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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 23, Number 4, 2016

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Invasion-related Change in Crayfish Density Affects a Stream Macroinvertebrate Community
Mark L. Kuhlmann
An Evaluation of Interstate Efforts to Re-introduce Paddlefish to the Upper Ohio River Basin
David G. Argent, William G. Kimmel, Rick Lorson, and Mike Clanc
A Comparison of Seed Predation, Seed Dispersal, and Seedling Herbivory in Oak and Hickory: Species with Contrasting Regenerating Abilities in a Bluegrass Savanna–Woodland Habitat
Sara E. Cilles, Garnett Coy, Christopher R. Stieha, John J. Cox, Philip H. Crowley, and David S. Maehr
Suspected Usurpation of Tree Swallow Nests by Eastern Bluebirds in West-central Virginia
Richard A. Rowe and J. Luke Phillip
Climate–Growth Relationships of Pinus rigida (Mill.) at the Species’ Northern Range Limit, Acadia National Park, ME
Thomas Patterson, R. Stockton Maxwell, Grant L. Harley, Joshua S. Oliver, James H. Speer, Savannah Collins, Madison Downe, Benjamin Gannon, Lan Ma, Chance Raso, Cody Russell, and Aaron Teets
Distribution and Abundance of Odonata Species Across Massachusetts: Results of a Long-term Monitoring Program
Robert Buchsbaum, Christopher W. Leahy, and Taber Allison
New Records of Entocytherid Ostracods from New York and New Jersey
Keri Shelton, Patricia G. Weaver, and Bronwyn W. Williams
Validation of a Macroinvertebrate-based Index of Nutrient Status in Streams Using Macroinvertebrate, Water-chemistry, and Diatom Data
Richard J. Horwitz, Andrew Tuccillo, Donald F. Charles, Shane Neiffer, and Thomas Belton
Influences of a Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carriere (Eastern Hemlock) Riparian Habitat on a Lotic Benthic Community
Paige M. Kleindl, Fred D. Tucker, Michael G. Commons, Robert G. Verb, and Leslie A. Riley






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