Eagle Hill Masthead

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Downeast Maine

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Things to see and do in the Eagle Hill area

If you are looking to make your visit to Eagle Hill part of a more extended vacation or if you are accompanied by family members who would like to go on day trips, there is so much to explore in Downeast Maine.

Parks and reserve areas

Acadia National Park – Mount Desert Island and Schoodic Point on the Gouldsboro Peninsula - hiking and biking trails / dramatic, rocky coast / home to the tallest mountain along the eastern coast of the United States (www.nps.gov/acad/)

Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge - Steuben - (Link)

McClellan Park – Milbridge - hiking trails will lead you to the rocky coast.

Donnell Pond unit of the Maine Public reserve land - Schoodic Mountain, Black Mountain, Tunk Mountain - Donnel Pond, Little Tunk Lake, Spring River Lake – sandy beaches, campsites, and marked trails (www.maine.gov/doc/parks/programs/)

Birds Acre (Stanwood Wildlife Sanctuary) – Ellsworth - shelter for injured birds; 200 acres of protected wilderness with about 6 miles of trails (www.birdsacre.org/)

Performing arts

Schoodic Arts for All - local arts and culture organization offering classes, workshops, and performances throughout the year (www.schoodicartsforall.org)

The Grand – Musical performances, plays, films, etc. – Ellsworth (www.grandonline.org/)

Maine Center for the Arts – Musical / orchestral performances, plays, films, etc. – Orono (http://www2.umaine.edu/mca/)

Pierre Monteux School – classical music performances – Hancock (www.monteuxschool.org)


Abbe Museum – Exhibits on Maine Native American culture history and archaeology – Mount Desert Island (www.abbemuseum.org/)

Dorr Museum of Natural History - Mount Desert Island (www.coamuseum.org/)

Woodlawn Museum (Black House) – Historical Mansion and estate, 180 acres with walking trails – Ellsworth (www.woodlawnmuseum.org/)

Milbridge Historical Society Museum – Milbridge (www.milbridgehistoricalsociety.org/)

Ruggles House – historic house museum - Columbia Falls (www.ruggleshouse.org/)

Art exhibits / Galleries

(just a few of the many in our area)

Argosy Gallery – Main Street, Bar Harbor (www.argosygallery.com/)

Birdsnest Gallery – Bar Harbor (www.birdsnestgallery.com/)

Leighton Gallery – Blue Hill (www.leightongallery.com/)

Union River Gallery – Ellsworth Maine (www.maineartgallery.com/)

Ray Carbone Sculpture Gallery – wood and stone carvings, bowls - Steuben

Shopping / General

Milbridge area attractions and happenings (www.visitmilbridge.com)

The City of Ellsworth (www.cityofellsworthme.org/)

Bar Harbor (www.ci.bar-harbor.me.us/)



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