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Coefficients of Conservatism Values and the Floristic Quality Index for the Vascular Plants of South Florida
Steve Mortellaro, Mike Barry, George Gann, John Zahina, Sally Channon, Charles Hilsenbeck, Douglas Scofield, George Wilder, and Gerould Wilhelm

Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 11, Monograph Number 3 (2012): 1–62

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2012 SOUTHEASTERN NATURALIST 11(Monograph 3):1–62 Coefficients of Conservatism Values and the Floristic Quality Index for the Vascular Plants of South Florida Steve Mortellaro1,*, Mike Barry2,3, George Gann4, John Zahina5, Sally Channon6, Charles Hilsenbeck7, Douglas Scofield8, George Wilder9, and Gerould Wilhelm10 Abstract - Since pre-European settlement, major alterations to the native landscape have been made, due largely to urban and agricultural developments. In south Florida, these activities have caused extensive degradation to native plant communities leaving remnant native lands. Therefore, the floristic quality of these native lands is changing, and a tool to assess their quality is needed. Assignment of coefficient of conservatism (C) values (ranging from 0 to10) to each native plant within south Florida allows for the use of the floristic quality index (FQI), a tool to assess the quality of natural or remnant native plant communities. The coefficient of conservatism concept is based on two factors: 1) plants have various degrees of fidelity to specific habitats and their quality, and 2) plants have varying tolerances to disturbances and respond in various degrees. The establishment of C values and the use of the FQI eliminate subjectivity and provide a standardized method to evaluate the floristic condition of a site, which allows for comparisons between different sites and monitoring of sites over time. Non-native plants are not assigned conservatism coefficients values because they did not evolve in the native landscape. In south Florida (Florida Keys excluded), there are approximately 2226 plants, of which 64% (1434) are considered native and 36% (792) are considered non-native. Of the 1434 plants examined, only 94 native plants remained unranked, because the team did not have enough experience with the plant to confidently assign a C value. Approximately 33% of plants ranked fell into the ruderal categories (0–4), whereas 67% fell into obligate to natural areas categories (5–10). Once a thorough inventory of a site has been completed, a mean C value and FQI can be calculated. Introduction Rapidly increasing land development and extensive agricultural operations pose significant challenges to the su rvivability and sustainability of Florida’s native ecosystems. Since pre-European settlement, the native landscape has undergone extensive modifications due to agricultural and urban developments. Activities such as land clearing, drainage (digging of ditches and canals, 1US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1339 20th Street, Vero Beach FL 32960. 2US Fish and Wildlife Service, Naples, FL. 3Current address - Institute for Regional Conservation, 22601 S.W. 152 Avenue, Miami, FL 33170. 4Institute for Regional Conservation, 22601 SW 152 Avenue, Miami, FL 33170. 5South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL. 6Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management, 2300 North Jog Road, 4th Floor, West Palm Beach, FL 33411. 717516 Birchwood Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33487. 8University of California, Los Angeles, 1509 Life Sciences, Box 951786, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1786. 9Naples Botanical Garden, 4820 Bayshore Drive, Naples, FL 34112. 10Conservation Design Forum, Inc., 375 West First Street, Elmhurst, IL 60126. *Corresponding author - 2 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 channelization of rivers and streams), water mining for urban and agricultural consumption, filling of wetlands, and pollution from urban and farming activities have resulted in extreme ecological degradation. The introduction of non-native plants and suppression of natural fires or prescribed burning during inappropriate times of the season have also contributed to major changes in the native landscape. The dewatered landscape, filled wetlands, polluted estuaries, and diminution of base flow in streams have contributed to the reduction in the native biodiversity of the state. The assessment of natural, restored, and created habitats is one of the most important tasks facing ecologists. Natural plant community descriptions have historically focused on plant communities (associations) or plant species with word descriptors used to convey quality. Terminology consists of words, such as degraded, good, poor, high, low, outstanding, or marginal (Swink and Wilhelm 1994). These descriptors are vague and rely on such factors as the observer’s perception, understanding of pre-settlement habitats, ecological knowledge and level of experience with the flora, and personal biases. One observer may assess a plant community to be of good quality, whereas another observers’ assessment of the same plant community may be of poor quality. Therefore, a tool is desirable for assessing quality of a plant community in an objective and repeatable way that can be used to make meaningful comparisons between sites. A numerical index describing floristic quality of area based on species conservatism or “nativeness” ratings of individual species was articulated by Wilhelm (1977) and refined by Swink and Wilhelm (1979, 1994) and Wilhelm and Ladd (1988). The “nativeness” or species conservatism is expressed as a coefficient of conservatism (C) value and is the basic metric in the floristic quality index (FQI). The concept of species conservatism is organized around the idea that the presence of a species involves a certain level of confidence in the observer as to where the plant is likely to occur; ranging from a highly intact remnant native ecosystem to highly degraded man-made land. Most native plants remain in native or slightly altered landscapes, and a few function as “camp followers” which admix with non native’s to occupy areas severely damaged by contemporary cultural practices. The FQI is designed to reduce subjectivity, and produce an objective standard to judge the quality of plant communities in a repeatable fashion. The principal concept of the FQI is that a natural plant community’s quality can be objectively evaluated, and refl ects the likeilyhood that a plant is likely to occur in a landscape relatively unaltered from what is believed to be pre-European settlement conditions. Each plant for a region is assigned a C value by a group of local botanists in a region, each of whom has long and familiar experience with the plants in the field. Specific knowledge of the ecological tolerances and fidelity to remnant native conditions is required. Although the values are subjectively assigned, the subjectivity in its application is eliminated and its use can be applied objectively. Coefficients of conservatism values range from 0 through 10 and are applied only to the plants believed to be native to the region. The scalar values consist of whole integers between 0 and 10. A 0 value represents the lowest quality value and is assigned to those plants that are indicative of the most ruderal conditions, 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 3 such as cracks in sidewalks, road sides, scraped and excavated lands, canal banks, parking lot edges, industrial sites, agricultural fields. A 10 value is applied to those species that provide the highest level of confidence that the places where they are found are the most intact remnant natural systems. A 5 value is applied to those plants that are generally noted only in remnant natural areas, but otherwise provide little confidence that the area is of high quality. Non-native plants are not given a C value, as they did not evolve as part of the native flora and their inclusion does not fit within the concept of conservatism. Although non native’s are not part of the pre-settlement flora, their values have been defaulted to 0 and combined with various metrics associated with floristic quality in a floristic quality assessment (FQA) analysis (Herman et. al. 1997, 2001). While the C values are subjectively assigned, knowledgeable botanists trained in the concept of conservatism seldom disagree by more than a few points. The behavior and local distribution of some species can stretch the philosophy and require an earnest debate to reach consensus on their C values. Once assigned to an entire flora, however, the use of C values can be objectively applied; subjectivity is no longer a variable, and intrinsic biases in assigning the C values occur consistently throughout a site inventory. One can arrive at relative comparisons easily and consistently. Floristic quality analysis initially was used to describe the condition of landscapes and plant communities in a consistent fashion for the 22-county Chicago region (Swink and Wilhelm 1979). Since its development, the index has been adapted and applied to the following areas: Colorado (Rocchio 2007), Illinois (Taft et al. 1997), Indiana (Rothrock 2004), Iowa (Drobney et al. 2001), Kentucky (Shea et al., no date), Michigan (Herman et al. 1997), north and central Mississippi (Herman, et al. 2006), Missouri (Ladd 1993), the Dakotas (Northern Great Plains Floristic Quality Assessment Panel 2001), New Jersey (Allen et al., no date), Ohio (Andreas and Lichvar 1995, Andreas et al. 2004), Pennsylvania (Ebert et al., no date), Wisconsin (Bernthal 2003, Nichols 1998), and southern Ontario (Oldham et al. 1995). Methods To assign coefficient of conservatism C values, we took the following 6 steps: 1) defined the region or area of consideration, 2) created a species list—determined the flora(s) or check list(s) of the region, 3) developed ranking criteria, 4) assembled a core team of knowledgeable senior field botanists/ecologists, who ranked each native species from 0 to10, 5) convened a peer review group to assess C value assignments, and 6) convened both core and review groups to reach a consensus on C values. Defining the region Assignment of C values is based on observed behavior of species within a defined geographic region that experience similar environmental conditions. As one moves away from a particular region, the assigned C values may be less 4 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 applicable because local conditions may not exist outside a particular region. In our particular case, Florida has been divided into 4 major phytogeographic regions: west (panhandle), north, central, and south Florida (Bell and Taylor 1982, Long and Lakela 1971, Taylor 1998) as shown in Figure 1. This publication addresses the flora found within south Florida excluding the Florida Keys. South Florida is categorized into 5 major natural physiographic areas: 1) Sandy Flatlands, 2) Everglades, 3) Big Cypress Swamp, 4) Atlantic Coastal Ridge, and 5) Coastal Marshes and Mangrove Swamps (Long and Lakela 1971). The native flora of south Florida is predominately tropical and contains a mixture of plants from tropical America, temperate regions, and endemic species. Species list Th e orginal list used here was based on Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida, Second Edition (Wunderlin and Hansen 2003). However, the nomenclature in the list was updated using Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida, Th ird Edition Figure 1. Phytogeographic regions of Florida. 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 5 (Wunderlin and Hansen 2011). Th is floristic guide includes only species that have been documented through a verifiable herbarium specimen, and includes both native and non-native species that occur in the wild state in Florida. Th ere are approximately 4176 documented native and non-native species in Florida (Wunderlin and Hansen 2004). Within south Florida (excluding the Keys), there are approximately 1430 native species and 793 non-native species. Th e orginal species list used here employed Wunderlin and Hansen (2004) nomenclature, but has since been updated to Wunderlin and Hansen 2011 with some exceptions: 1) where Wunderlin and Hansen’s taxonomy diff ered from the legal accepted nomenclature for a state- or federally listed species, or 2) where the panel believed that a species included other recognizable species that have a diff erent ecological niche. Only one federally listed and threatened species, Galactia smallii H. J. Rogers ex A. Herndon, would have been lumped into G. volubilis (L.) Britton, a non-listed species, if Wunderlin and Hansen’s nomenclature was used; thus, the name G. smallii is applied. Species considered to demonstrate a diff erent ecological preference include the following: Chiococca pinetorum Britton, split from C. alba (L.) Hitchcock.; Heliotropium leavenworthii (A. Gray) Torrey ex Small, split from H. polyphyllum Lehmann.; Melanthera angustifolia A. Richard and M. parvifolia Small, split from M. nivea (L.) Small; Schizachyrium rhizomatum (Swallen) Gould and S. stolonferum Nash, split from S. scoparium (Michaux) Nash; Forestiera pinetorum (Small) Small, split from F. segregate (Jacquin) Krug and Urban; and Scleria ciliata Michx var. pauciflora Muhlenberg ex Willdenow and S. ciliata var. curtissii (Britton) J.W. Kessler, split from S. ciliata Michaux. If two similar taxa represent ecologically diff erent habitat qualities, and taxonomic diff erentiation between the two is considered almost impossible for a field botanist, then a numerical score is not given. Th ese species are given a neutral status. Th is was the case with Roystonea regia (Kunth) O.F. Cook, which if treated as two distinct taxa, has populations from south Florida (R. elata (W. Bartram) F. Harper) and Cuba (R. regia (Kunth) O.F. Cook). Ranking criteria The central philosophy behind any criteria used to develop C values is what the presence of the plant indicates to a knowledgeable botanist about the quality of a habitat when no information is provided. If such botanist is brought a plant and asked where they thought the plant may have come from, based on their knowledge and experience with the plant’s habitat type(s) and quality of habitat(s), an impression will come to mind. The plant may be identified as one with very specific habitat requirements and a very low tolerance to disturbance, which would provide confidence that it grew in a high-quality habitat. Conversely, it may indicate some gradient between high quality and ruderal. The criteria presented below gave guidance to the panel in assigning C values. The relationship of conservatism to rarity is not direct. Coefficients of conservatism scores and the designation of a rare, threatened, or endangered status to a species on the surface may seem to be counter-intuitive at times. It would seem logical that the rarer the species the higher the conservatism value, but this is not 6 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 always the case. Certainly, any rare plant known only from one to a few highquality areas is a philosophical 10. Likewise, more numerous species known only from high-quality areas are also a philosophical 10. However, a rare native plant known only from a dike or roadside must receive a very low C value, so the relationship of conservatism to rarity is not direct. For example, Linum arenicola (Small) H.J.P.Winkler (Sand Flax), an endemic plant listed by the State of Florida as an endangered species, was given a score of one (1) because it is commonly associated with disturbed areas containing exposed limerock, such as tops of canal banks and road sides cut through lime rock. However, in its remnant native landscape, the species can easily be lost if fire is omitted. To help facilitate the scoring of the C values, 5 coefficient of conservatism guilds were developed (Table 1). The coefficient of conservatism guilds are further refined to give the rater additional guidance in assigning C values (Table 2). Plant C values refl ect two aspects: the fidelity to natural landscape and tolerance to disturbances. As fidelity to natural areas increase, the tolerance to disturbances decreases, thereby resulting in a higher C value. The reverse also applies: as tolerance to disturbances increases, plant fidelity to quality natural areas decrease towards zero. The more tolerant a plant is to disturbance, the lower the quality. The scalar value 0 indicates the species is obligate to ruderal areas, and the rater is 95% confident it was growing in a highly degraded area. These plants are limited in their occurrence to areas of severe anthropogenic disturbances. A ranking of 0 indicates there is little confidence (less than 5% confidence) that the plant was collected from a remnant natural area. These native taxa are weedy and Table 1. Coefficient of conservatism guilds. C value Criteria 0 Obligate to ruderal areas. 