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Northeastern Naturalist Volume 23, Number 3, 2016

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
Testing Rapid-Assessment Models for the Conservation of Woodland Vernal Pools in South-central Pennsylvania
Timothy M. Swartz, Ellie Stuart, David K. Foster, and Erik D. Lindquist
Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Activity is Better Predicted by Water Availability than Land Cover in a Moderately Fragmented Landscape
Edward J. Heske and Adam A. Ahlers
Internal Body Temperatures of an Overwintering Adult Terrapene carolina (Eastern Box Turtle)
Russell L. Burke, Paul P. Calle, Miranda P. Figueras, and Timothy M. Green
Evidence of Successful Spawning and Other Life-History Aspects of Alosa sapidissima (American Shad) in the Penobscot River and Estuary
Christine A. Lipsky, Rory Saunders, and Justin R. Stevens
Spatial Analysis of Forest Damage in Central Massachusetts Resulting from the December 2008 Ice Storm
William J. Hansen and Jeffery Cranson
Status of Exotic Round Goby and Tubenose Goby in Pennsylvania
Jay R. Stauffer Jr., Jeanette Schnars, Casey Wilson, Richard Taylor, and Charles K. Murray
Asexual Reproduction and its Potential Influence on the Distribution of an Invasive Macrophyte
Rebecca A. Urban and Matthew E. Dwyer
A Fine-scale Examination of Larix laricina and Picea mariana Abundances along Abiotic Gradients in an Adirondack Peatland
Celia Evans, Robert DeSotle, Chloe Mattilio, Erik Yankowsky, Andre-Anne Chenaille, and Alexander Whiston
Documentation of Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis (Eastern Hellbender) Predation on Nest-associate Stream Fishes
Corey G. Dunn
A Note on Iris Flower Anthesis: Mechanism and Meaning of Sudden Flower Opening
Bernd Heinrich
Detection of Snake Fungal Disease from a Lampropeltis triangulum (Eastern Milksnake) in Northern Michigan
Michael J. Ravesi, Sasha J. Tetzlaff, Matthew C. Allender, and Bruce A. Kingsbury
Observations of Fish Consumption by Piping Plovers
Julia D. Monk, Audrey DeRose-Wilson, James D. Fraser, Daniel H. Catlin, and Sarah M. Karpanty
Noteworthy Books  






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