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Cerambycidae Bycatch from Asian Longhorned Beetle Survey Traps Placed in Forested Environs
Marc F. DiGirolomo and Kevin J. Dodds

Northeastern Naturalist, Volume 21, Issue 3 (2014): N28–N34

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2014 Northeastern Naturalist Notes Vol. 21, No. 3 N28 M.F. DiGirolomo and K.J. Dodds Cerambycidae Bycatch from Asian Longhorned Beetle Survey Traps Placed in Forested Environs Marc F. DiGirolomo1,* and Kevin J. Dodds1 Abstract - During the summer of 2012, 1500 semiochemical-baited detection traps targeting Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian Longhorned Beetle [ALB]) were deployed on the periphery of a large quarantine area in central Massachusetts. This large-scale survey effort provided an opportunity to investigate cerambycids other than ALB that were captured from a subset of these traps as bycatch. We captured a total of 278 cerambycids (long-horned beetles) representing 39 species during 3 months of trapping; Graphisurus fasciatus, Brachyleptura rubrica, Astylopsis macula, Aegomorphus modestus, and Elaphidion mucronatum (long-horned beetles) were the most abundant. The data presented here indicate that pest-detection activities involving semiochemical-baited traps provide an important opportunity to survey non-target insects. We undertook an extensive trapping program targeting Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Asian Longhorned Beetle [ALB]) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in 2012. This survey was an effort to further delineate the ALB population in Worcester, MA and was conducted by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), with cooperation from the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and Forest Service (USDA-FS). We trapped in a mix of urban and forested areas, and we chose trap locations based on risk level (e.g., host-species density, time since last surveyed, proximity to known infestations, and proximity to transportation corridors). ALB was discovered in Worcester in August 2008 but had likely been introduced more than 10 years before its discovery (Hammel 2008). Since detection, ALB has been found over a large area (110 mi2 are currently under quarantine), and detection efforts continue to expand as outlying infestations are discovered. The deployment of large numbers of traps baited with attractants for ALB presented an opportunity to investigate the bycatch from a portion of these traps and observe the abundance and diversity of cerambycids collected in forested areas with this combination of trap and lure. Bycatch, the residual and non-target catch, is often discarded from many field studies, but can have scientific value to other researchers and possible future studies (Buchholz et al. 2011). Identifying bycatch also provides opportunities to screen for other exotic insects that may be unknown in an area. In Worcester and adjacent towns, we hung 1456 intercept-panel traps (Czokajlo et al. 2001) from tree branches at varying heights (usually at or near the base of the live crown) and separated from one another by at least 50 m. Traps were grouped in lines of 8–87 traps. We hung a lure that consisted of male-produced pheromones (4-[n-heptyloxy] butan-1-ol and 4-[n-heptyloxy] butanal) and host volatiles ([±]-linalool, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, linalool oxide, ß-caryophyllene, and trans-pinocarveol) on each trap (Keena et al. 2013). This combination of compounds exhibited effectiveness in attracting ALB in field and lab experiments conducted in the preceding years (Nehme et al. 2009, 2010), and using male pheromones in combination with plant volatiles is known to be effective for attracting a wide variety of non-target cerambycids and assisting with monitoring for exotic species (Wong et al. 2012). 1USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, 271 Mast Road, Durham, NH 03824. *Corresponding author - Manuscript Editor: Daniel Pavuk Notes of the Northeastern Naturalist, Issue 21/3, 2014 N29 2014 Northeastern Naturalist Notes Vol. 21, No. 3 M.F. DiGirolomo and K.J. Dodds We chose 3 trapping sites to investigate bycatch associated with a portion of the ALB traps distributed in Worcester and the surrounding areas. These sites included Upton State Forest (N42°11'58'', W71°36'05'') in Upton, MA, Savage Hill Wildlife Management Area (WMA) (N42°25'43'', W71°56'50'') in Princeton and Rutland, MA, and Martha Deering WMA (N42°12'40'', W71°44'00'') in Millbury and Grafton, MA, all within Worcester County. All 3 sites were adjacent to but outside of the regulated ALB quarantine zone and were heavily forested. Forest type was fairly consistent at all sites and was comprised of Pinus strobus L. (Eastern White Pine) and Quercus rubra L. (Northern Red Oak) in the overstory, with Acer rubrum L. (Red Maple) as a common associate. Occasional pockets of wet areas were dominated by Red Maple. The forest understories were a mix of Red Maple, White Pine, Betula alleghaniensis Britton (Yellow Birch), and Amelanchier sp. (serviceberry). Topography was gently rolling hills with well drained upper slopes and occasional pockets of wet areas. The numbers of traps in each site were 60, 27, and 16 for Upton, Savage Hill, and Martha Deering, respectively, for a total of 103 traps used for analysis of bycatch. DCR staff checked traps every two weeks from the first week of July through September, to coincide with ALB’s flight season. The samples were then sorted and all cerambycid species were identified using Lingafelter (2007) and Yanega (1996). Voucher specimens of each species were deposited in the Durham Field Office insect collection (USDA-FS, Durham, NH). Because this was a descriptive study and we did not test treatment effects, we calculated only means and standard errors (mean ± SE) of cerambycid catches for the number of individuals per trap for each site. Species richness, Simpson’s index (1-D) and Chao-1 were calculated using PAST software (Hammer et al. 2001). We identified a total of 278 cerambycids representing 39 species from ALB trapping bycatch from the 3 forested sites (Table 1). We classified 5 species as abundant (≥10 individuals) in bycatch samples, including Graphisurus fasciatus (Degeer) (80 individuals), Brachyleptura rubrica (Say) (66 individuals), Astylopsis macula (Say) (30 individuals), Aegomorphus modestus (Gyllenhal) (14 individuals), and Elaphidion mucronatum (Say) (10 individuals). Of the remaining 34 species, we captured 18 of them only once; no exotic species, including ALB, were collected. The most abundant species trapped are common longhorned beetles native to the eastern US and Canada that feed primarily on hardwoods (Linsley and Chemsak 1976, 1984, 1995; MacRae and Rice 2007; Vlasak and Vlasakova 2002; Yanega 1996). Cerambycid species that feed exclusively on hardwoods comprised 56% of the total number of species captured. Species that feed on both hardwood and conifer hosts comprised 36% of the total, and only 8% were exclusive to conifers. Over the 3-month sampling period, the average number of species and individuals trapped was greatest at Upton (3.5 ± 0.43 beetles/trap, 0.4 ± 0.04 species/trap), followed by Martha Deering (2.5 ± 0.38 beetles/trap, 0.4 ± 0.07 species/trap), and Savage Hill (1.3 ± 0.19 beetles/trap, 0.2 ± 0.04 species/trap). Pooled species richness at Upton was over twice as high as the other two sites (Table 2). This site had the greatest number of traps, which may explain the larger number of species captured here. Chao-1 species-richness estimates followed the same pattern we observed for species richness, with Upton the highest, followed by Martha Deering, and Savage Hill. Species diversity was highest at Martha Deering, followed by Upton, and Savage Hill (Table 2). Despite having the least number of traps (n = 16), Martha Deering exhibited the greatest species diversity, which takes into account both species richness and abundance. It is possible that more traps at the other sites resulted in more singletons captured, thus greater species richness, but did not increase the mean number per trap of the most common and abundant species, so did not greatly influence mean species abundance. The cumulative number of beetles collected (pooled by 2014 Northeastern Naturalist Notes Vol. 21, No. 3 N30 M.F. DiGirolomo and K.J. Dodds Table 1. Cerambycids captured at each site with notes on host and biology (Yanega 1996). Trap catches Savage Martha Subfamily/tribe Species Host type Biology Upton Hill Deering Total Cerambycinae Clytini Xylotrechus colonus (Fabricius) Hardwood/conifer 5 1 0 6 Elaphidiini Elaphidion mucronatum (Say) Hardwood 2 0 8 10 Elaphidiini Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman) Hardwood Live trees 3 0 0 3 Hesperophanini Hesperophanes pubescens (Haldeman) Hardwood 1 0 0 1 Hesperophanini Tylonotus bimaculatus Haldeman Hardwood Live or dying trees 0 1 0 1 Ibidionini Heterachthes quadrimaculatus Haldeman Hardwood 0 0 1 1 Lamiinae Acanthocinini Astylopsis collaris (Haldeman) Hardwood 3 0 0 3 Acanthocinini Astylopsis macula (Say) Hardwood 15 13 2 30 Acanthocinini Astylopsis sexguttata (Say) Conifer 3 2 0 5 Acanthocinini Graphisurus despectus (LeConte) Hardwood 1 0 3 4 Acanthocinini Graphisurus fasciatus (Degeer) Hardwood/conifer 61 8 11 80 Acanthocinini Lepturges confluens (Haldeman) Hardwoods 1 0 0 1 Acanthocinini Sternidius punctatus (Haldeman) Hardwood 0 1 0 1 Acanthocinini Urgleptes facetus (Say) Hardwood Branches 2 0 0 2 Acanthocinini Urgleptes querci (Fitch) Hardwood Branches 3 1 2 6 Acanthoderini Aegomorphus modestus (Gyllenhal) Hardwood/conifer Soft, decayed wood 14 0 0 14 Desmiphorini Eupogonius tomentosus (Haldeman) Conifer 1 0 0 1 Desmiphorini Psenocerus supernotatus (Say) Hardwood Decaying branches 0 0 1 1 Monochamini Hebestola nebulosa Haldeman Hardwood 1 0 1 2 Monochamini Microgoes oculatus (LeConte) Hardwood/conifer 0 1 0 1 Pogonocherini Ecyrus dasycerus (Say) Hardwood 4 0 0 4 Pogonocherini Pogonocherus mixtus Haldeman Conifer/hardwood 0 0 1 1 N31 2014 Northeastern Naturalist Notes