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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 6, Number 4, 2007

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Multivariate Analyses of Shell Morphology of Putative Hybrid Box Turtles
William I. Lutterschmidt, Sian A. Escobar, and Everett D. Wilson
Mammals of the North-central Piedmont of South Carolina
Steven E. Fields         
Scirtid Beetles (Helodes pulchella), Leaf Litter, and Treeholes: Is There Evidence of Facilitation in the Field?
John Q. Burkhart, Leslie Smith, Shawn Villalpando, and Christopher J. Paradise
Roost selection by Big Brown Bats in Forests of Arkansas: Importance of Pine Snags and Open Forest Habitats to Males
Roger W. Perry and Ronald E. Thill
Survey of Bacterial and Fungal Associates of Black/Hybrid Imported Fire Ants from Mounds in Mississippi
Richard Baird, Sandra Woolfolk, and C.E. Watson
Monitoring-based Assessment of Gap Analysis Models
Jill A. LaBram, Amanda E. Peck, and Craig R. Allen
Accounting for Incomplete Detection when Estimating Site Occupancy of Bluenose Shiner (Pteronotropis welaka) in Southwest Georgia
Brett Albanese, James T. Peterson, Byron J. Freeman, and Deborah A. Weiler
Potential Roles of Fish, Birds, and Water in Swamp Privet (Forestiera acuminata) Seed Dispersal
Susan B. Adams, Paul B. Hamel, Kristina Connor, Bryce Burke, Emile S. Gardiner, and David Wise
The Vascular Flora of Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area, Mason County, Texas
Jason R. Singhurst, Laura L. Sanchez, Donnie Frels, Jr., T.Wayne Schwertner, Mark Mitchell, Sara Moren, and Walter C. Holmes
Observations on the Reproductive Biology of Two Notropis Shiner Species
Bruce Stallsmith, Kevin Butler, Amy Woodall, and Bob Muller
Marine Fish Diversity and Composition in the Mid-Atlantic and South Atlantic Bights
Joseph W. Love and Peter D. Chase
Use of Altered Habitats by the Endemic Sand Skink (Plestiodon reynoldsi Stejneger)
David A. Pike, Kelley S. Peterman, and Jay H. Exum
Life History and Color Variants in a Matriline of Oklahoma Salamander (Eurycea tynerensis)
Mark L. McKnight and Nathaniel A. Nelson
Survey for West Nile Virus Infection in Free-ranging American Alligators in Louisiana
Rachel M. McNew, Ruth M. Elsey, Thomas R. Rainwater, Eric J. Marsland, and Steven M. Presley
Feeding Habits and Mouth Morphology of Young Silver Perch (Bairdiella chrysoura) from the North-Central Gulf of Mexico
Gretchen L. Waggy, Mark S. Peterson, and Bruce H. Comyns
Texas Shrews (Blarina hylophaga) Lacking External Eye Openings
Melissa C. Jones, Thomas R. Simpson, Richard Manning, and Michael R.J. Forstner
Book Reviews 755

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