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Meetings and visiting classes at Eagle Hill

large classroom building copyright Aleta McKeageConference rooms and residential facilities may be reserved throughout the year by organizations interested in holding meetings concerning issues regarding wildlife, natural history, the environment, conservation, etc. There is very limited availability from May through October. Eagle Hill has hosted meetings or programs for organizations such as the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators, the North American Mycological Association, and the Keck Consortium in Geology. The Institute provides meals for meetings or gatherings. Reservations are best made well in advance.

Visiting Classes
small class room copyright Genevieve Lewis-GentryResidential and classroom facilities at the Institute may be reserved throughout the year by either universities, colleges, or other organizations interested in offering their own instructional programs on the coast of Maine. There is very limited availability from May through October. The Institute provides meals for visiting classes. Reservations are best made well in advance.

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