1–3 Varying affinity to ruderal areas. 4–6 Varying affinity to natural areas; 5 indicates it’s obligate to natural areas; quality of area is low. 7–9 Varying affinity to high quality natural areas. 10 Obligate to high quality natural areas. Table 2. Coefficient of conservatism ranking criteria. C value Criteria 0 Obligate to ruderal areas. 1 Occurs more frequently in ruderal areas than natural areas. 2 Facultative to ruderal and natural areas. 3 Occurs less frequent in ruderal areas than natural areas. 4 Occurs much more frequently in natural areas than ruderal areas. 5 Obligate to natural areas (quality of area is low). 6 Weak affinity to high-quality natural areas. 7 Moderate affinity to high-quality natural areas. 8 High affinity to high-quality natural areas. 9 Very high affinity to high-quality natural areas. 10 Obligate to high-quality natural areas. 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 7 thrive in highly disturbed sites, such as cracks in sidewalks, fill sites, roadsides, scraped and excavated lands, and canal banks. The scalar values 1 to 3 indicate levels of confidence that when a plant is encountered it is growing in degraded or non-natural areas. These plants have an affinity to disturbed sites and are non-dependent native lands species. Plants ranked within this range are generally associated with lands that have been greatly disturbed such as those that have been mechanically (i.e. new ground), hydrologically, or chemically altered. New ground is land that has been stripped of its vegetation (usually by mechanical means), where the top layer of soil has been removed or severely disturbed. The scalar values 4 to 6 provide levels of confidence that when a plant is encountered it’s in a natural area. The value 5 is pivotal in the rankings; it is the point at which plants are considered obligate to native lands, with a 95% certainty it is growing in a natural area. However, the floristic quality of the natural area is likely low. The scalar values 7 to 9 provide varying levels of confidence that when a plant is encountered it is in a high-quality natural area. These plants have a fidelity to native lands of high quality. The scalar value 10 indicates the species is obligate to high-quality natural areas, with raters 95% confident it was growing in an undisturbed or native land of high quality. The values (0–10) do not necessarily indicate or refl ect fidelity of a plant to any particular habitat, and the use of the term confidence in this context is not meant to imply a statistical analysis has occurred; it is used here to give guidance to the rater for ranking each species. A plant can be conservative to a number of different plant communities. Conservatism cannot be determined from some statistical sampling of an array of plant communities, ruderal or otherwise. The body of empirical observations that inform the experience of a field botanist over a long period of time yields more robust evaluations. Since pre-European conditions cannot be attested to at this time and no data exist that could give total insight as to those conditions under which these plants thrived or would have evolved, a subjective determination is made by knowledgeable individuals for a particular region about what the conditions may have been. Assignment of C values A core team of botanists was contacted to meet and provide their collective knowledge to the assignment of a C value for each native species using the C ranking criteria laid out above. The team consisted of Mike Barry, George Gann, and John Zahina. Gerould Wilhelm provided assistance to the team during the ranking process and reinforced understandings of the conceptual nature of conservatism throughout the rating process. Supplemental data was used to complement field experience. The Floristic Inventory of South Florida database (Gann et al. 2002), Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (Wunderlin and Hansen 2004), Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida (Wunderlin and Hansen 2003), A Flora of Tropical Florida (Long and Lakela 1971), and Fairchild Tropical Garden 8 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Virtual Herbarium (2006), provided information on range occurrences, habitat descriptions, and species nativity and rarity. Peer review of C values The C value assignments were sent out for review to botanist’s throughout south Florida. Four responded with a willingness to accept the task; however, after a significant period of time, a request to meet and work as a group was made and accepted by all, and a peer-review team was established to review the extensive list. The peer-review team consisted of Sally Channon, Chuck Hillsenbeck, Doug Scofield and George Wilder. The peer-review team examined each score and then discussed their collective experiences to reach a consensus score. The peer-review team’s consensus score was then compared to the core-group score and a discussion ensued that focused on acceptance of the core-group values. Not all values were accepted. As with the core group, supplemental data were used to complement field experience. In addition to using the aforementioned supplemental information used by the core group, the peer-review team also accessed the following sources: Small (1933); Godfrey and Wooten (1979 and 1981); Hall (1978); Dr. Wilder’s herbarium collection housed at the Florida Gulf Coast University; and online resources including Flora of North America (2006), National Resource Conservation Service Plant Database (no date), University of Florida Herbarium (no date), and eFloras (2006). These resources provided information on taxonomy, range occurrences, habitat descriptions, and species nativity and rarity. Gerould Wilhelm also provided initial guidance to the team. Final C values There were differences of C values for species between the core team and the peer-review team. Therefore, the two teams were contacted to discuss each species to make a collective determination as to a value. If a consensus was not reached on a particular species, it was not assigned a value. The species assigned C values are listed in Appendix A. Not all species have yet been ranked, mostly because little was known to the raters about their behavior; the unassigned species are listed in Appendix B. Mean coefficient of conservatism Once a floristic inventory has been conducted for a given area and the C values have been applied to it, the mean C value can be calculated by summing the C values of all native species and dividing by the total number of species (species richness = N): Mean C = ΣC / N Because the mean C represents the average C of an area, temporal changes in quality can be detected. As expected, decreases in mean C values indicate the quality of an area is decreasing. These decreases in mean C values may be supported by an increase of less conservative native species increasing in numbers, loss of high-quality indicator species, and /or a reduction or loss of native 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 9 species. A FQA may demonstrate that there are coincident increases in the proportion of non-native species within the site. The converse would occur if an increase of mean C were to take place. Floristic quality index The FQI is based on the calculation of the mean coefficient of conservatism (C) of all the species listed in a particular site inventory, which represents the average conservatism of the plants noted. The FQI discriminates areas with similar mean C values with major differences in total number of species. The greater the mean C and FQI values, the higher the floristic quality. The FQI represents a weighted estimate of species richness (N), obtained by multiplying the mean coefficient of conservatism by the square root of species richness: FQI = mean C √N The effect of applying the square root to species richness is to reduce the infl uences of area size, so that small, highly conservative areas will rate highly in comparison with large heterogeneous tracts with pockets or districts of both low and high quality (Swink and Wilhem 1979, 1994). Also, because it is possible to have sites with the same mean C, a transformation of mean C using the FQI permits a more meaningful comparison of different areas. Results and Discussion There are approximately 2226 plant species in south Florida (Keys excluded), with 64% (1434) considered native and 36% (792) non-native (Appendix C). Of the 1434 species reviewed, only 94 remained unranked (,340 plants ranked). Figure 2. Distribution of coefficient of conservatism designations for ranked plant taxa in south Florida. 10 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Approximately 33% of plants that were ranked fell into the ruderal categories (0–4), whereas 67% fell into obligate to natural areas (5–10). Approximately 3% of plants were ranked as 0, 29% were ranked with various affinities to ruderal areas, 56% were ranked as obligates with various affinities to high-quality areas, and 11% were ranked in the obligate to high-quality areas. The distribution of species rankings’ are shown in Figure 2. The species list in Appendix A is applicable to the 10 counties that comprise the south Florida region, excluding the Keys. The FQI approach has application in: 1) identification of natural areas; 2) comparisons between similar and dissimilar sites, regardless of community types; 3) monitoring of natural-area quality through time; and 4) habitat restoration (Swink and Wilhelm 1994). The methodology provides a means to summarize data collected from a floristic inventory of a given area. An inventory, complete as possible, is required for the area under consideration to calculate mean C and FQI values. Variations or modified equations to the FQI have been proposed (Fennessy et al. 1998a, b; Rooney and Rogers 2002). For a review of proposed modifications to the FQI, see Andreas et al. (2004). The mean C and FQI values, as with any assessment tool used to measure biotic systems, are infl uenced by such factors as sampling effort, size, timing, and proficiency in species identification. It is recognized that the FQI characterizes only one aspect of the present ecological conditions and does not provide information on wildlife that may utilize a plant community of either high or poor quality. To garner a more comprehensive understanding of the ecological condition of an area, other biological parameters should be investigated. Table 3 summarizes threatened and endangered and endemic species found in south Florida. Of the 148 species ranked as 10, all are considered rare, with 110 of these species designated as state threatened or endangered. Table 3. Numbers of threatened, endangered, and endemic species in south Florida. Status Number of species Federal listed Threatened 1 Endangered 8 Total 9 State listed Threatened 66 Endangered 213 Total 279 Endemic Total number 116 Federal threatened 1 Federal endangered 7 State threatened 6 State endangered 42 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 11 Non-native species that are or may be injurious to native plant communities have been placed into one of two categories by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council’s (2011) list of Florida’s most invasive species: Category I - Invasive exotics that are altering native plant communities by displacing native species, changing community structures or ecological functions, or hybridizing with natives. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographic range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused. Category II - Invasive exotics that have increased in abundance or frequency but have not yet altered Florida plant communities to the extent shown by Category I species. These species may become ranked Category I, if ecological damage is demonstrated. Of the non-native plant species presently documented in Florida, approximately 15% (134 species) are considered altering to native plant communities, or have increased in abundance or frequency but have not yet altered plant communities (Categories I and II, respectively). In south Florida, 70 species are in Category I, and 64 species are in Category II (Appendix D). Acknowledgments A special thank you to Porter “Buck” Reed for introducing me to Gerould Wilhelm and the FQI tool, and Robert W. Lichvar and David M. Mushet for their advice on the workshop development. Thanks are also given gratefully to Albrey Arrington, Lori Morris, Becky Robbins, and Bob Virnstein for their contribution in scoring the sea grasses; Keith A. Bradely, Steve W. Woodmansee, and Richard Wunderlin for research on species occurrences, nativity, and taxonomy; Shawn M. Landry for his quick response to questions and updates on the Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants database (available at http:// and to Sharon Kocis, Stephen E. Mortellaro, Anne Philip, and Art Roybal for their review and editorial comments. Finally a very special thank you to David Martin for his meticulous work in updating the list from Wundlerlin and Hanson 2003 to Wundlerlin and Hanson 2011. Literature Cited Allen L., K. Anderson, E. DeVito, T. Halliwell, M. Leck, B. Olsen, B. Rawlyk, K.S.Walz, G. Wilhelm, and L. Sauer-Jones. No date. Floristic quality assessment for the state of New Jersey. Plant stewardship index (PSI). Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve. Available online at Accessed 10 May 2007. 