life-history Aspects of Stereochilus marginatus, with a Comparison of Larval Development in Syntopic S. marginatus and Pseudotriton montanus (Amphibia: Plethodontidae)
Richard C. Bruce
Spatial Distribution of Hydrobiid Snails in Salt Marsh along the Skidaway River in Southeastern Georgia with Notes on their Larval Trematodes
Oscar J. Pung, C. Brad Grinstead, Kraig Kersten, and Catherine L. Edenfield
Distribution of the Armored Snail (Marstonia pachyta) and Slender Campeloma (Campeloma decampi) in Limestone, Piney, and Round Island Creeks, Alabama
Thomas M. Haggerty and Jeffrey T. Garner
Nest-site Fidelity in American Alligators in a Louisiana Coastal Marsh
Ruth M. Elsey, Phillip L. Trosclair III, and Travis C. Glenn
A Revised Distribution of Hydropsyche carolina Banks (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) with a New Record from Tennessee
Rick D. Bivens, Bart D. Carter, and Carl E. Williams
Terrestrial Foraging by Two Species of Semiaquatic Turtles (Testudines: Emydidae)
John L. Carr
Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Response to Nest Depredation by an Eastern Rat Snake (Elaphe alleghaniensis)
David K. Delaney, Larry L. Pater, Lawrence D. Carlile, Dirk J. Stevenson, and Andrew D. Walde
Book Reviews 760

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