Vol. 21, No. 3 M.F. DiGirolomo and K.J. Dodds Table 1, continued. Trap catches Savage Martha Subfamily/tribe Species Host type Biology Upton Hill Deering Total Lepturinae Lepturini Analeptura lineola (Say) Hardwood/conifer 0 1 0 1 Lepturini Bellamira scalaris (Say) Hardwood/conifer Decayed wood 1 0 0 1 Lepturini Brachyleptura rubrica (Say) Hardwood Decaying wood 63 0 3 66 Lepturini Brachyleptura vagans (Olivier) Hardwood/conifer Decaying wood 0 0 1 1 Lepturini Judolia cordifera (Olivier) Hardwood 2 0 0 2 Lepturini Stictoleptura canadensis (Olivier) Conifer/hardwood 3 0 0 3 Lepturini Strangalepta abbreviata (Germar) Conifer/hardwood Decaying wood 0 1 0 1 Lepturini Strangalia acuminata (Olivier) Hardwood 2 0 2 4 Lepturini Strangalia famelica Newman Hardwood 1 0 0 1 Lepturini Strangalia luteicornis (Fabricius) Hardwood 7 0 0 7 Lepturini Trigonarthris minnesotana (Casey) Hardwood/conifer 0 1 0 1 Lepturini Typocerus velutinus (Olivier) Hardwood Decaying wood 0 1 0 1 Rhagiini Metacmaeops vittata (Swederus) Hardwoods 1 0 0 1 Parandrinae Parandrini Neandra brunnea (Fabricius) Hardwood/conifer Injured live trees 2 0 1 3 Prioninae Prionini Orthosoma brunneum (Forster) Hardwood/conifer Decaying wood 3 0 0 3 Prionini Prionus laticollis (L.) Hardwood/conifer Live tree roots 1 0 0 1 Spondylidinae Asemini Tetropium schwarzianum Casey Conifer 1 2 0 3 Total (individuals/species) 207/28 34/13 37/13 278/39 2014 Northeastern Naturalist Notes Vol. 21, No. 3 N32 M.F. DiGirolomo and K.J. Dodds 2-week collection periods) for the top 3 species (Fig. 1) shows Brachyleptura rubrica and Graphisurus fasciatus populations increased at a high rate during July and then tapered off, while Astylopsis macula numbers grew more gradually over the course of the season. Our data may not reflect the entire flight phenology of these species because high numbers were collected during the first 2-week collection period. The data presented here indicate that pest-detection activities involving semiochemicalbaited traps provide an important opportunity to survey non-target insects. Ideally, use of bycatch should be taken into consideration when planning for large-scale trapping. For example, networking with other scientists about future trapping plans and coordinating with individuals interested in non-target genera could make these specimens, which would otherwise be dicarded, available for research use. The limitations of bycatch observations are related to the season during which trapping occurs. In this case, we deployed traps to target the flight phenology of ALB (first week of July–September). Consequently, cerambycid species that fly earlier and/or later in the season may have bee n missed in the collections. Table 2. Species richness and diversity index of Cerambycids trapped. Upton Savage Hill Martha Deering (n = 60) (n = 27) (n = 16) Species richness 28 12 13 Simpson’s index 0.8066 0.7612 0.8386 Chao-1 35.5 21.33 16.75 Figure 1. Cumulative number of beetles collected during the trapping season for the 3 most abundant species. N33 2014 Northeastern Naturalist Notes Vol. 21, No. 3 M.F. DiGirolomo and K.J. Dodds Wood-inhabiting insects orient to hosts via visual and olfactory cues, through random landing events, or a combination of the two (Saint-Germain et al. 2006, 2007). In this study, semiochemical-baited traps targeting a non-native species also caught other insects that may have been attracted to semiochemical components or randomly encountered the trap while orienting to a tree. Because random landing on trees or traps is a possible explanation for species occurring in traps, care must be taken in interpreting trap bycatch results. However, abundant cerambycid species (in this case, Astylopsis macula, Brachyleptura rubrica, and Graphisurus fasciatus) found in ALB traps may also be attracted to this particular lure, or individual semiochemical components of the lure. Many lamiines, including G. fasciatus and A. macula, are attracted to fuscumol and/or its acetate (Hanks and Millar 2013, Mitchell et al. 2011). Information on chemical attraction of B. rubrica is unknown. A controlled experiment would be necessary to determine specific semiochemicals that attract these species. Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and the Cooperative Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication Program staff for their assistance in providing samples for this study. Literature Cited Buchholz, S., M. Kreuels, A. Kronshage, H. Terlutter, and O.D. Finch. 2011. Bycatches of ecological field studies: Bothersome or valuable? Methods in Ecology and Ev olution, 2:99–102. Czokajlo, D., J. McLaughlin, L.I. Abu Ayyash, S. Teale, J. Wickham, J. Warren, R. Hoffman, B. Aukema, K. Raffa, and P. Kirsch. 2002. Intercept® panel trap (INT PT) effective in management of forest coleopteran. Pp. 125–126, In M.L. McManus and A.M. Liebhold (Eds.). Proceedings of Ecology, Survey, and Management of Forest Insects, Krakow, Poland, 1–5 September 2002. General Technical Repoert NE-311. 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