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Floristic quality assessment for vegetation in Illinois: A method for assessing vegetation integrity. Erigenia 15:3–95. Taylor, W.K. 1998. Floirda Wildflowers in Their Natural Communities. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service. No date. Plants database. Available online at Last accessed 25 September 2006. University of Florida Herbarium. No date. Vascular plant collection. Available online at http://www.fl mnh.ufl .edu/herbarium/flasvasc.htm. Last accessed 25 September 2006. Wilhelm, G.S. 1977. Ecological assessment of open land areas in Kane County, Illinois. Kane County Urban Development Division. Geneva, IL. Wilhelm, G., and D. Ladd. 1988. Natural area assessment in the Chicago region. Transactions of the 53rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 3:361–375. Wunderlin, R.P., and B.F. Hansen. 2003. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida, Second Edition. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Wunderlin, R.P., and B.F. Hansen. 2004. Atlas of Florida vascular plants. Available online at [S.M. Landry and K.N. Campbell (application development), Florida Center for Community Design and Research.] Institute for Systematic Botany, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. Wunderlin R.P., and B.F. Hansen 2011. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida, Third Edition. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 14 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Appendix A. Coefficient of conservatism values for vascular plant species of south Florida. Taxonomy for all species listed follows Wunderlin and Hansen (2011), and the naming authorities for each can be found there. ns = no score (neutral). C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 4 Abildgaardia ovata Flatspike Sedge Cyperaceae 2 Abutilon permolle Coastal Indian Mallow Malvaceae 2 Acacia farnesiana Sweet Acacia Fabaceae 5 Acacia vachellia Porknut Fabaceae 7 Acacia pinetorum Pineland Acacia Fabaceae 1 Acacia tortuosa Poponax Plantaginaceae 3 Acalypha chamaedrifolia Bastard Copperleaf Euphorbiaceae 6 Acalypha gracilens Slender Threeseed Mercury Euphorbiaceae 4 Acalypha ostryifolia Pineland Threeseed Mercury Euphorbiaceae 8 Acanthocereus tetragonus Triangle Cactus, Barbed-Wire Cactus Cactaceae 5 Acer rubrum Red Maple Sapindaceae 6 Acmella oppositifolia var. repens Oppositeleaf Spotflower Asteraceae 9 Acoelorraphe wrightii Everglades Palm Arecaceae 8 Acrostichum aureum Golden Leather Fern Pteridaceae 4 Acrostichum danaeifolium Giant Leather Fern Pteridaceae 10 Adiantum capillus-veneris Venus’-Hair Fern, Southern Pteridaceae Maidenhair 10 Adiantum melanoleucum Fragrant Maidenhair Pteridaceae 4 Adiantum tenerum Brittle Maidenhair Pteridaceae 10 Adiantum villosum Woolly Maidenhair Pteridaceae 2 Aeschynomene americana Shyleaf Fabaceae 8 Aeschynomene pratensis Meadow Jointvetch Fabaceae 8 Aeschynomene viscidula Sticky Jointvetch Fabaceae 7 Agalinis fasciculata Beach False Foxglove Orobanchaceae 7 Agalinis filifolia Seminole False Foxglove Orobanchaceae 8 Agalinis linifolia Flaxleaf False Foxglove Orobanchaceae 7 Agalinis maritima Saltmarsh False Foxglove Orobanchaceae 7 Agalinis obtusifolia Tenlobe False Foxglove Orobanchaceae 5 Agalinis purpurea Purple False Foxglove Orobanchaceae 9 Agave decipiens False Sisal Agavaceae 9 Agave neglecta Wild Century Plant Agavaceae 6 Ageratina jucunda Hammock Snakeroot Asteraceae 7 Aletris bracteata Bracted Colicroot Nartheciaceae 7 Aletris lutea Yellow Colicroot Nartheciaceae 4 Alternanthera flavescens Yellow Joywood Amaranthaceae 5 Alternanthera maritima Seaside Joyweed Amaranthaceae 10 Alvaradoa amorphoides Mexican Alvaradoa Picramniaceae 5 Amaranthus australis Southern Amaranth Amaranthaceae 0 Ambrosia artemisiifolia Common Ragweed Asteraceae 7 Ambrosia hispida Coastal Ragweed Asteraceae 4 Ammannia coccinea Valley Redstem, Scarlet Ammannia Lythraceae 4 Ammannia latifolia Pink Redstem, Toothcup Lythraceae 5 Amorpha fruticosa Bastard False Indigobush Fabaceae 6 Amorpha herbacea var. crenulata Miami Lead Plant Fabaceae 4 Ampelopsis arborea Peppervine Vitaceae 5 Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum Blue Maidencane Poaceae 10 Amphitecna latifolia Black Calabash Bignoniaceae 10 Amyris balsamifera Balsam Torchwood Rutaceae 8 Amyris elemifera Sea Torchwood Rutaceae 5 Anagallis minima Chaffweed Primulaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 15 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Anagallis pumila Florida Pimpernel Primulaceae 9 Andropogon brachystachyus Shortspike Bluestem Poaceae 7 Andropogon floridanus Florida Bluestem Poaceae 6 Andropogon glomeratus var. Purple Bluestem Poaceae glaucopsis 7 Andropogon glomeratus var. Bushy Bluestem Poaceae hirsutior 2 Andropogon glomeratus var. Bushy Bluestem Poaceae pumilus 5 Andropogon gyrans Elliott’s Bluestem Poaceae 6 Andropogon longiberbis Hairy Bluestem Poaceae 7 Andropogon ternarius Splitbeard Bluestem Poaceae 7 Andropogon tracyi Tracy’s Bluestem Poaceae 4 Andropogon virginicus var. Broomsedge Bluestem Poaceae virginicus 6 Andropogon virginicus var. Broomsedge Bluestem Poaceae decipiens 6 Andropogon virginicus var. Chalky Bluestem Poaceae glaucus 8 Anemia adiantifolia Maidenhair Pineland Fern Schizaeaceae 10 Anemia wrightii Wright’s Pineland Fern, Parsley Fern Schizaeaceae 7 Angadenia berteroi Pineland Golden Trumpet Apocynaceae 4 Annona glabra Pond Apple Annonaceae 6 Apios americana Groundnut Fabaceae 10 Apteria aphylla Nodding Nixie Burmanniaceae 8 Ardisia escallonioides Marlberry Myrsinaceae 0 Argemone albiflora Bluestem Pricklypoppy Papaveraceae 0 Argemone mexicana Mexican Pricklypoppy Papaveraceae 8 Argusia gnaphalodes Sea Rosemary, Sea Lavender Boraginaceae 8 Argythamnia blodgettii Wild Mercury Euphorbiaceae 10 Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-Pulpit Araceae 7 Aristida condensata Big Threeawn, Piedmont Threeawn Poaceae 5 Aristida gyrans Corkscrew Threeawn Poaceae 8 Aristida palustris Longleaf Threeawn Poaceae 7 Aristida patula Tall Threeawn Poaceae 7 Aristida purpurascens var. Arrowfeather Threeawn Poaceae purpurascens 2 Aristida purpurascens var. Hillsboro Threeawn Poaceae tenuispica 8 Aristida rhizomophora Florida Threeawn Poaceae 7 Aristida spiciformis Bottlebrush Threeawn Poaceae 7 Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana Wiregrass Poaceae 9 Aristolochia pentandra Marsh’s Dutchman’s Pipe Aristolochiaceae 8 Arnoglossum ovatum Ovateleaf Indian Plantain Asteraceae 8 Asclepias curtissii Curtiss’ Milkweed Apocynaceae 8 Asclepias feayi Florida Milkweed Apocynaceae 8 Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed Apocynaceae 8 Asclepias lanceolata Fewflower Milkweed Apocynaceae 8 Asclepias longifolia Longleaf Milkweed Apocynaceae 10 Asclepias pedicellata Savannah Milkweed Apocynaceae 7 Asclepias tomentosa Velvetleaf Milkweed Apocynaceae 8 Asclepias tuberosa Butterflyweed, Butterfly Milkweed Apocynaceae 8 Asclepias viridis Green Antelopehorn Apocynaceae 7 Asimina obovata Bigflower Pawpaw Annonaceae 16 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Asimina reticulata Netted Pawpaw Annonaceae 9 Asimina tetramera Fourpetal Pawpaw Annonaceae 10 Asplenium abscissum Cutleaf Spleenwort Aspleniaceae 10 Asplenium dentatum Toothed Spleenwort, Slender Aspleniaceae Spleenwort 10 Asplenium erosum Eared Spleenwort, Auricled Aspleniaceae Spleenwort 10 Asplenium platyneuron Ebony Spleenwort Aspleniaceae 10 Asplenium serratum Wild Birdnest Fern, Bird’s-Nest Aspleniaceae Spleenwort 10 Asplenium verecundum Modest Spleenwort, Delicate Aspleniaceae Spleenwort 10 Asplenium x biscaynianum Biscayne Spleenwort Aspleniaceae 5 Atriplex pentandra Crested Saltbush Amaranthaceae 8 Aureolaria pectinata Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove Orobanchaceae 5 Avicennia germinans Black Mangrove Avicenniaceae 0 Axonopus compressus Tropical Carpetgrass, Broadleaf Poaceae Carpetgrass 1 Axonopus fissifolius Common Carpetgrass Poaceae 1 Axonopus furcatus Big Carpetgrass Poaceae 4 Ayenia euphrasiifolia Eyebright Ayenia Malvaceae 2 Azolla caroliniana Carolina Mosquito Fern Azollaceae 5 Baccharis angustifolia Saltwater Falsewillow Asteraceae 9 Baccharis dioica Broombush Falsewillow Asteraceae 4 Baccharis glomeruliflora Silverling Asteraceae 3 Baccharis halimifolia Groundsel Tree, Sea Myrtle Asteraceae 8 Bacopa filiculoides Lemon Bacopa, Blue Waterhyssop Plantaginaceae 3 Bacopa innominata Tropical Waterhyssop Plantaginaceae 3 Bacopa monnieri Herb-Of-Grace Plantaginaceae 3 Bacopa repens Creeping Waterhyssop Plantaginaceae 8 Balduina angustifolia Coastalplain Honeycombhead Asteraceae 10 Bartonia verna White Screwstem Gentianaceae 7 Bartonia virginica Yellow Screwstem Gentianaceae 7 Basiphyllaea corallicola Carter’s Orchid Orchidaceae 5 Batis maritima Saltwort, Turtleweed Bataceae 7 Bejaria racemosa Tarflower Ericaceae 7 Berchemia scandens Alabama Supplejack, Rattan Vine Rhamnaceae 8 Berlandiera subacaulis Florida Greeneyes Asteraceae 0 Bidens alba Beggarticks, Romerillo Asteraceae 6 Bidens bipinnata Spanish Needles Asteraceae 6 Bidens laevis Burrmarigold, Smooth Beggarticks Asteraceae 5 Bidens mitis Smallfruit Beggarticks Asteraceae 8 Bigelowia nudata ssp. australis Pineland Rayless Goldenrod Asteraceae 6 Blechnum serrulatum Toothed Midsorus Fern, Swamp Fern Blechnaceae 10 Bletia patula Flor De Pasmo Orchidaceae 5 Bletia purpurea Pinepink Orchidaceae 3 Blutaparon vermiculare Samphire, Silverhead Amaranthaceae 3 Boehmeria cylindrica False Nettle, Bog Hemp Urticaceae 0 Boerhavia diffusa Red Spiderling, Wineflower Nyctaginaceae 0 Boerhavia erecta Erect Spiderling Nyctaginaceae 8 Boltonia diffusa Smallhead Doll’s Daisy Asteraceae 5 Borrichia arborescens Tree Seaside Oxeye Asteraceae 5 Borrichia frutescens Bushy Seaside Oxeye Asteraceae 5 Borrichia x cubana Asteraceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 17 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Bourreria cassinifolia Smooth Strongbark, Little Strongbark Boraginaceae 9 Bourreria succulenta Bahama Strongbark, Bodywood Boraginaceae 5 Bouteloua hirsuta Hairy Gramma Poaceae 9 Brasenia schreberi Watershield Cabombaceae 10 Brassia caudata Spider Orchid, Cricket Orchid Orchidaceae 9 Brickellia mosieri Mosier’s False Boneset, Brickell-Bush Asteraceae 2 Buchnera americana American Bluehearts Orobanchaceae 10 Bucida molinetii Spiny Black Olive Combretaceae 10 Bulbophyllum pachyrachis Rattail Orchid Orchidaceae 7 Bulbostylis ciliatifolia Capillary Hairsedge Cyperaceae 7 Bulbostylis stenophylla Sandy Field Hairsedge Cyperaceae 7 Bulbostylis warei Ware’s Hairsedge Cyperaceae 9 Burmannia biflora Bluethread Burmanniaceae 9 Burmannia capitata Southern Bluethread Burmanniaceae 9 Burmannia flava Fakahatchee Bluethread Burmanniaceae 4 Bursera simaruba Gumbo Limbo Burseraceae 10 Byrsonima lucida Long Key Locustberry Malpighiaceae 7 Cabomba caroliniana Carolina Fanwort Cabombaceae 4 Caesalpinia bonduc Gray Nicker Fabaceae 8 Caesalpinia major Hawaii Pearls, Yellow Nicker Fabaceae 8 Cakile lanceolata Coastal Searocket Brassicaceae 5 Callicarpa americana American Beautyberry Lamiaceae 4 Callisia ornata Florida Scrub Roseling Commelinaceae 9 Callitriche peploides Matted Waterstarwort Callitrichaceae 10 Calopogon barbatus Bearded Grasspink Orchidaceae 10 Calopogon multiflorus Manyflowered Grasspink Orchidaceae 5 Calopogon pallidus Pale Grasspink Orchidaceae 7 Calopogon tuberosus var. Tuberous Grasspink Orchidaceae tuberosus 9 Calopogon tuberosus var. Simpson’s Grasspink Orchidaceae simpsonii 9 Calyptranthes pallens Pale Lidflower, Spicewood Myrtaceae 10 Calyptranthes zuzygium Myrtle-of-the-River Myrtaceae 6 Calystegia sepium ssp. Hedge False Bindweed Convolvulaceae limnophila 1 Campanula floridana Florida Bellflower Campanulaceae 10 Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum Leafl ess Bentspur Orchid Orchidaceae 10 Campyloneurum angustifolium Narrow Strap Fern, Narrow Swamp Polypodiaceae Fern 10 Campyloneurum costatum Tailed Strap Fern Polypodiaceae 8 Campyloneurum phyllitidis Long Strap Fern Polypodiaceae 4 Canavalia rosea Baybean, Seaside Jackbean Fabaceae 10 Canella winterana Pepper Cinnamon, Cinnamon Bark Canellaceae 4 Canna flaccida Bandana-of-the-Everglades Cannaceae 7 Caperonia castaneifolia Chestnutleaf Falsecroton Euphorbiaceae 9 Capparis cynophallophora Jamaican Capertree Brassicaceae 9 Capparis fl exuosa Bayleaf Capertree Brassicaceae 2 Capraria biflora Goatweed Scrophulariaceae 4 Capsicum annuum var. Bird Pepper Solanaceae glabriusculum 7 Cardiospermum corindum Faux Persil Sapindaceae 2 Cardiospermum microcarpum Heartseed Sapindaceae 9 Carex gigantea Giant Sedge Cyperaceae 4 Carex longii Long’s Sedge Cyperaceae 18 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Carex lupuliformis False Hop Sedge Cyperaceae 7 Carex verrucosa Warty Sedge Cyperaceae 7 Carex vexans Florida Hammock Sedge Cyperaceae 2 Carica papaya Papaya Caricaceae 8 Carphephorus corymbosus Coastalplain Chaffhead, Florida Asteraceae Paintbrush 8 Carphephorus odoratissimus var. Pineland Purple, False Vanillaleaf Asteraceae subtropicanus 8 Carphephorus paniculatus Hairy Chaffhead Asteraceae 8 Carya aquatica Water Hickory Juglandaceae 8 Carya floridana Scrub Hickory Juglandaceae 8 Carya glabra Pignut Hickory Juglandaceae 4 Cassytha filiformis Love Vine, Devil’s Gut Lauraceae 10 Catopsis berteroniana Powdery Strap Airplant Bromeliaceae 10 Catopsis floribunda Florida Strap Airplant Bromeliaceae 10 Catopsis nutans Nodding Strap Airplant, Nodding Bromeliaceae Catopsis 10 Cayaponia americana American Melonleaf Cucurbitaceae 8 Celosia nitida West Indian Cock’s Comb Amaranthaceae 10 Celtis ehrenbergiana Spiny Hackberry, Desert Hackberry Celtidaceae 10 Celtis iguanaea Iguana Hackberry Celtidaceae 8 Celtis laevigata Sugarberry, Hackberry Celtidaceae 2 Cenchrus pallida Southern Sandbur Poaceae 2 Cenchrus gracillimus Slender Sandbur Poaceae 3 Cenchrus spinifex Coastal Sandbur Poaceae 7 Cenchrus tribuloides Sanddune Sandbur Poaceae 2 Centella asiatica Spadeleaf Araliaceae 4 Centrosema virginianum Spurred Butterfly Pea Fabaceae 6 Cephalanthus occidentalis Common Buttonbush Rubiaceae 10 Ceratiola ericoides Florida Rosemary, Sand Heath Ericaceae 4 Ceratophyllum demersum Coontail Ceratophyllaceae 4 Ceratopteris pteridoides Water Horn Fern Pteridaceae 5 Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge Pea Fabaceae 7 Chamaecrista lineata var. Narrowpod Sensitive Pea, Key Cassia Fabaceae keyensis 6 Chamaecrista nictitans var. Sensitive Pea Fabaceae nictitans 4 Chamaecrista nictitans var. Sensitive Pea Fabaceae aspera 1 Chamaesyce blodgettii Limestone Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 8 Chamaesyce bombensis Dixie Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 3 Chamaesyce conferta Everglades Key Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 6 Chamaesyce cumulicola Coastal Dune Sandmat, Sanddune Euphorbiaceae Spurge 6 Chamaesyce deltoidea Wedge Sandmat, Rockland Spurge Euphorbiaceae 10 Chamaesyce deltoidea ssp. Pineland Sandmat Euphorbiaceae pinetorum 9 Chamaesyce garberi Garber’s Sandmat, Garber’s Spurge Euphorbiaceae 0 Chamaesyce hirta