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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 13, Special Issue 5, 2014

Proceedings of the 5th Big Thicket Science Conference: Changing Landscapes and Changing Climate

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Preface and General Acknowledgments
Jerry L. Cook
Instream Woody Debris and Riparian Forest Characteristics in the Sabine River, Texas
Matthew McBroom, Michael Ringer, and Yanli Zhang
Floristics of Ephemeral Ponds in East-central Texas
Barbara R. MacRoberts, Michael H. MacRoberts, D. Craig Rudolph, and David W. Peterson
A Matrix Population Model for Mottled Ducks (Anas fulvigula) of the Western Gulf Coast
Elizabeth A. Rigby and David A. Haukos
Vegetative Characteristics of Bachman’s Sparrow Habitat in the West Gulf Coastal Plain
Robert Allen and D. Brent Burt
Restoration and Winter Avian Use of Isolated Prairies in Eastern Texas
D. Craig Rudolph, Dave E. Plair, Dan Jones, J. Howard Williamson, Clifford E. Shackelford, Richard R. Schaefer, and Joshua B. Pierce
Initial Ecosystem Restoration in the Highly Erodible Kisatchie Sandstone Hills
D. Andrew Scott
Fire Exclusion Effects within the Pinus palustris Communities of Upland Island Wilderness, Texas
Brian P. Oswald, Mohammad M. Bataineh, Ira V. McWhorter, Michael H. Legg, and Daniel R. Unger

Does Prescribed Fire Facilitate Fire Ant Invasions in Coastal Prairies or Aid Management by Improving Mound Search Efforts?
Dirac Twidwell, Jennifer M. Meza, Charles J. Turney, and William E. Rogers

Soapberry Borer, Agrilus prionurus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae): An Exotic Pest Threatens Western Soapberry in Texas
Ronald F. Billings, Donald M. Grosman, and Herbert A. Pase III
Tardigrada of the West Gulf Coastal Plain, with Descriptions of Two new Species from Louisiana
Harry A. Meyer, Megan N. Domingue, and Juliana G. Hinton
Lone Star Bears: The Tardigrada of Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas
Juliana G. Hinton, Harry A. Meyer, Nola D. McDaniel, Cynthia B. Bergeron, Shailaja J. Keely, and Amie Matte
Winter Movements of Louisiana Pine Snakes (Pituophis ruthveni) in Texas and Louisiana
Josh B. Pierce, D. Craig Rudolph, Shirley J. Burgdorf, Richard R. Schaefer, Richard N. Conner, John G. Himes, C. Mike Duran, Laurence M. Hardy, and Robert R. Fleet
Modeling Louisiana Pine Snake (Pituophis ruthveni) Habitat Use in Relation to Soils
Robert O. Wagner, Josh B. Pierce, D. Craig Rudolph, Richard R. Schaefer, and Dwayne A. Hightower
Roosts of Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bats and Southeastern Myotis in East Texas
Leigh A. Stuemke, Christopher E. Comer, Michael L. Morrison, Warren C. Conway, and Ricky W. Maxey
Using Infrared-Triggered Cameras to Monitor Activity of Forest Carnivores
Matthew E. Symmank, Christopher E. Comer, and James C. Kroll

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