Pillpod Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 1 Chamaesyce hypericifolia Graceful Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 1 Chamaesyce hyssopifolia Hyssopleaf Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 0 Chamaesyce maculata Spotted Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 5 Chamaesyce mesembrianthemifolia Coastal Beach Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 1 Chamaesyce ophthalmica Florida Hammock Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 19 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 9 Chamaesyce pergamena Southern Florida Sandmat, Euphorbiaceae Rocklands Spurge 10 Chamaesyce porteriana Porter’s Sandmat, Porter’s Spurge Euphorbiaceae 0 Chamaesyce prostrata Prostrate Sandmat Euphorbiaceae 8 Chapmannia floridana Florida Alicia Fabaceae 7 Chaptalia albicans White Sunbonnets Asteraceae 7 Chaptalia tomentosa Woolly Sunbonnets, Pineland Daisy Asteraceae 9 Chasmanthium nitidum Shiny Woodoats Poaceae 10 Cheilanthes microphylla Southern Lip Fern Pteridaceae 0 Chenopodium berlandieri Pitseed Goosefoot Amaranthaceae 4 Chiococca alba Snowberry, Milkberry Rubiaceae 7 Chiococca pinetorum Pineland Snowberry Rubiaceae 6 Chloris elata Tall Windmillgrass, Manyspike Poaceae Fingergrass 9 Chromolaena frustrata Cape Sable Thoroughwort Asteraceae 3 Chromolaena odorata Jack-in-the-Bush Asteraceae 4 Chrysobalanus icaco Coco Plum Chrysobalanaceae 9 Chrysophyllum oliviforme Satinleaf Sapotaceae 7 Chrysopogon pauciflorus Florida False Beardgrass Poaceae 9 Chrysopsis linearifolia ssp. dressii Dress’ Goldenaster Asteraceae 5 Chrysopsis mariana Maryland Goldenaster Asteraceae 4 Chrysopsis scabrella Coastalplain Goldenaster Asteraceae 5 Chrysopsis subulata Scrubland Goldenaster Asteraceae 6 Cicuta maculata Spotted Water Hemlock Apiaceae 4 Cirsium horridulum Purple Thistle Asteraceae 0 Cirsium nuttallii Nuttall’s Thistle Asteraceae 9 Cissampelos pareira Pereira Brava Menispermaceae 4 Cissus trifoliata Sorrelvine, Marinevine Vitaceae 2 Cissus verticillata Seasonvine, Possum Grape Vitaceae 8 Citharexylum spinosum Florida Fiddlewood Verbenaceae 5 Cladium jamaicense Jamaica Swamp Sawgrass Cyperaceae 6 Clematis baldwinii Pine-Hyacinth Ranunculaceae 5 Clitoria mariana Atlantic Pigeonwings Fabaceae 7 Cnidoscolus stimulosus Tread-Softly, Finger-Rot Euphorbiaceae 9 Coccoloba diversifolia Tietongue, Pigeon Plum Polygonaceae 4 Coccoloba uvifera Seagrape Polygonaceae 9 Coccothrinax argentata Florida Silver Palm Arecaceae 8 Coelorachis cylindrica Carolina Jointtailgrass Poaceae 7 Coelorachis rugosa Wrinkled Jointtailgrass Poaceae 8 Coelorachis tuberculosa Florida Jointtailgrass, Piedmont Poaceae Jointgrass 4 Colubrina arborescens Greenheart Rhamnaceae 8 Colubrina cubensis var. floridana Cuban Nakedwood Rhamnaceae 7 Colubrina elliptica Soldierwood Rhamnaceae 6 Commelina erecta Whitemouth Dayflower Commelinaceae 4 Conocarpus erectus Buttonwood Combretaceae 5 Conoclinium coelestinum Blue Mistflower Asteraceae 9 Conopholis americana American Squawroot, Cancerroot Orobanchaceae 8 Conradina grandiflora Largeflower False Rosemary Lamiaceae 1 Conyza canadensis Canadian Horseweed Asteraceae 8 Corallorhiza wisteriana Spring Coralroot Orchidaceae 2 Corchorus hirtus Red Jute Malvaceae 1 Corchorus siliquosus Slippery Burr Malvaceae 10 Cordia bahamensis Bahama Manjack Boraginaceae 20 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Cordia globosa Curacao Bush Boraginaceae 8 Coreopsis floridana Florida Tickseed Asteraceae 4 Coreopsis leavenworthii Leavenworth’s Tickseed Asteraceae 7 Cornus foemina Swamp Dogwood, Stiff Dogwood Cornaceae 10 Cranichis muscosa Cypressknee Helmet Orchid, Moss Orchidaceae Orchid 8 Crinum americanum Seven-Sisters, String-Lily Amaryllidaceae 10 Crossopetalum ilicifolium Christmasberry Celastraceae 9 Crossopetalum rhacoma Maidenberry, Rhacoma Celastraceae 4 Crotalaria pumila Low Rattlebox Fabaceae 7 Crotalaria rotundifolia Rabbitbells Fabaceae 3 Croton glandulosus var. Vente Conmigo Euphorbiaceae glandulosus 8 Croton glandulosus var. floridanus Vente Conmigo Euphorbiaceae 9 Croton humilis Pepperbush Euphorbiaceae 8 Croton linearis Pineland Croton, Grannybush Euphorbiaceae 9 Croton lobatus Lobed Croton Euphorbiaceae 6 Croton michauxii Rushfoil, Michaux’s Croton Euphorbiaceae 9 Croton punctatus Gulf Croton, Beach Tea Euphorbiaceae 9 Ctenitis sloanei Florida Tree Fern, Red-Hair Comb Dryopteridaceae Fern 10 Ctenitis submarginalis Brown-Hair Comb Fern Dryopteridaceae 9 Ctenium aromaticum Toothachegrass Poaceae 5 Cucurbita okeechobeensis Okeechobee Gourd Cucurbitaceae 2 Cuscuta pentagona Fiveangled Dodder Convolvulaceae 6 Cuscuta umbellata Flatglobe Dodder Convolvulaceae 5 Cynanchum angustifolium Gulf Coast Swallowwort Apocynaceae 10 Cynanchum blodgettii Blodgett’s Swallowwort Apocynaceae 8 Cynanchum northropiae Fragrant Swallowwort Apocynaceae 5 Cynanchum scoparium Leafl ess Swallowwort Apocynaceae 2 Cyperus articulatus Jointed Flatsedge Cyperaceae 2 Cyperus compressus Poorland Flatsedge Cyperaceae 2 Cyperus croceus Baldwin’s Flatsedge Cyperaceae 6 Cyperus cuspidatus Coastalplain Flatsedge Cyperaceae 4 Cyperus distinctus Swamp Flatsedge Cyperaceae 6 Cyperus elegans Royal Flatsedge Cyperaceae 5 Cyperus erythrorhizos Redroot Flatsedge Cyperaceae 7 Cyperus filiculmis Wiry Flatsedge Cyperaceae 5 Cyperus filiformis Wiry Flatsedge, Florida Flatsedge Cyperaceae 6 Cyperus flavescens Yellow Flatsedge Cyperaceae 3 Cyperus haspan Haspan Flatsedge Cyperaceae 3 Cyperus ligularis Swamp Flatsedge Cyperaceae 3 Cyperus odoratus Fragrant Flatsedge Cyperaceae 3 Cyperus ovatus Pinebarren Flatsedge Cyperaceae 2 Cyperus planifolius Flatleaf Flatsedge Cyperaceae 3 Cyperus polystachyos Manyspike Flatsedge Cyperaceae 0 Cyperus squarrosus Bearded Flatsedge Cyperaceae 5 Cyperus strigosus Strawcolored Flatsedge Cyperaceae 2 Cyperus surinamensis Tropical Flatsedge Cyperaceae 9 Cyperus tetragonus Fourangle Flatsedge Cyperaceae 10 Cyrtopodium punctatum Cowhorn Orchid, Cigar Orchid Orchidaceae 5 Dalbergia brownei Browne’s Indian Rosewood Fabaceae 4 Dalbergia ecastaphyllum Coinvine Fabaceae 8 Dalea carnea Whitetassels Fabaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 21 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 5 Dalea carthagenensis var. Florida Prairieclover Fabaceae floridana 7 Dalea feayi Feay’s Prairieclover Fabaceae 3 Dalea pinnata var. pinnata Summer Farewell Fabaceae 8 Dalea pinnata var. adenopoda Summer Farewell Fabaceae 0 Datura stramonium Jimsonweed Solanaceae 7 Deeringothamnus rugelii var. Pretty False Pawpaw, Royal False Annonaceae pulchellus Pawpaw 10 Dendrophylax lindenii Ghost Orchid, Palmpolly Orchidaceae 0 Descurainia pinnata Western Tansymustard Brassicaceae 8 Desmodium floridanum Florida Ticktrefoil Fabaceae 10 Desmodium lineatum Sand Ticktrefoil Fabaceae 9 Desmodium marilandicum Smooth Ticktrefoil Fabaceae 3 Desmodium paniculatum Panicled Ticktrefoil Fabaceae 10 Desmodium strictum Pinebarren Ticktrefoil Fabaceae 7 Dichanthelium aciculare Needleleaf Witchgrass Poaceae 7 Dichanthelium commutatum Variable Witchgrass Poaceae 6 Dichanthelium dichotomum Cypress Witchgrass Poaceae 6 Dichanthelium ensifolium var. Cypress Witchgrass Poaceae ensifolium 6 Dichanthelium ensifolium var. Dwarf Cypress Witchgrass Poaceae breve 6 Dichanthelium ensifolium var. Cypress Witchgrass Poaceae unciphyllum 7 Dichanthelium erectifolium Erectleaf Witchgrass Poaceae 6 Dichanthelium laxiflorum Openflower Witchgrass Poaceae 6 Dichanthelium leucothrix Rough Witchgrass Poaceae 7 Dichanthelium ovale Eggleaf Witchgrass Poaceae 7 Dichanthelium portoricense Hemlock Witchgrass Poaceae 6 Dichanthelium strigosum var. Roughhair Witchgrass Poaceae glabrescens 2 Dichondra carolinensis Carolina Ponysfoot Convolvulaceae 4 Dicliptera sexangularis Sixangle Foldwing Acanthaceae 0 Dicranopteris fl exuosa Drooping Forked Fern Gleicheniaceae 0 Digitaria ciliaris Southern Crabgrass Poaceae 7 Digitaria filiformis var. filiformis Slender Crabgrass, Shaggy Crabgrass Poaceae 8 Digitaria filiformis var. Caribbean Crabgrass Poaceae dolichophylla 0 Digitaria horizontalis Jamaican Crabgrass Poaceae 0 Digitaria insularis Sourgrass Poaceae 9 Digitaria pauciflora Twospike Crabgrass Poaceae 1 Digitaria serotina Blanket Crabgrass, Dwarf Crabgrass Poaceae 5 Diodia teres Poor Joe, Rough Buttonweed Rubiaceae 2 Diodia virginiana Virginia Buttonweed Rubiaceae 4 Diospyros virginiana Common Persimmon Ebenaceae 8 Distichlis spicata Saltgrass Poaceae 5 Dodonaea elaeagnoides Smallfruit Varnishleaf, Keys Sapindaceae Hopebush 4 Dodonaea viscosa Varnishleaf, Florida Hopbush Sapindaceae 9 Drosera brevifolia Dwarf Sundew Droseraceae 7 Drosera capillaris Pink Sundew Droseraceae 1 Drymaria cordata Drymary, West Indian Chickweed Caryophyllaceae 10 Drypetes diversifolia Whitewood, Milkbark Putranjivaceae 10 Drypetes lateriflora Guiana Plum Putranjivaceae 22 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 8 Dyschoriste angusta Pineland Twinflower, Pineland Acanthaceae Snakeherb 8 Dyschoriste oblongifolia Oblongleaf Snakeherb Acanthaceae 6 Echinochloa paludigena Florida Cockspur Poaceae 1 Echinochloa walteri Coast Cockspur Poaceae 10 Echinodorus berteroi Upright Burrhead Alismataceae 6 Echites umbellata Devil’s Potato, Rubbervine Apocynaceae 1 Eclipta prostrata False Daisy Asteraceae 5 Eleocharis albida White Spikerush Cyperaceae 3 Eleocharis baldwinii Baldwin’s Spikerush, Roadgrass Cyperaceae 4 Eleocharis cellulosa Gulf Coast Spikerush Cyperaceae 8 Eleocharis elongata Slim Spikerush Cyperaceae 6 Eleocharis flavescens Yellow Spikerush, Pale Spikerush Cyperaceae 3 Eleocharis geniculata Canada Spikerush Cyperaceae 3 Eleocharis interstincta Knotted Spikerush Cyperaceae 5 Eleocharis microcarpa Smallfruit Spikerush Cyperaceae 5 Eleocharis montevidensis Sand Spikerush Cyperaceae 2 Eleocharis vivipara Viviparous Spikerush Cyperaceae 7 Elephantopus elatus Tall Elephantsfoot Asteraceae 10 Eltroplectris calcarata Longclaw Orchid, Spurred Neottia Orchidaceae 9 Elytraria caroliniensis var. Carolina Scalystem Acanthaceae caroliniensis 8 Elytraria caroliniensis var. Carolina Scalystem Acanthaceae angustifolia 4 Encyclia tampensis Florida Butterfly Orchid Orchidaceae 10 Epidendrum anceps Dingy-Flowered Star Orchid Orchidaceae 10 Epidendrum blancheanum Acuna’s Star Orchid Orchidaceae 10 Epidendrum floridense Umbrella Star Orchid, Umbelled Orchidaceae Epidendrum 10 Epidendrum nocturnum Night-Scented Epidendrum Orchidaceae 10 Epidendrum rigidum Stiff-Flower Star Orchid, Rigid Orchidaceae Epidendrum 10 Epidendrum strobiliferum Big Cypress Star Orchid, Matted Orchidaceae Epidendrum 0 Equisetum hyemale var. affine Scouring-Rush Equisetaceae 2 Eragrostis elliottii Elliott’s Lovegrass Poaceae 8 Eragrostis hypnoides Teal Lovegrass Poaceae 1 Eragrostis pectinacea var. tracyi Sanibel Island Lovegrass Poaceae 0 Eragrostis secundiflora ssp. Red Lovegrass Poaceae oxylepis 2 Eragrostis spectabilis Purple Lovegrass Poaceae 4 Eragrostis virginica Coastal Lovegrass Poaceae 3 Erechtites hieraciifolius American Burnweed, Fireweed Asteraceae 3 Erigeron quercifolius Oakleaf Fleabane Asteraceae 5 Erigeron vernus Early Whitetop Fleabane Asteraceae 8 Eriocaulon compressum Flattened Pipewort Eriocaulaceae 8 Eriocaulon decangulare Tenangle Pipewort Eriocaulaceae 9 Eriocaulon ravenelii Ravenel’s Pipewort Eriocaulaceae 8 Eriochloa michauxii var. michauxii Michaux’s Cupgrass Poaceae 8 Eriochloa michauxii var. simpsonii Simpson’s Cupgrass Poaceae 7 Erithalis fruticosa Blacktorch Rubiaceae 10 Ernodea cokeri Coker’s Beach Creeper, One-Nerved Rubiaceae Ernodea 7 Ernodea littoralis Beach Creeper, Coughbush Rubiaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 23 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 8 Eryngium aromaticum Fragrant Eryngo Apiaceae 8 Eryngium baldwinii Baldwin’s Eryngo Apiaceae 8 Eryngium yuccifolium Button Rattlesnakemaster, Button Apiaceae Eryngo 7 Erythrina herbacea Coralbean, Cherokee Bean Fabaceae 9 Eugenia axillaris White Stopper Myrtaceae 10 Eugenia confusa Redberry Stopper, Redberry Eugenia Myrtaceae 8 Eugenia foetida Spanish Stopper, Boxleaf Stopper Myrtaceae 10 Eugenia rhombea Red Stopper Myrtaceae 4 Eulophia alta Wild Coco Orchidaceae 1 Eupatorium capillifolium Dogfennel Asteraceae 8 Eupatorium compositifolium Yankeeweed Asteraceae 8 Eupatorium leptophyllum Falsefennel Asteraceae 8 Eupatorium mikanioides Semaphore Thoroughwort Asteraceae 7 Eupatorium mohrii Mohr’s Thoroughwort Asteraceae 4 Eupatorium rotundifolium Roundleaf Thoroughwort, False Asteraceae Horehound 3 Eupatorium serotinum Lateflowering Thoroughwort Asteraceae 3 Euphorbia inundata var. garrettii Euphorbiaceae 7 Euphorbia polyphylla Lesser Florida Spurge Euphorbiaceae 4 Euphorbia trichotoma Sanddune Spurge Euphorbiaceae 5 Eustachys glauca Saltmarsh Fingergrass Poaceae 2 Eustachys petraea Pinewoods Fingergrass Poaceae 4 Eustoma exaltatum Marsh Gentian, Catchfly Gentianaceae Prairie-Gentian 5 Euthamia caroliniana Slender Flattop Goldenrod Asteraceae 0 Evolvulus alsinoides Slender Dwarf Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae 7 Evolvulus sericeus Silver Dwarf Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae 8 Exostema caribaeum Caribbean Princewood Rubiaceae 9 Exothea paniculata Inkwood, Butterbough Sapindaceae 2 Ficus aurea Strangler Fig, Golden Fig Moraceae 4 Ficus citrifolia Wild Banyan Tree Moraceae 4 Fimbristylis autumnalis Slender Fimbry Cyperaceae 4 Fimbristylis caroliniana Carolina Fimbry Cyperaceae 2 Fimbristylis cymosa Hurricanegrass Cyperaceae 1 Fimbristylis dichotoma Forked Fimbry Cyperaceae 7 Fimbristylis puberula Hairy Fimbry Cyperaceae 8 Fimbristylis spadicea Marsh Fimbry Cyperaceae 4 Flaveria floridana Florida Yellowtops Asteraceae 4 Flaveria linearis Narrowleaf Yellowtops Asteraceae 0 Flaveria trinervia Clustered Yellowtops Asteraceae 8 Forestiera pinetorum Oleaceae 4 Forestiera segregata Florida Swampprivet Oleaceae 7 Fraxinus caroliniana Carolina Ash, Water Ash, Pop Ash Oleaceae 3 Froelichia floridana Cottonweed, Plains Snakecotton Amaranthaceae 4 Fuirena breviseta Saltmarsh Umbrellasedge Cyperaceae 4 Fuirena pumila Dwarf Umbrellasedge Cyperaceae 5 Fuirena scirpoidea Southern Umbrellasedge Cyperaceae 7 Galactia elliottii Elliott’s Milkpea Fabaceae 7 Galactia regularis Downy Milkpea Fabaceae 7 Galacita smallii Small’s Milkpea Fabaceae 4 Galactia volubilis Eastern Milkpea Fabaceae 10 Galeandra bicarinata Two-Keeled Hooded Orchid, Helmet Orchidaceae Orchid 24 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 4 Galium hispidulum Coastal Bedstraw Rubiaceae 4 Galium tinctorium Stiff Marsh Bedstraw Rubiaceae 0 Gamochaeta coarctata American Everlasting, Elegant Asteraceae Cudweed 2 Gamochaeta antillana Caribbean Purple Everlasting Asteraceae 1 Gamochaeta purpurea Spoonleaf Purple Everlasting Asteraceae 1 Gaura angustifolia Southern Beeblossom Onagraceae 8 Gaylussacia dumosa Dwarf Huckleberry Ericaceae 8 Gelsemium sempervirens Yellow Jessamine, Carolina Jessamine Gelsemiaceae 8 Genipa clusiifolia Sevenyear Apple Rubiaceae 0 Geranium carolinianum Carolina Cranesbill Geraniaceae 10 Glandularia maritima Coastal Mock Vervain Verbenaceae 9 Glandularia tampensis Tampa Mock Vervain Verbenaceae 9 Gordonia lasianthus Loblolly Bay Theaceae 7 Gossypium hirsutum Upland Cotton, Wild Cotton Malvaceae 8 Gouania lupuloides Chewstick, Whiteroot Rhamnaceae 10 Govenia floridana Florida Govenia, Gowen’s Orchid Orchidaceae 7 Gratiola hispida Rough Hedgehyssop Plantaginaceae 7 Gratiola pilosa Shaggy Hedgehyssop Plantaginaceae 7 Gratiola ramosa Branched Hedgehyssop Plantaginaceae 10 Guaiacum sanctum Holywood Lignumvitae Zygophyllaceae 8 Guapira discolor Beeftree, Blolly Nyctaginaceae 9 Guettarda elliptica Hammock Velvetseed Rubiaceae 9 Guettarda scabra Rough Velvetseed Rubiaceae 10 Guzmania monostachia West Indian Tufted Airplant Bromeliaceae 10 Gyminda latifolia West Indian False Boxwood Celastraceae 9 Gymnanthes lucida Crabwood, Oysterwood Euphorbiaceae 9 Gymnopogon ambiguus Bearded Skeletongrass Poaceae 10 Habenaria distans Hammock False Reinorchid Orchidaceae 4 Habenaria floribunda Toothpetal False Reinorchid Orchidaceae 8 Habenaria nivea Snowy Orchid Orchidaceae 7 Habenaria quinqueseta Longhorn False Reinorchid Orchidaceae 7 Habenaria repens Waterspider False Reinorchid Orchidaceae 6 Halodule wrightii Shoalweed Cymodoceaceae 7 Halophila decipiens Caribbean seagrass Hydrocharitaceae 7 Halophila engelmannii Engelmann’s seagrass Hydrocharitaceae 6 Halophila johnsonii Johnson’s seagrass Hydrocharitaceae 4 Hamelia patens Firebush Rubiaceae 4 Harrisella porrecta Needleroot Airplant Orchid Orchidaceae 9 Harrisia aboriginum Prickly Applecactus Cactaceae 8 Harrisia simpsonii Simpson’s Applecactus Cactaceae 1 Helenium amarum Spanish Daisy, Bitterweed Asteraceae 2 Helenium fl exuosum Purplehead Sneezeweed Asteraceae 8 Helenium pinnatifidum Southeastern Sneezeweed Asteraceae 3 Helianthemum corymbosum Pinebarren Frostweed Cistaceae 5 Helianthemum nashii Florida Scrub Frostweed Cistaceae 6 Helianthus agrestis Southeastern Sunflower Asteraceae 6 Helianthus angustifolius Narrowleaf Sunflower, Swamp Asteraceae Sunflower 4 Helianthus debilis East Coast Dune Sunflower Asteraceae 4 Helianthus debilis ssp. vestitus West Coast Dune Sunflower Asteraceae 6 Helianthus radula Stiff Sunflower Asteraceae 2 Heliotropium angiospermum Scorpionstail Boraginaceae 2 Heliotropium curassavicum Seaside Heliotrope, Salt Heliotrope Boraginaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 25 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Heliotropium leavenworthii Boraginaceae 3 Heliotropium polyphyllum Pineland Heliotrope Boraginaceae 3 Herissantia crispa Bladdermallow Malvaceae 1 Heteropogon contortus Tanglehead Poaceae 1 Heteropogon melanocarpus Sweet Tanglehead Poaceae 1 Heterotheca subaxillaris Camphorweed Asteraceae 10 Hexalectris spicata Spiked Crested Coralroot Orchidaceae 8 Hibiscus coccineus Scarlet Rosemallow Malvaceae 1 Hibiscus furcellatus Lindenleaf Rosemallow Malvaceae 5 Hibiscus grandiflorus Swamp Rosemallow Malvaceae 9 Hibiscus poeppigii Poeppig’s Rosemallow Malvaceae 8 Hieracium megacephalon Coastalplain Hawkweed Asteraceae 9 Hippocratea volubilis Medicine Vine Celastraceae 9 Hippomane mancinella Manchineel Euphorbiaceae 6 Houstonia procumbens Innocence, Roundleaf Bluet Rubiaceae 10 Huperzia dichotoma Hanging Club-Moss Lycopodiaceae 4 Hydrocotyle umbellata Manyflower Marshpennywort Araliaceae 7 Hydrolea corymbosa Skyflower Hydroleaceae 7 Hymenocallis latifolia Mangrove Spiderlily, Perfumed Amaryllidaceae Spiderlily 9 Hymenocallis palmeri Alligatorlily Amaryllidaceae 8 Hymenocallis tridentata Florida Spiderlily Amaryllidaceae 10 Hypelate trifoliata White Ironwood Sapindaceae 7 Hypericum brachyphyllum Coastalplain St.John’s-Wort Clusiaceae 7 Hypericum cistifolium Roundpod St.John’s-Wort Clusiaceae 7 Hypericum crux-andreae St.Peter’s-Wort Clusiaceae 5 Hypericum edisonianum Arcadian St.John’s-Wort, Edison Clusiaceae Ascyrum 7 Hypericum fasciculatum Sandweed, Peelbark St.John’s-Wort Clusiaceae 5 Hypericum gentianoides Pineweeds, Orangegrass Clusiaceae 7 Hypericum hypericoides St.Andrew’s-Cross Clusiaceae 5 Hypericum mutilum Dwarf St.John’s-Wort Clusiaceae 7 Hypericum myrtifolium Myrtleleaf St.John’s-Wort Clusiaceae 7 Hypericum tenuifolium Atlantic St.John’s-Wort Clusiaceae 7 Hypericum tetrapetalum Fourpetal St.John’s-Wort Clusiaceae 8 Hypoxis curtissii Common Yellow Stargrass Hypoxidaceae 8 Hypoxis juncea Fringed Yellow Stargrass Hypoxidaceae 8 Hypoxis sessilis Glossyseed Yellow Stargrass Hypoxidaceae 6 Hypoxis wrightii Bristleseed Yellow Stargrass Hypoxidaceae 5 Hyptis alata Clustered Bushmint, Musky Mint Lamiaceae 7 Ilex cassine Dahoon Aquifoliaceae 7 Ilex glabra Inkberry, Gallberry Aquifoliaceae 9 Ilex krugiana Tawnyberry Holly, Krug’s Holly Aquifoliaceae 10 Ilex opaca American Holly Aquifoliaceae 8 Imperata brasiliensis Brazilian Satintail Poaceae 8 Indigofera caroliniana Carolina Indigo Fabaceae 2 Indigofera miniata var. florida Florida Coastal Indigo Fabaceae 6 Indigofera trita ssp. scabra Florida Keys Indigo Fabaceae 9 Ionopsis utricularioides Delicate Violet Orchid Orchidaceae 3 Ipomoea alba Moonflowers, Tropical White Convolvulaceae Morning-Glory 2 Ipomoea cordatotriloba Tievine Convolvulaceae 0 Ipomoea hederacea Ivyleaf Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae 0 Ipomoea hederifolia Scarletcreeper Convolvulaceae 26 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 9 Ipomoea imperati Beach Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae 2 Ipomoea indica var. acuminata Oceanblue Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae 10 Ipomoea microdactyla Bejuco Colorado, Wild-Potato Convolvulaceae Morning-Glory 4 Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. Railroad Vine, Bayhops Convolvulaceae brasiliensis 6 Ipomoea sagittata Saltmarsh Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae 9 Ipomoea tenuissima Rockland Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae 3 Ipomoea violacea Heavenlyblue Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae 2 Iresine diffusa Juba’s Bush Amaranthaceae 7 Iris hexagona Dixie Iris, Prairie Iris Iridaceae 6 Isoetes flaccida Florida Quillwort Isoetaceae 8 Itea virginica Virginia Willow, Virginia Sweetspire Iteaceae 8 Iva frutescens Bigleaf Sumpweed Asteraceae 5 Iva imbricata Seacoast Marshelder Asteraceae 8 Iva microcephala Piedmont Marshelder Asteraceae 7 Jacquemontia curtisii Pineland Clustervine, Pineland Convolvulaceae Jacquemontia 7 Jacquemontia pentanthos Skyblue Clustervine Convolvulaceae 9 Jacquemontia reclinata Beach Clustervine, Beach Convolvulaceae Jacquemontia 10 Jacquinia keyensis Joewood Theophrastaceae 5 Juncus effusus ssp. solutus Soft Rush Juncaceae 5 Juncus marginatus Shore Rush, Grassleaf Rush Juncaceae 4 Juncus megacephalus Bighead Rush Juncaceae 7 Juncus polycephalos Manyhead Rush Juncaceae 4 Juncus repens Lesser Creeping Rush Juncaceae 7 Juncus roemerianus Needle Rush, Needlegrass Rush, Juncaceae Black Rush 6 Juncus scirpoides Needlepod Rush Juncaceae 4 Juniperus virginiana Red Cedar Cupressaceae 8 Justicia angusta Pineland Waterwillow Acanthaceae 1 Kallstroemia maxima Big Caltrop Zygophyllaceae 5 Koanophyllon villosum Florida Shrub Thoroughwort Asteraceae 5 Kosteletzkya depressa White Fenrose, White Fen Malvaceae 4 Kosteletzkya pentacarpos Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow Malvaceae 9 Krugiodendron ferreum Black Ironwood, Leadwood Rhamnaceae 0 Kyllinga odorata Fragrant Spikesedge Cyperaceae 0 Kyllinga pumila Low Spikesedge Cyperaceae 6 Lachnanthes caroliana Carolina Redroot Haemodoraceae 8 Lachnocaulon anceps Whitehead Bogbutton Eriocaulaceae 8 Lachnocaulon beyrichianum Southern Bogbutton Eriocaulaceae 5 Lachnocaulon minus Small’s Bogbutton Eriocaulaceae 7 Lactuca floridana Woodland Lettuce Asteraceae 2 Lactuca graminifolia Grassleaf Lettuce Asteraceae 4 Laguncularia racemosa White Mangrove Combretaceae 4 Lantana canescens Hammock Shrubverbena Verbenaceae 6 Lantana depressa Rockland Shrubverbena, Pineland Verbenaceae Lantana 5 Lantana involucrata Buttonsage Verbenaceae 9 Lasiacis divaricata Smallcane, Florida Tibisee Poaceae 7 Lechea cernua Nodding Pinweed, Scrub Pinweed Cistaceae 8 Lechea deckertii Deckert’s Pinweed Cistaceae 7 Lechea divaricata Drysand Pinweed, Spreading Pinweed Cistaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 27 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Lechea sessiliflora Pineland Pinweed Cistaceae 7 Lechea torreyi Piedmont Pinweed Cistaceae 2 Leersia hexandra Southern Cutgrass Poaceae 4 Lemna aequinoctialis Lesser Duckweed Araceae 3 Lemna obscura Little Duckweed Araceae 4 Lemna valdiviana Valdivia Duckweed Araceae 10 Lepanthopsis melanantha Tiny Orchid Orchidaceae 0 Lepidium virginicum Virginia Pepperweed Brassicaceae 1 Leptochloa dubia Green Sprangletop Poaceae 3 Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis Bearded Sprangletop Poaceae 1 Leptochloa virgata Tropical Sprangletop Poaceae 6 Liatris chapmanii Chapman’s Gayfeather Asteraceae 8 Liatris garberi Garber’s Gayfeather Asteraceae 8 Liatris gracilis Slender Gayfeather Asteraceae 7 Liatris spicata Dense Gayfeather Asteraceae 7 Liatris tenuifolia var. tenuifolia Shortleaf Gayfeather Asteraceae 8 Liatris tenuifolia var. quadriflora Shortleaf Gayfeather Asteraceae 4 Licania michauxii Gopher Apple Chrysobalanaceae 8 Licaria triandra Pepperleaf Sweetwood, Licaria Lauraceae 8 Lilium catesbaei Catesby’s Lily, Pine Lily Liliaceae 5 Limnobium spongia American Spongeplant, Frog’s-Bit Hydrocharitaceae 7 Limonium carolinianum Carolina Sealavender Plumbaginaceae 1 Linaria canadensis Canadian Toadflax Plantaginaceae 2 Linaria floridana Apalachicola Toadflax Plantaginaceae 4 Lindernia dubia var. dubia Moistbank False Pimpernel Plantaginaceae 5 Lindernia dubia var. anagallidea Yellowseed False Pimpernel Plantaginaceae 3 Lindernia grandiflora Savannah False Pimpernel Plantaginaceae 1 Linum arenicola Sand Flax Linaceae 6 Linum carteri var. carteri Carter’s Flax, Everglades Flax Linaceae 4 Linum carteri var. smallii Small’s Flax Linaceae 7 Linum floridanum Florida Yellow Flax Linaceae 7 Linum medium var. texanum Stiff Yellow Flax Linaceae 10 Liparis nervosa Pantropical Widelip Orchid, Tall Orchidaceae Twayblade 8 Lipocarpha maculata American Halfchaff Sedge Cyperaceae 7 Lipocarpha micrantha Smallflower Halfchaff Sedge Cyperaceae 8 Liquidambar styracifl ua Sweetgum Altingiaceae 5 Lobelia feayana Bay Lobelia Campanulaceae 7 Lobelia glandulosa Glade Lobelia Campanulaceae 2 Lobelia homophylla Pineland Lobelia Campanulaceae 7 Lobelia paludosa White Lobelia Campanulaceae 10 Lomariopsis kunzeana Holly Vine Fern, Climbing Holly-Fern Lomariopsidaceae 5 Ludwigia alata Winged Primrosewillow Onagraceae 4 Ludwigia arcuata Piedmont Primrosewillow Onagraceae 6 Ludwigia curtissii Curtiss’ Primrosewillow Onagraceae 7 Ludwigia decurrens Wingleaf Primrosewillow Onagraceae 4 Ludwigia erecta Yerba de Jicotea Onagraceae 3 Ludwigia leptocarpa Anglestem Primrosewillow Onagraceae 6 Ludwigia linifolia Southeastern Primrosewillow Onagraceae 6 Ludwigia maritima Seaside Primrosewillow Onagraceae 3 Ludwigia microcarpa Smallfruit Primrosewillow Onagraceae 2 Ludwigia octovalvis Mexican Primrosewillow Onagraceae 8 Ludwigia pilosa Hairy Primrosewillow Onagraceae 4 Ludwigia repens Creeping Primrosewillow Onagraceae 28 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Ludwigia suffruticosa Shrubby Primrosewillow Onagraceae 7 Lupinus diffusus Skyblue Lupine Fabaceae 2 Luziola fl uitans Southern Watergrass Poaceae 8 Lycium carolinianum Christmasberry, Carolina Solanaceae Desert-Thorn 8 Lycopodiella appressa Southern Club-Moss Lycopodiaceae 7 Lycopodiella caroliniana Slender Club-Moss Lycopodiaceae 4 Lycopodiella cernua Nodding Club-Moss, Staghorn Lycopodiaceae Club-Moss 8 Lycopus rubellus Taperleaf Waterhorehound Lamiaceae 7 Lygodesmia aphylla Rose-Rush Asteraceae 8 Lyonia ferruginea Rusty Staggerbush Ericaceae 7 Lyonia fruticosa Coastalplain Staggerbush Ericaceae 7 Lyonia lucida Fetterbush Ericaceae 5 Lysiloma latisiliquum False Tamarind Fabaceae 3 Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum Winged Loosestrife Lythraceae 3 Lythrum flagellare Florida Loosestrife, Lowland Lythraceae Loosestrife 3 Lythrum lineare Wand Loosestrife Lythraceae 10 Macradenia lutescens Long-gland Orchid, Trinidad Orchidaceae Macradenia 8 Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnoliaceae 2 Malachra fasciata Roadside Leafbract Malvaceae 10 Malaxis spicata Florida Addersmouth Orchid Orchidaceae 1 Malvastrum corchorifolium False Mallow Malvaceae 9 Manilkara jaimiqui ssp. emarginata Wild Dilly Sapotaceae 9 Marshallia graminifolia Grassleaf Barbara’s Buttons Asteraceae 10 Matelea floridana Florida Milkvine, Florida Spiny Pod Apocynaceae 10 Maxillaria crassifolia Hidden Orchid Orchidaceae 10 Maxillaria parviflora Purple Tiger Orchid, Minnie-Max Orchidaceae 9 Maytenus phyllanthoides Florida Mayten Celastraceae 7 Mecardonia acuminata ssp. Axilflower Plantaginaceae peninsularis 5 Mecardonia procumbens Baby Jumpup Plantaginaceae 6 Melanthera angustifolia Everglades Squarestem Asteraceae 4 Melanthera nivea Snow Squarestem Asteraceae 6 Melanthera parvifolia Small-leaf Squarestem Asteraceae 2 Melochia pyramidata Pyramidflower Malvaceae 6 Melochia spicata Bretonica Peluda Malvaceae 2 Melochia tomentosa Woolly Pyramidflower, Teabush, Malvaceae Broomwood 2 Melothria pendula Creeping Cucumber Cucurbitaceae 4 Mentzelia floridana Poorman’s Patch, Stickleaf Loasaceae 4 Metopium toxiferum Florida Poisontree, Poisonwood Anacardiaceae 4 Micranthemum glomeratum Manatee Mudflower Plantaginaceae 2 Micranthemum umbrosum Shade Mudflower Plantaginaceae 10 Microgramma heterophylla Climbing Vine Fern Polypodiaceae 6 Micromeria brownei var. Browne’s Savory Lamiaceae pilosiuscula 7 Mikania cordifolia Florida Keys Hempvine Asteraceae 3 Mikania scandens Climbing Hempvine Asteraceae 4 Mimosa quadrivalvis var. angustata Sensitive Brier Fabaceae 4 Mimosa quadrivalvis var. floridana Florida Sensitive Brier Fabaceae 0 Mimosa strigillosa Powderpuff Fabaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 29 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 10 Mitchella repens Partridgeberry, Twinberry Rubiaceae 4 Mitreola petiolata Lax Hornpod Loganiaceae 7 Mitreola sessilifolia Swamp Hornpod Loganiaceae 10 Monanthochloe littoralis Shoregrass, Keygrass Poaceae 4 Monarda punctata Spotted Beebalm Lamiaceae 10 Monotropa uniflora Indianpipe Ericaceae 4 Morinda royoc Redgal Rubiaceae 8 Morus rubra Red Mulberry Moraceae 9 Mosiera longipes Mangroveberry Myrtaceae 1 Mucuna sloanei Horseeye Bean Fabaceae 7 Muhlenbergia capillaris var. Hairawn Muhly Poaceae capillaris 7 Muhlenbergia capillaris var. filipes Gulf Hairawn Muhly Poaceae 0 Muhlenbergia schreberi Nimblewill Muhly Poaceae 4 Myrcianthes fragrans Twinberry, Simpson’s Stopper Myrtaceae 4 Myrica cerifera Southern Bayberry, Wax Myrtle Myricaceae 2 Myriophyllum heterophyllum Twoleaf Watermilfoil Haloragaceae 3 Najas guadalupensis Southern Waternymph Hydrocharitaceae 4 Nelumbo lutea American Lotus Nelumbonaceae 10 Nemastylis floridana Celestial Lily, Fallflowering Ixia Iridaceae 7 Nephrolepis biserrata Giant Sword Fern Nephrolepidaceae 4 Nephrolepis exaltata Sword Fern, Wild Boston Fern Nephrolepidaceae 3 Neptunia pubescens Tropical Puff Fabaceae 10 Nevrodium lanceolatum Ribbon Fern Polypodiaceae 10 Nolina atopocarpa Florida Beargrass Ruscaceae 2 Nothoscordum bivalve Crowpoison, False Garlic Alliaceae 4 Nuphar advena Spatterdock, Yellow Pondlily Nymphaeaceae 4 Nymphaea elegans Tropical Royalblue Waterlily Nymphaeaceae 7 Nymphaea jamesoniana Jameson’s Waterlily, Nightblooming Nymphaeaceae Waterlily 4 Nymphaea mexicana Yellow Waterlily Nymphaeaceae 4 Nymphaea odorata American White Waterlily Nymphaeaceae 5 Nymphoides aquatica Big Floatingheart Menyanthaceae 9 Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora Swamp Tupelo Cornaceae 8 Ocimum campechianum Wild Sweet Basil Lamiaceae 7 Oclemena reticulata Whitetop Aster, Pinebarren Aster Asteraceae 8 Ocotea coriacea Lancewood Lauraceae 4 Odontosoria clavata Wedgelet Fern Dennstaedtiaceae 0 Oenothera biennis Common Eveningprimrose Onagraceae 4 Oenothera humifusa Seabeach Eveningprimrose Onagraceae 0 Oenothera laciniata Cutleaf Eveningprimrose Onagraceae 5 Okenia hypogaea Burrowing Four-O’clock, Beach Nyctaginaceae Peanut 4 Oldenlandia uniflora Clustered Mille Graines Rubiaceae 10 Oncidium ensatum Florida Dancinglady Orchid Orchidaceae 5 Ophioglossum crotalophoroides Bulbous Adder’s Tongue Ophioglossaceae 7 Ophioglossum palmatum Hand Fern Ophioglossaceae 4 Ophioglossum petiolatum Stalked Adder’s Tongue Ophioglossaceae 4 Oplismenus hirtellus Woodsgrass, Basketgrass Poaceae 8 Opuntia corallicola Semaphore Pricklypear, Semaphore Cactaceae Cactus 6 Opuntia humifusa Pricklypear Cactaceae 5 Opuntia stricta Erect Pricklypear, Shell-Mound Cactaceae Pricklypear 30 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 10 Orontium aquaticum Goldenclub, Neverwet Araceae 8 Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern Osmundaceae 7 Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Royal Fern Osmundaceae 1 Oxalis corniculata Common Yellow Woodsorrel Oxalidaceae 7 Oxypolis filiformis Water Cowbane Apiaceae 4 Packera glabella Butterweed Asteraceae 7 Palafoxia feayi Feay’s Palafox Asteraceae 8 Palafoxia integrifolia Coastalplain Palafox Asteraceae 9 Panicum abscissum Cutthroatgrass Poaceae 8 Panicum amarum Bitter Panicgrass Poaceae 7 Panicum anceps Beaked Panicum Poaceae 1 Panicum dichotomiflorum var. Fall Panicgrass Poaceae dichotomiflorum 2 Panicum dichotomiflorum var. Fall Panicgrass Poaceae bartowense 4 Panicum hemitomon Maidencane Poaceae 6 Panicum hians Gaping Panicum Poaceae 6 Panicum rigidulum Redtop Panicum Poaceae 7 Panicum tenerum Bluejoint Panicum Poaceae 5 Panicum verrucosum Warty Panicgrass Poaceae 4 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass Poaceae 1 Parietaria floridana Florida Pellitory Urticaceae 4 Parietaria praetermissa Clustered Pellitory Urticaceae 8 Paronychia americana American Nailwort Caryophyllaceae 3 Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper, Woodbine Vitaceae 7 Paspalidium chapmanii Coral Panicum, Coral Panicgrass Poaceae 6 Paspalidium geminatum Egyptian Paspalidium, Poaceae Kissimmeegrass 5 Paspalum blodgettii Coral Paspalum, Blodgett’s Poaceae Crowngrass 4 Paspalum boscianum Bull Crowngrass Poaceae 4 Paspalum caespitosum Blue Crowngrass Poaceae 2 Paspalum conjugatum Sour Paspalum, Hilograss Poaceae 2 Paspalum distichum Knotgrass Poaceae 4 Paspalum floridanum Florida Paspalum Poaceae 7 Paspalum laeve Field Paspalum Poaceae 8 Paspalum monostachyum Gulfdune Paspalum Poaceae 4 Paspalum praecox Early Paspalum Poaceae 7 Paspalum repens Water Paspalum Poaceae 2 Paspalum setaceum Thin Paspalum Poaceae 4 Paspalum vaginatum Seashore Paspalum Poaceae 3 Passiflora incarnata Purple Passionflower Passifloraceae 7 Passiflora multiflora Whiteflower Passionflower Passifloraceae 8 Passiflora pallens Pineland Passionflower, Pineland Passifloraceae Passionvine 8 Passiflora sexflora Goatsfoot Passifloraceae 2 Passiflora suberosa Corkystem Passionflower Passifloraceae 7 Pavonia paludicola Swampbush Malvaceae 10 Pecluma dispersa Widespread Polypody Polypodiaceae 10 Pecluma plumula Plume Polypody Polypodiaceae 9 Pecluma ptilodon var. bourgeauana Comb Polypody, Swamp Plume Polypodiaceae Polypody 1 Pectis glaucescens Sanddune Cinchweed Asteraceae 1 Pectis linearifolia Florida Cinchweed Asteraceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 31 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 1 Pectis prostrata Spreading Cinchweed Asteraceae 1 Pectis x floridana Asteraceae 10 Pelexia adnata Hachuela, Pelexia Orchidaceae 4 Peltandra virginica Green Arrow Arum Araceae 7 Penstemon multiflorus Manyflower Beardtongue Plantaginaceae 7 Pentalinon luteum Wild Allamanda, Hammock Viperstail Apocynaceae 5 Pentodon pentandrus Hales’s Pentodon Rubiaceae 10 Peperomia alata Winged Peperomia Piperaceae 10 Peperomia glabella Cypress Peperomia Piperaceae 10 Peperomia humilis Low Peperomia Piperaceae 10 Peperomia magnoliifolia Spoonleaf Peperomia, Spathulate Piperaceae Peperomia 10 Peperomia obtusifolia Florida Peperomia, Baby Rubberplant Piperaceae 10 Peperomia rotundifolia Yerba Linda Piperaceae 8 Persea borbonia var. borbonia Red Bay Lauraceae 8 Persea borbonia var. humilis Silk Bay Lauraceae 6 Persea palustris Swamp Bay Lauraceae 4 Petiveria alliacea Guinea Hen Weed Phytolaccaceae 9 Phanopyrum gymnocarpon Savannah Panicum Poaceae 2 Phaseolus polystachios Thicket Bean Fabaceae 3 Phlebodium aureum Golden Polypody Polypodiaceae 7 Phoebanthus grandiflorus Florida False Sunflower Asteraceae 8 Phoradendron leucarpum Oak Mistletoe Viscaceae 10 Phoradendron rubrum Mahogany Mistletoe Viscaceae 2 Phragmites australis Common Reed Poaceae 2 Phyla nodiflora Turkey Tangle Fogfruit, Capeweed Verbenaceae 5 Phyla stoechadifolia Southern Fogfruit, Southern Verbenaceae Matchsticks 3 Phyllanthus abnormis Drummond’s Leafflower Phyllanthaceae 4 Phyllanthus caroliniensis ssp. Rock Carolina Leafflower Phyllanthaceae saxicola 4 Phyllanthus pentaphyllus var. Fivepetal Leafflower Phyllanthaceae floridanus 1 Physalis angulata Cutleaf Groundcherry Asteraceae 3 Physalis angustifolia Coastal Groundcherry Solanaceae 2 Physalis pubescens Husk Tomato Solanaceae 6 Physalis walteri Walter’s Groundcherry Solanaceae 7 Physostegia purpurea Eastern False Dragonhead Lamiaceae 2 Phytolacca americana American Pokeweed Phytolaccaceae 3 Picramnia pentandra Florida Bitterbush Picramniaceae 1 Pilea microphylla Artillery Plant, Rockweed Urticaceae 7 Piloblephis rigida Wild Pennyroyal Lamiaceae 10 Pinguicula caerulea Blueflower Butterwort Lentibulariaceae 7 Pinguicula lutea Yellow Butterwort Lentibulariaceae 8 Pinguicula pumila Small Butterwort Lentibulariaceae 8 Pinus clausa Sand Pine Pinaceae 4 Pinus elliottii Slash Pine Pinaceae 6 Pinus palustris Longleaf Pine Pinaceae 8 Piptochaetium avenacioides Florida Needlegrass Poaceae 4 Piriqueta cistoides ssp. caroliniana Pitted Stripeseed Turneraceae 7 Piscidia piscipula Florida Fishpoison Tree, Jamaican Fabaceae Dogwood 5 Pisonia aculeata Devil’s Claws, Pullback Nyctaginaceae 2 Pistia stratiotes Water Lettuce Araceae 32 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 6 Pithecellobium keyense Florida Keys Blackbead Fabaceae 7 Pithecellobium unguis-cati Catclaw Blackbead Fabaceae 5 Pityopsis graminifolia Narrowleaf Silkgrass Asteraceae 1 Pityrogramma trifoliata Goldenrod Fern Pteridaceae 0 Plantago virginica Virginia Plantain, Southern Plantain Plantaginaceae 10 Pleopeltis astrolepis Star-Scale Polypody, Star-Scaled Fern Polypodiaceae 4 Pleopeltis polypodioides var. Resurrection Fern Polypodiaceae michauxiana 10 Pleurothallis gelida Frosted Orchid, Flor De Llanten Orchidaceae 1 Pluchea carolinensis Cure-for-All Asteraceae 6 Pluchea foetida Stinking Camphorweed Asteraceae 4 Pluchea odorata Sweetscent Asteraceae 4 Pluchea baccharis Rosy Camphorweed Asteraceae 2 Plumbago zeylanica Doctorbush Plumbaginaceae 7 Pogonia ophioglossoides Rose Pogonia, Snakemouth Orchid Orchidaceae 1 Poinsettia cyathophora Paintedleaf, Fire-on-the-Mountain Euphorbiaceae 1 Poinsettia heterophylla Fiddler’s Spurge, Mexican Fireplant Euphorbiaceae 5 Poinsettia pinetorum Everglades Poinsettia, Pineland Euphorbiaceae Spurge 7 Polanisia tenuifolia Slenderleaf Clammyweed Brassicaceae 7 Polygala balduinii Baldwin’s Milkwort Polygalaceae 8 Polygala boykinii Boykin’s Milkwort Polygalaceae 7 Polygala cruciata Drumheads Polygalaceae 8 Polygala cymosa Tall Pinebarren Milkwort Polygalaceae 3 Polygala violacea Showy Milkwort Polygalaceae 8 Polygala incarnata Procession Flower Polygalaceae 6 Polygala lutea Orange Milkwort Polygalaceae 5 Polygala nana Candyroot Polygalaceae 5 Polygala polygama Racemed Milkwort Polygalaceae 6 Polygala ramosa Low Pinebarren Milkwort Polygalaceae 6 Polygala rugelii Yellow Milkwort Polygalaceae 7 Polygala setacea Coastalplain Milkwort Polygalaceae 8 Polygala smallii Small’s Milkwort, Tiny Polygala Polygalaceae 6 Polygala verticillata var. isocycla Whorled Milkwort Polygalaceae 5 Polygonella ciliata Hairy Jointweed Polygonaceae 6 Polygonella gracilis Tall Jointweed Polygonaceae 7 Polygonella polygama var. October Flower Polygonaceae polygama 4 Polygonella polygama var. October Flower Polygonaceae brachystachya 5 Polygonella robusta Largeflower Jointweed, Sandhill Polygonaceae Wireweed 4 Polygonum glabrum Denseflower Knotweed Polygonaceae 3 Polygonum hydropiperoides Mild Waterpepper, Swamp Smartweed Polygonaceae 3 Polygonum punctatum Dotted Smartweed Polygonaceae 7 Polygonum setaceum Bog Smartweed Polygonaceae 10 Serpocaulon triseriale Angle-Vein Fern Polypodiaceae 1 Polypremum procumbens Rustweed, Juniperleaf Tetrachendraceae 9 Polystachya concreta Greater Yellowspike Orchid Orchidaceae 3 Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed Pontederiaceae 10 Ponthieva brittoniae Britton’s Shadow Witch Orchidaceae 8 Ponthieva racemosa Hairy Shadow Witch Orchidaceae 1 Portulaca pilosa Pink Purslane, Kiss-Me-Quick Portulacaceae 4 Portulaca rubricaulis Redstem Purslane Portulacaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 33 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 4 Potamogeton illinoensis Illinois Pondweed Potamogetonaceae 10 Prescotia oligantha Small Prescott Orchid Orchidaceae 2 Priva lappulacea Catstongue, Velvetburr Verbenaceae 4 Proserpinaca palustris Marsh Mermaidweed Haloragaceae 7 Proserpinaca pectinata Combleaf Mermaidweed Haloragaceae 10 Prosthechea boothiana var. Dollar Orchid Orchidaceae erythronioides 8 Prosthechea cochleata Clamshell Orchid, Florida Orchidaceae Cockleshell Orchid 10 Prosthechea pygmaea Dwarf Butterfly Orchid, Dwarf Orchidaceae Epidendrum 9 Prunus myrtifolia West Indian Cherry Rosaceae 2 Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium Sweet Everlasting, Rabbit Tobacco Asteraceae 10 Pseudophoenix sargentii Sargent’s Cherry Palm Arecaceae 3 Psilotum nudum Whisk-Fern Psilotaceae 9 Psychotria ligustrifolia Bahama Wild Coffee Rubiaceae 4 Psychotria nervosa Wild Coffee Rubiaceae 7 Psychotria sulzneri Shortleaf Wild Coffee Rubiaceae 4 Pteridium aquilinum var. caudatum Lacy Bracken Dennstaedtiaceae 4 Pteridium aquilinum var. Tailed Bracken Dennstaedtiaceae pseudocaudatum 4 Pteris bahamensis Bahama Ladder Brake Pteridaceae 6 Pterocaulon pycnostachyum Blackroot Asteraceae 8 Pteroglossaspis ecristata Giant Orchid, Non-Crested Eulophia Orchidaceae 2 Ptilimnium capillaceum Mock Bishopsweed, Herbwilliam Apiaceae 9 Quercus chapmanii Chapman’s Oak Fagaceae 8 Quercus pumila Running Oak Fagaceae 9 Quercus geminata Sand Live Oak Fagaceae 9 Quercus inopina Scrub Oak Fagaceae 9 Quercus laevis Turkey Oak Fagaceae 4 Quercus laurifolia Laurel Oak, Diamond Oak Fagaceae 8 Quercus minima Dwarf Live Oak Fagaceae 7 Quercus myrtifolia Myrtle Oak Fagaceae 4 Quercus nigra Water Oak Fagaceae 4 Quercus virginiana Virginia Live Oak Fagaceae 5 Quercus x rolfsii Fagaceae 4 Randia aculeata White Indigoberry Rubiaceae 5 Myrsine cubana Myrsine, Colicwood Myrsinaceae 7 Rayjacksonia phyllocephala Camphor Daisy Asteraceae 5 Reimarochloa oligostachya Florida Reimargrass Poaceae 9 Reynosia septentrionalis Darlingplum Rhamnaceae 5 Rhabdadenia biflora Rubbervine, Mangrovevine Apocynaceae 8 Rhexia cubensis West Indian Meadowbeauty Melastomataceae 6 Rhexia mariana Pale Meadowbeauty Melastomataceae 5 Rhexia nashii Maid Marian Melastomataceae 7 Rhexia nuttallii Nuttall’s Meadowbeauty Melastomataceae 5 Rhexia petiolata Fringed Meadowbeauty Melastomataceae 10 Rhipsalis baccifera Mistletoe Cactus Cactaceae 4 Rhizophora mangle Red Mangrove Rhizophoraceae 5 Rhus copallinum Winged Sumac Anacardiaceae 8 Rhynchosia cinerea Brownhair Snoutbean Fabaceae 8 Rhynchosia michauxii Michaux’s Snoutbean Fabaceae 1 Rhynchosia minima Least Snoutbean Fabaceae 8 Rhynchosia parvifolia Small-Leaf Snoutbean Fabaceae 34 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 8 Rhynchosia reniformis Dollarleaf Fabaceae 8 Rhynchosia swartzii Swartz’s Snoutbean Fabaceae 9 Rhynchospora baldwinii Baldwin’s Beaksedge Cyperaceae 9 Rhynchospora breviseta Shortbristle Beaksedge Cyperaceae 8 Rhynchospora caduca Anglestem Beaksedge Cyperaceae 7 Rhynchospora cephalantha Bunched Beaksedge Cyperaceae 8 Rhynchospora chapmanii Chapman’s Beaksedge Cyperaceae 9 Rhynchospora ciliaris Fringed Beaksedge Cyperaceae 4 Rhynchospora colorata Starrush Whitetop Cyperaceae 8 Rhynchospora corniculata Shortbristle Horned Beaksedge Cyperaceae 5 Rhynchospora divergens Spreading Beaksedge Cyperaceae 5 Rhynchospora eximia Florida Beaksedge, Baldrush Cyperaceae 6 Rhynchospora fascicularis Fascicled Beaksedge Cyperaceae 7 Rhynchospora fernaldii Fernald’s Beaksedge Cyperaceae 7 Rhynchospora filifolia Threadleaf Beaksedge Cyperaceae 4 Rhynchospora floridensis Florida Whitetop Cyperaceae 6 Rhynchospora globularis Globe Beaksedge Cyperaceae 8 Rhynchospora grayi Gray’s Beaksedge Cyperaceae 10 Rhynchospora harperi Harper’s Beaksedge Cyperaceae 9 Rhynchospora intermedia Pinebarren Beaksedge Cyperaceae 6 Rhynchospora inundata Narrowfruit Horned Beaksedge Cyperaceae 8 Rhynchospora latifolia Giant Whitetop, Sandswamp Cyperaceae Whitetop 8 Rhynchospora megalocarpa Sandyfield Beaksedge Cyperaceae 3 Rhynchospora microcarpa Southern Beaksedge Cyperaceae 6 Rhynchospora microcephala Bunched Beaksedge Cyperaceae 9 Rhynchospora miliacea Millet Beaksedge Cyperaceae 4 Rhynchospora nitens Shortbeak Beaksedge, Baldrush Cyperaceae 4 Rhynchospora odorata Fragrant Beaksedge Cyperaceae 7 Rhynchospora plumosa Plumed Beaksedge Cyperaceae 5 Rhynchospora pusilla Fairy Beaksedge Cyperaceae 7 Rhynchospora rariflora Fewflower Beaksedge Cyperaceae 8 Rhynchospora tracyi Tracy’s Beaksedge Cyperaceae 8 Rhynchospora wrightiana Wright’s Beaksedge Cyperaceae 5 Rivina humilis Rougeplant Phytolaccaceae 6 Rorippa palustris Bog Yellowcress Brassicaceae 1 Rorippa teres Southern Marsh Yellowcress Brassicaceae 2 Rotala ramosior Lowland Rotala, Toothcup Lythraceae ns Roystonea regia Florida Royal Palm Arecaceae 5 Rubus cuneifolius Sand Blackberry Rosaceae 3 Rubus trivialis Southern Dewberry Rosaceae 4 Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan Asteraceae 7 Ruellia caroliniensis Carolina Wild Petunia Acanthaceae 7 Ruellia ciliosa Ciliate Wild Petunia Acanthaceae 8 Ruellia succulenta Thickleaf Wild Petunia Acanthaceae 4 Rumex verticillatus Swamp Dock Polygonaceae 4 Ruppia maritima Wigeon grass Ruppiaceae 8 Sabal etonia Scrub Palmetto Arecaceae 9 Sabal minor Dwarf Palmetto, Bluestem Palm Arecaceae 2 Sabal palmetto Cabbage Palm Arecaceae 8 Sabatia decandra Bartram’s Rosegentian Gentianaceae 7 Sabatia brevifolia Shortleaf Rosegentian Gentianaceae 8 Sabatia calycina Coastal Rosegentian Gentianaceae 7 Sabatia grandiflora Largeflower Rosegentian Gentianaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 35 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 4 Sabatia stellaris Rose-Of-Plymouth Gentianaceae 6 Saccharum giganteum Sugarcane Plumegrass Poaceae 4 Sacciolepis striata American Cupscale Poaceae 8 Sachsia polycephala Bahama Sachsia Asteraceae 4 Sacoila lanceolata var. lanceolata Leafl ess Beaked Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 9 Sacoila lanceolata var. paludicola Leafy Beaked Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 9 Sageretia minutiflora Smallflower Mock Buckthorn Rhamnaceae 10 Sagittaria filiformis Threadleaf Arrowhead Alismataceae 6 Sagittaria graminea var. graminea Grassy Arrowhead Alismataceae 8 Sagittaria graminea var. chapmanii Chapman’s Arrowhead Alismataceae 4 Sagittaria isoetiformis Quillwort Arrowhead Alismataceae 4 Sagittaria lancifolia Bulltongue Arrowhead Alismataceae 4 Sagittaria latifolia Broadleaf Arrowhead, Duck Potato Alismataceae 5 Salicornia bigelovii Annual Glasswort, Dwarf Glasswort Amaranthaceae 4 Salix caroliniana Carolina Willow, Coastalplain Willow Salicaceae 7 Salvia azurea Azure Blue Sage Lamiaceae 1 Salvia coccinea Tropical Sage, Blood Sage Lamiaceae 2 Salvia lyrata Lyreleaf Sage Lamiaceae 2 Salvia misella Southern River Sage, River Sage Lamiaceae 1 Salvia occidentalis West Indian Sage Lamiaceae 1 Salvia serotina Littlewoman Lamiaceae 3 Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis American Elder, Elderberry Adoxaceae 6 Samolus ebracteatus Water Pimpernel, Limewater Samolaceae Brookweed 4 Samolus valerandi ssp. parviflorus Pineland Pimpernel, Seaside Samolaceae Brookweed 7 Sapindus saponaria Soapberry Sapindaceae 5 Sarcocornia ambigua Perennial Glasswort, Virginia Amaranthaceae Glasswort 2 Sarcostemma clausum White Twinevine Apocynaceae 5 Saururus cernuus Lizard’s Tail Saururaceae 8 Scaevola plumieri Beachberry, Inkberry, Gullfeed Goodeniaceae 9 Schaefferia frutescens Florida Boxwood Celastraceae 4 Schizachyrium gracile Wire Bluestem Poaceae 9 Schizachyrium rhizomatum Florida Little Bluestem Poaceae 2 Schizachyrium sanguineum Crimson Bluestem Poaceae 6 Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem Poaceae 7 Schizachyrium stoloniferum Poaceae 10 Schizaea pennula Ray Fern Schizaeaceae 7 Schoenocaulon dubium Florida Feathershank Melanthiaceae 8 Schoenolirion albiflorum White Sunnybell Hyacinthaceae 7 Schoenus nigricans Black Bogrush Cyperaceae 8 Schoepfia chrysophylloides Graytwig Schoepfiaceae 6 Schoenoplectus americanus American Bulrush Cyperaceae 5 Schoenoplectus californicus Giant Bulrush, California Bulrush Cyperaceae 1 Schoenoplectus pungens Threesquare Bulrush Cyperaceae 2 Schoenoplectus robustus Saltmarsh Bulrush Cyperaceae 4 Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Softstem Bulrush Cyperaceae 8 Scleria baldwinii Baldwin’s Nutrush Cyperaceae 4 Scleria ciliata var. ciliata Fringed Nutrush Cyperaceae 8 Scleria ciliata var. curtissii Curtiss’ Nutrush Cyperaceae 6 Scleria ciliata var. pauciflora Cyperaceae 8 Scleria distans Riverswamp Nutrush Cyperaceae 7 Scleria georgiana Slenderfruit Nutrush Cyperaceae 36 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Scleria lithosperma Florida Keys Nutrush Cyperaceae 5 Scleria reticularis Netted Nutrush Cyperaceae 5 Scleria triglomerata Tall Nutgrass, Whip Nutrush Cyperaceae 7 Scleria verticillata Low Nutrush Cyperaceae 2 Scoparia dulcis Sweetbroom, Licoriceweed Plantaginaceae 7 Scutellaria arenicola Florida Scrub Skullcap Lamiaceae 5 Scutellaria havanensis Havana Skullcap Lamiaceae 6 Scutellaria integrifolia Helmet Skullcap Lamiaceae 9 Selaginella arenicola Sand Spike-Moss Selaginellaceae 10 Selaginella armata var. eatonii Eaton’s Spike Moss, Pygmy Spike Selaginellaceae Moss 4 Senna ligustrina Privet Wild Sensitive Plant Fabaceae 7 Senna mexicana var. chapmanii Chapman’s Wild Sensitive Plant Fabaceae 5 Serenoa repens Saw Palmetto Arecaceae 6 Sericocarpus tortifolius Whitetop Aster, Dixie Aster Asteraceae 2 Sesbania herbacea Danglepod Fabaceae 0 Sesbania vesicaria Bladderpod, Bagpod Fabaceae 3 Sesuvium maritimum Slender Seapurslane Aizoaceae 4 Sesuvium portulacastrum Shoreline Seapurslane Aizoaceae 6 Setaria corrugata Coastal Bristlegrass, Coastal Foxtail Poaceae 6 Setaria macrosperma Coral Bristlegrass, Coral Foxtail Poaceae 5 Setaria magna Giant Bristlegrass Poaceae 3 Setaria parviflora Yellow Bristlegrass, Knotroot Foxtail Poaceae 7 Seymeria pectinata Piedmont Blacksenna Orobanchaceae 1 Sida ulmmifolia Common Wireweed, Common Malvaceae Fanpetals 0 Sida antillensis Antilles Fanpetals Malvaceae 0 Sida ciliaris Bracted Fanpetals, Fringed Fanpetals Malvaceae 4 Sida elliottii Elliott’s Fanpetals Malvaceae 1 Sida rhombifolia Cuban Jute, Indian Hemp Malvaceae 8 Sideroxylon celastrinum Saffron Plum Sapotaceae 9 Sideroxylon foetidissimum False Mastic Sapotaceae 7 Sideroxylon reclinatum Florida Bully Sapotaceae 9 Sideroxylon reclinatum ssp. Florida Bully Sapotaceae austrofloridense 5 Sideroxylon salicifolium Willow Bustic, White Bully Sapotaceae 8 Sideroxylon tenax Tough Bully Sapotaceae 8 Simarouba glauca Paradisetree Simaroubaceae 4 Sisyrinchium angustifolium Narrowleaf Blue-Eyed Grass Iridaceae 5 Sisyrinchium nashii Nash’s Blue-Eyed Grass Iridaceae 8 Sisyrinchium xerophyllum Jeweled Blue-Eyed Grass Iridaceae 4 Smilax auriculata Earleaf Greenbrier Smilacaceae 4 Smilax bona-nox Saw Greenbrier Smilacaceae 8 Smilax havanensis Everglades Greenbrier Smilacaceae 7 Smilax laurifolia Laurel Greenbrier, Bamboo Vine Smilacaceae 8 Smilax tamnoides Bristly Greenbrier, Hogbrier Smilacaceae 1 Solanum americanum American Black Nightshade Solanaceae 7 Solanum bahamense Bahama Nightshade, Cankerberry Solanaceae 3 Solanum chenopodioides Black Nightshade Solanaceae 7 Solanum donianum Mullein Nightshade Solanaceae 3 Solanum erianthum Potatotree Solanaceae 5 Solidago fistulosa Pinebarren Goldenrod Asteraceae 6 Solidago leavenworthii Leavenworth’s Goldenrod Asteraceae 6 Solidago odora var. chapmanii Chapman’s Goldenrod Asteraceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 37 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 4 Solidago sempervirens Seaside Goldenrod Asteraceae 4 Solidago stricta Wand Goldenrod Asteraceae 7 Solidago tortifolia Twistedleaf Goldenrod Asteraceae 9 Sophora tomentosa var. truncata Yellow Necklacepod Fabaceae 8 Sorghastrum secundum Lopsided Indiangrass Poaceae 6 Spartina alterniflora Saltmarsh Cordgrass, Smooth Poaceae Cordgrass 7 Spartina bakeri Sand Cordgrass Poaceae 8 Spartina patens Marshhay Cordgrass, Saltmeadow Poaceae Cordgrass 8 Spartina spartinae Gulf Cordgrass Poaceae 2 Spermacoce remota Woodland False Buttonweed Rubiaceae 2 Spermacoce keyensis Florida False Buttonweed Rubiaceae 4 Spermacoce prostrata Prostrate False Buttonweed Rubiaceae 8 Spermacoce terminalis Everglades Key False Buttonweed Rubiaceae 2 Spermacoce tetraquetra Pineland False Buttonweed Rubiaceae 1 Spermolepis divaricata Roughfruit Scaleseed Apiaceae 1 Spermolepis echinata Bristly Scaleseed Apiaceae 1 Spigelia anthelmia West Indian Pinkroot Strychnaceae 10 Spiranthes amesiana Ames’ Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 4 Spiranthes brevilabris Texas Ladiestresses, Small Orchidaceae Ladiestresses 10 Spiranthes costaricensis Costa Rican Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 10 Spiranthes cranichoides Cranichis Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 10 Spiranthes elata Tall Neottia, Tall Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 5 Spiranthes floridana Florida Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 5 Spiranthes laciniata Lacelip Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 7 Spiranthes longilabris Longlip Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 8 Spiranthes odorata Fragrant Ladiestresses, Marsh Orchidaceae Ladiestresses 8 Spiranthes praecox Greenvein Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 8 Spiranthes torta Southern Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 9 Spiranthes tuberosa Little Ladiestresses, Little Pearl-Twist Orchidaceae 6 Spiranthes vernalis Spring Ladiestresses Orchidaceae 2 Spirodela polyrhiza Common Duckweed Araceae 2 Sporobolus compositus var. Hidden Dropseed, Rough Dropseed Poaceae clandestinus 4 Sporobolus domingensis Coral Dropseed Poaceae 8 Sporobolus junceus Pineywoods Dropseed Poaceae 2 Sporobolus pyramidatus Whorled Dropseed Poaceae 6 Sporobolus virginicus Seashore Dropseed Poaceae 1 Stachys floridana Florida Hedgenettle, Florida Betony Lamiaceae 1 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Blue Porterweed, Joee Verbenaceae 9 Stenandrium dulce Sweet Shaggytuft Acanthaceae 4 Stenaria nigricans var. nigricans Diamondflowers Rubiaceae 7 Stenaria nigricans var. floridana Florida Diamondflowers Rubiaceae 0 Stenotaphrum secundatum St. Augustinegrass Poaceae 8 Stillingia aquatica Water Toothleaf, Corkwood Euphorbiaceae 8 Stillingia sylvatica Queensdelight Euphorbiaceae 7 Stipulicida setacea var. setacea Pineland Scalypink Caryophyllaceae 7 Stipulicida setacea var. lacerata Pineland Scalypink Caryophyllaceae 2 Stuckenia pectinata Sago Pondweed Potamogetonaceae 10 Stylisma abdita Showy Dawnflower, Hidden Stylisma Convolvulaceae 5 Stylisma villosa Hairy Dawnflower Convolvulaceae 38 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 0 Stylosanthes biflora Sidebeak Pencilflower Fabaceae 9 Stylosanthes calcicola Everglades Key Pencilflower Fabaceae 0 Stylosanthes hamata Cheesytoes, Pencilflower Fabaceae 10 Styrax americanus American Snowbell Styracaceae 4 Suaeda linearis Sea Blite, Annual Seepweed Amaranthaceae 5 Suriana maritima Bay Cedar Surianaceae 4 Swietenia mahagoni West Indian Mahogany Meliaceae 7 Symphyotrichum adnatum Scaleleaf Aster Asteraceae 4 Symphyotrichum bahamensis Bahaman Aster Asteraceae 4 Symphyotrichum tenuifolium Perennial Saltmarsh Aster Asteraceae 6 Symphyotrichum carolinianum Climbing Aster Asteraceae 7 Symphyotrichum concolor Eastern Silver Aster Asteraceae 7 Symphyotrichum dumosum Rice Button Aster Asteraceae 4 Symphyotrichum elliottii Elliott’s Aster Asteraceae 4 Symphyotrichum simmondsii Simmonds’ Aster Asteraceae 7 Syngonanthus flavidulus Yellow Hatpins Eriocaulaceae 9 Syringodium filiforme Manateegrass Cymodoceaceae 8 Taxodium ascendens Pond-Cypress Cupressaceae 8 Taxodium distichum Bald-Cypress Cupressaceae 10 Tectaria coriandrifolia Hairy Halberd Fern Dryopteridaceae 10 Tectaria fimbriata Least Halberd Fern Dryopteridaceae 10 Tectaria heracleifolia Broad Halberd Fern Dryopteridaceae 10 Tectaria x amesiana Ames’ Halberd Fern Dryopteridaceae 4 Tephrosia angustissima var. Coral Hoarypea Fabaceae corallicola 2 Tephrosia angustissima var. Curtiss’ Hoarypea Fabaceae curtissii 7 Tephrosia chrysophylla Scurf Hoarypea Fabaceae 8 Tephrosia florida Florida Hoarypea Fabaceae 5 Tephrosia hispidula Sprawling Hoarypea Fabaceae 7 Tephrosia rugelii Rugel’s Hoarypea Fabaceae 8 Tephrosia spicata Spiked Hoarypea Fabaceae 10 Tetrazygia bicolor Florida Clover Ash, Tetrazygia Melastomataceae 4 Teucrium canadense Wood Sage, Canadian Germander Lamiaceae 9 Thalassia testudinum Turtlegrass Hydrocharitaceae 4 Thalia geniculata Alligatorflag, Fireflag Marantaceae 6 Thelypteris augescens Abrupt-Tip Maiden Fern Thelypteridaceae 10 Thelypteris grandis Stately Maiden Fern Thelypteridaceae 5 Thelypteris hispidula var. Hairy Maiden Fern Thelypteridaceae versicolor 7 Thelypteris interrupta Hottentot Fern, Willdenow’s Fern Thelypteridaceae 2 Thelypteris kunthii Southern Shield Fern Thelypteridaceae 6 Thelypteris ovata Ovate Marsh Fern Thelypteridaceae 8 Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens Marsh Fern Thelypteridaceae 10 Thelypteris patens Grid-Scale Maiden Fern Thelypteridaceae 10 Thelypteris reptans Creeping Star-Hair Fern Thelypteridaceae 4 Thelypteris reticulata Lattice-Vein Fern Thelypteridaceae 10 Thelypteris sclerophylla Stiff Star-Hair Fern Thelypteridaceae 4 Thelypteris serrata Toothed Lattice-Vein Fern Thelypteridaceae 7 Thrinax morrisii Brittle Thatch Palm, Key Thatch Palm Arecaceae 7 Thrinax radiata Florida Thatch Palm Arecaceae 4 Tillandsia balbisiana Refl exed Wild Pine Bromeliaceae 2 Tillandsia fasciculata var. Cardinal Airplant Bromeliaceae fasciculata 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 39 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 10 Tillandsia fasciculata var. clavispica Clubspike Cardinal Airplant Bromeliaceae 4 Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica Stiff-Leaved Wild Pine Bromeliaceae 8 Tillandsia fl exuosa Twisted Airplant, Banded Airplant Bromeliaceae 8 Tillandsia paucifolia Potbelly Airplant Bromeliaceae 10 Tillandsia pruinosa Fuzzywuzzy Airplant, Hoary Airplant Bromeliaceae 2 Tillandsia recurvata Ballmoss Bromeliaceae 7 Tillandsia setacea Southern Needleleaf Bromeliaceae 2 Tillandsia usneoides Spanish Moss Bromeliaceae 3 Tillandsia utriculata Giant Airplant, Giant Wild Pine Bromeliaceae 9 Tillandsia variabilis Leatherleaf Airplant, Soft-Leaved Bromeliaceae Wild Pine 9 Tillandsia x smalliana Reddish Wild-Pine Bromeliaceae 10 Tolumnia bahamensis Variegated Orchid, Angelita Orchidaceae 9 Tournefortia hirsutissima Chiggery Grapes Boraginaceae 5 Tournefortia volubilis Twining Soldierbush Boraginaceae 3 Toxicodendron radicans Eastern Poison Ivy Anacardiaceae 8 Tragia saxicola Florida Keys Noseburn, Rocklands Euphorbiaceae Noseburn 7 Tragia urens Wavyleaf Noseburn Euphorbiaceae 5 Trema lamarckianum Pain-in-the-Back, West Indian Trema Celtidaceae 3 Trema micrantha Nettletree Celtidaceae 8 Triadenum virginicum Virginia Marsh St. John’s-Wort Clusiaceae 1 Trianthema portulacastrum Desert Horsepurslane Aizoaceae 10 Trichocentrum carthagenense Coot Bay Dancinglady Orchid Orchidaceae 10 Trichocentrum undulatum Cape Sable Dancinglady Orchid Orchidaceae 10 Trichomanes holopterum Entire-Winged Bristle Fern Hymenophyllaceae 10 Trichomanes krausii Kraus’ Bristle Fern, Treemoss Bristle Hymeno- Fern phyllaceae 10 Trichomanes lineolatum Lined Bristle Fern Hymenophyllaceae 10 Trichomanes punctatum ssp. Florida Bristle Fern Hymenophyllaceae floridanum 4 Trichostema dichotomum Forked Bluecurls Lamiaceae 9 Trichostigma octandrum Hoopvine Phytolaccaceae 0 Tridens flavus Tall Redtop, Purpletop Tridens Poaceae 7 Triglochin striata Arrowgrass Juncaginaceae 8 Triphora craigheadii Craighead’s Noddingcaps, Orchidaceae Craighead’s Orchid 0 Triphora gentianoides Gentian Noddingcaps Orchidaceae 7 Triplasis americana Perennial Sandgrass Poaceae 8 Triplasis purpurea Purple Sandgrass Poaceae 4 Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern Gamagrass, Fakahatcheegrass Poaceae 9 Tripsacum floridanum Florida Mock Gamagrass, Florida Poaceae Tripsacum 10 Tropidia polystachya Young Palm Orchid Orchidaceae 2 Typha domingensis Southern Cattail Typhaceae 2 Typha latifolia Broadleaf Cattail Typhaceae 9 Ulmus americana American Elm Ulmaceae 10 Uniola paniculata Seaoats Poaceae 2 Urochloa adspersa Dominican Signalgrass Poaceae 0 Urtica chamaedryoides Heartleaf Nettle Urticaceae 10 Utricularia amethystina Florida Purple Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 40 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 6 Utricularia cornuta Horned Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 4 Utricularia foliosa Leafy Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 8 Utricularia gibba Humped Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 7 Utricularia inflata Floating Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 7 Utricularia juncea Southern Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 6 Utricularia purpurea Eastern Purple Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 8 Utricularia radiata Little Floating Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 6 Utricularia resupinata Small Purple Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 8 Utricularia simulans Fringed Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 7 Utricularia subulata Zigzag Bladderwort Lentibulariaceae 9 Vaccinium arboreum Sparkleberry, Farkleberry Ericaceae 10 Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush Blueberry Ericaceae 8 Vaccinium darrowii Darrow’s Blueberry Ericaceae 7 Vaccinium myrsinites Shiny Blueberry Ericaceae 9 Vaccinium stamineum Deerberry Ericaceae 9 Vallesia antillana Tearshrub Apocynaceae 4 Vallisneria americana Tapegrass, American Eelgrass Hydrocharitaceae 10 Vanilla barbellata Wormvine Orchid Orchidaceae 10 Vanilla dilloniana Leafl ess Vanilla, Mrs. Lott’s Vanilla Orchidaceae 10 Vanilla mexicana Mexican Vanilla, Unscented Vanilla Orchidaceae 10 Vanilla phaeantha Leafy Vanilla Orchidaceae 4 Verbena scabra Sandpaper Vervain, Harsh Vervain Verbenaceae 4 Verbesina virginica White Crownbeard, Frostweed Asteraceae 8 Vernonia blodgettii Florida Ironweed, Blodgett’s Asteraceae Ironweed 0 Veronica peregrina Neckweed Plantaginaceae 8 Viburnum obovatum Walter’s Viburnum, Small-Leaf Adoxaceae Viburnum 2 Vicia acutifolia Fourleaf Vetch Fabaceae 2 Vigna luteola Hairypod Cowpea Fabaceae 6 Viola lanceolata Bog White Violet Violaceae 2 Viola sororia Common Blue Violet Violaceae 5 Vitis aestivalis Summer Grape Vitaceae 4 Vitis cinerea var. floridana Florida Grape Vitaceae 3 Vitis rotundifolia Muscadine Vitaceae 4 Vitis shuttleworthii Calloose Grape Vitaceae 7 Vittaria lineata Shoestring Fern Vittariaceae 10 Voyria parasitica Parasitic Ghostplant Gentianaceae 2 Waltheria indica Sleepy Morning Malvaceae 5 Wolffiella gladiata Florida Mudmidget Araceae 5 Wolffiella oblonga Saber Mudmidget Araceae 9 Woodwardia areolata Netted Chain Fern Blechnaceae 7 Woodwardia virginica Virginia Chain Fern Blechnaceae 7 Ximenia americana Tallow Wood, Hog Plum Ximerniaceae 8 Xyris ambigua Coastalplain Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 7 Xyris brevifolia Shortleaf Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 9 Xyris caroliniana Carolina Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 6 Xyris elliottii Elliott’s Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 9 Xyris fimbriata Fringed Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 7 Xyris flabelliformis Savannah Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 6 Xyris floridana Florida Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 8 Xyris platylepis Tall Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 5 Xyris smalliana Small’s Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 4 Yucca aloifolia Spanish Bayonet, Aloe Yucca Agavaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 41 C Scientific name Common name(s) Family 7 Yucca filamentosa Adam’s Needle Agavaceae 9 Zamia pumila Florida Arrowroot, Coontie Zamiaceae 7 Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Hercules’ Club Rutaceae 10 Zanthoxylum coriaceum Biscayne Pricklyash, Leathery Rutaceae Pricklyash 7 Zanthoxylum fagara Wild Lime, Lime Pricklyash Rutaceae 8 Zephyranthes simpsonii Redmargin Zephyrlily, Simpson’s Amaryllidaceae Zephyrlily 7 Zizaniopsis miliacea Southern Wild Rice, Giant Cutgrass Poaceae 9 Zornia bracteata Viperina Fabaceae 42 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Appendix B. Plant species of south Florida not assigned plant coefficient of conservatism values. Taxonomy for all species listed follows Wunderlin and Hansen (2011), and the naming authorities for each can be found there. Scientific name Common name Family Acacia choriophylla Cinnecord, Tamarindillo Fabaceae Amaranthus floridanus Florida Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amorpha herbacea Clusterspike False Indigobush Fabaceae Andropogon arctatus Pinewoods Bluestem Poaceae Aristida purpurascens var. virgata Arrowfeather Threeawn Poaceae Asclepias connivens Largeflower Milkweed Apocynaceae Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed Apocynaceae Asimina incana Woolly Pawpaw, Polecat Bush Annonaceae Botrychium biternatum Southern Grape-Fern Ophioglossaceae Calamintha ashei Ashe’s Calamint, Ashe’s Calamintha Lamiaceae Callisia cordifolia Florida Roseling Commelinaceae Capsicum frutescens Tabasco Pepper Solanaceae Cardamine pensylvanica Pennsylvania Bittercress Brassicaceae Carex godfreyi Godfrey’s Sedge Cyperaceae Cenchrus brownii Slimbristle Sandbur Poaceae Cenchrus myosuroides Big Sandbur Poaceae Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hairyfruit Chervil Apiaceae Chamaesyce cordifolia Heartleaf Sandmat Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce thymifolia Gulf Sandmat Euphorbiaceae Chasmanthium laxum Slender Woodoats Poaceae Chrysopsis delaneyi Delaney’s Goldenaster Asteraceae Chrysopsis highlandsensis Highlands Goldenaster Asteraceae Cuscuta americana American Dodder Convolvulaceae Cuscuta exaltata Tall Dodder Convolvulaceae Cuscuta gronovii Scaldweed Convolvulaceae Cuscuta indecora Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder Convolvulaceae Cuscuta obtusiflora var. glandulosa Peruvian Dodder Convolvulaceae Cyperus lecontei Leconte’s Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus stenolepis Strawcolored Flatsedge Cyperaceae Dennstaedtia bipinnata Bipinnate Cuplet Fern, Cuplet Fern Dennstaedtiaceae Desmodium ciliare Hairy Small-Leaf Ticktrefoil Fabaceae Dryopteris ludoviciana Southern Wood Fern Dryopteridaceae Echinochloa muricata Rough Barnyardgrass Poaceae Eleocharis rostellata Beaked Spikerush Cyperaceae Eustachys floridana Twospike Fingergrass Poaceae Gonolobus suberosus Angularfruit Milkvine, Angle Pod Apocynaceae Gymnopogon brevifolius Shortleaf Skeletongrass Poaceae Gymnopogon chapmanianus Chapman’s Skeletongrass Poaceae Hydrocotyle bonariensis Largeleaf Marshpennywort Araliaceae Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Floating Marshpennywort Araliaceae Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata Whorled Marshpennywort Araliaceae Hydrocotyle verticillata var. triradiata Whorled Marshpennywort Araliaceae Hymenocallis puntagordensis Smallcup Spiderlily Amaryllidaceae Ilex ambigua Carolina Holly, Sand Holly Aquifoliaceae Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Aquifoliaceae Ipomoea pandurata Man-of-the-Earth Convolvulaceae Ipomoea x leucantha Morningglory Convolvulaceae Jacquemontia tamnifolia Hairy Clustervine Convolvulaceae Juncus dichotomus Forked Rush Juncaceae Lachnocaulon engleri Engler’s Bogbutton Eriocaulaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 43 Scientific name Common name Family Lechea lakelae Lakela’s Pinweed Cistaceae Leersia monandra Bunch Cutgrass Poaceae Leptochloa fusca ssp. uninervia Mexican Sprangletop Poaceae Liatris savannensis Savanna Gayfeather Asteraceae Ludwigia lanceolata Lanceleaf Primrosewillow Onagraceae Ludwigia palustris Marsh Seedbox Onagraceae Malvastrum americanum Indian Valley False Mallow Malvaceae Modiola caroliniana Carolina Bristlemallow Malvaceae Najas marina Spiny Waternymph Hydrocharitaceae Najas wrightiana Wright’s Waternymph Hydrocharitaceae Nasturtium floridanum Florida Watercress Brassicaceae Nymphaea ampla Dotleaf Waterlily Nymphaeaceae Ophioglossum nudicaule Slender Adder’s-Tongue Ophioglossaceae Pedilanthus tithymaloides ssp. smallii Jacob’s Ladder, Devil’s Backbone, Euphorbiaceae Redbird Flower Phaseolus polystachios var. sinuatus Thicket Bean Fabaceae Physalis arenicola Cypresshead Groundcherry Solanaceae Physalis cordata Heartleaf Groundcherry Solanaceae Pilea herniarioides Caribbean Clearweed Urticaceae Platythelys latifolia Jug Orchid Orchidaceae Polygonum pensylvanicum Pennsylvania Smartweed Polygonaceae Potamogeton pusillus Small Pondweed Potamogetonaceae Prunus caroliniana Carolina Laurelcherry Rosaceae Prunus umbellata Flatwoods Plum, Hog Plum Rosaceae Pteris quadriaurita Striped Brake Pteridaceae Quercus x succulenta Fagaceae Rubus argutus Sawtooth Blackberry Rosaceae Salvia micrantha Yucatan Sage Lamiaceae Silphium asteriscus Starry Rosinweed Asteraceae Solanum capsicoides Soda Apple, Cockroachberry Solanaceae Spiranthes eatonii Eaton’s Ladiestresses Orchidaceae Spiranthes lucayana Florida Keys Ladiestresses, Gray Orchidaceae Ladiestresses Stenanthium densum Crowpoison, Osceola’s Plume Melanthiaceae Stylodon carneum Carolina False Vervain Verbenaceae Symphyotrichum fontinale Florida Water Aster Asteraceae Tephrosia angustissima Narrowleaf Hoarypea Fabaceae Trichostema setaceum Narrowleaf Bluecurls Lamiaceae Tridens flavus var. chapmanii Chapman’s Purpletop Tridens Poaceae Vernonia gigantea Giant Ironweed Asteraceae Viola palmata Early Blue Violet Violaceae Viola primulifolia Primroseleaf Violet Violaceae Warea carteri Carter’s Pinelandcress, Carter’s Brassicaceae Mustard Wolffia columbiana Columbian Watermeal Araceae Wolffiella lingulata Tongueshape Bogmat Araceae Xyris calcicola Limestone Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae 44 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Appendix C. Non-native plants in south Florida. Taxonomy for all species listed follows Wunderlin and Hansen (2011), and the naming authorities for each can be found there. Scientific name Common name Family name Abrus precatorius Rosary Pea, Blackeyed Susan Fabaceae Abutilon hirtum Florida Keys Indian Mallow Malvaceae Abutilon theophrasti Velvetleaf, Butterprint Malvaceae Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf Acacia Fabaceae Acacia retinodes Water Wattle Fabaceae Acacia sphaerocephala Bee Wattle Fabaceae Acalypha alopecuroidea Foxtail Copperleaf Euphorbiaceae Acalypha amentacea ssp. wilkesiana Wilkes’ Copperleaf Euphorbiaceae Acalypha arvensis Field Copperleaf Euphorbiaceae Acalypha setosa Cuban Copperleaf Euphorbiaceae Acanthospermum hispidum Hispid Starburr Asteraceae Achyranthes aspera Devil’s Horsewhip Amaranthaceae Achyranthes aspera var. pubescens Devil’s Horsewhip Amaranthaceae Acmella pilosa Hairy Spotflower Asteraceae Adenanthera pavonina Red Beadtree, Red Sandalwood Fabaceae Adiantum anceps Double-Edge Maidenhair Pteridaceae Adiantum caudatum Tailed Maidenhair Pteridaceae Adiantum trapeziforme Diamond Maidenhair Pteridaceae Aeschynomene indica Indian Jointvetch Fabaceae Agave americana American Century Plant Agavaceae Agave angustifolia Century Plant Agavaceae Agave desmettiana Dwarf Century Plant Agavaceae Agave sisalana Sisal Hemp Agavaceae Agdestis clematidea Rockroot Phytolaccaceae Ageratum conyzoides Tropical Whiteweed Asteraceae Ageratum houstonianum Bluemink Asteraceae Aglaonema commutatum var. Chinese Evergreen Araceae maculatum Albizia lebbeck Woman’s Tongue Fabaceae Albizia lebbekoides Indian Albizia Fabaceae Albizia procera Tall Albizia Fabaceae Aleurites moluccanus Candlenut Tree, Indian Walnut Euphorbiaceae Allamanda cathartica Golden Trumpet, Brownbud Apocynaceae Allamanda Alocasia macrorrhizos Giant Taro Araceae Alocasia odora Taro Araceae Aloe vera Aloe Asphodelaceae Alpinia zerumbet Shellflower, Shell Ginger Zingiberaceae Alstonia macrophylla Deviltree Apocynaceae Alstonia scholaris Dita, White Cheesewood Apocynaceae Alternanthera brasiliana Brazilian Joyweed Amaranthaceae Alternanthera ficoidea Slender Joyweed Amaranthaceae Alternanthera paronichyoides Smooth Joyweed Amaranthaceae Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligatorweed Amaranthaceae Alternanthera sessilis Sessile Joyweed Amaranthaceae Alysicarpus ovalifolius False Moneywort, Alyce Clover Fabaceae Alysicarpus rugosus Red Moneywort Fabaceae Alysicarpus vaginalis White Moneywort Fabaceae Amaranthus blitum ssp. emarginatus Purple Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus hybridus Slim Amaranth, Pigweed Amaranthaceae Amaranthus polygonoides Tropical Amaranth Amaranthaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 45 Scientific name Common name Family name Amaranthus retrofl exus Red Amaranth, Rough Pigweed Amaranthaceae Amaranthus spinosus Spiny Amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus viridis Slender Amaranth Amaranthaceae Ammi majus Large Bullwort Apiaceae Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel Primulaceae Andropogon bicornis Barbas De Indio Poaceae Angelonia angustifolia Narrowleaf Angelon Plantaginaceae Aniseia martinicensis Whitejacket Convolvulaceae Annona squamosa Sugar-Apple Annonaceae Anredera cordifolia Heartleaf Madeiravine Basellaceae Anredera vesicaria Texas Madeiravine Basellaceae Antigonon leptopus Coral Vine, Queen’s Jewels Polygonaceae Apium graveolens Wild Celery Apiaceae Arachis glabrata Grassnut Fabaceae Arachis hypogaea Peanut Fabaceae Ardisia elliptica Shoebutton Myrsinaceae Ardisia crenata Scratchthroat Myrsinaceae Argyreia nervosa Woolly Morning-Glory, Elephant Convolvulaceae Creeper Aristolochia littoralis Elegant Dutchman’s Pipe, Calico Aristolochiaceae Flower Aristolochia maxima Dutchman’s Pipe Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia ringens Gaping Dutchman’s Pipe Aristolochiaceae Artemisia stelleriana Dusty Miller Asteraceae Arundo donax Giant Reed Poaceae Asclepias curassavica Scarlet Milkweed, Bloodflower Apocynaceae Asparagus aethiopicus Sprenger’s Asparagus-Fern Asparagaceae Asparagus setaceus Common Asparagus-Fern Asparagaceae Asystasia gangetica Chinese Violet Acanthaceae Avena fatua var. sativa Common Oat Poaceae Bambusa multiplex Hedge Bamboo, Silverstripe Bamboo Poaceae Bambusa vulgaris Common Bamboo Poaceae Barleria cristata Crested Philippine Violet Acanthaceae Barleria lupulina Hophead Philippine Violet Acanthaceae Bauhinia aculeata White Orchid Tree Fabaceae Bauhinia purpurea Purple Orchid Tree, Butterfly Tree Fabaceae Bauhinia variegata Orchid Tree, Mountain Ebony Fabaceae Bauhinia yunnanensis Yunnan Bauhinia Fabaceae Begonia cucullata Wax Begonia, Club Begonia Begoniaceae Begonia hirtella Brazilian Begonia Begoniaceae Billbergia pyramidalis Foolproofplant Bromeliaceae Bischofia javanica Javanese Bishopwood Phyllanthaceae Bletia florida Slender Pinepink Orchidaceae Boehmeria nivea Ramie Urticaceae Bontia daphnoides White Alling Myoporaceae Bothriochloa ischaemum var. King Ranch Bluestem, Yellow Poaceae songarica Bluestem Bothriochloa pertusa Pitted Beardgrass Poaceae Bouteloua dimorpha Acapulcograss Poaceae Brassica juncea India Mustard, Leaf Mustard Brassicaceae Brassica napus Rape Brassicaceae Brassica rapa Rape, Turnip Brassicaceae Breynia disticha Snowbush Phyllanthaceae Brosimum alicastrum Breadnut Moraceae 46 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Scientific name Common name Family name Broussonetia papyrifera Paper Mulberry Moraceae Browallia americana Jamaican Forget-Me-Not, Bushviolet Solanaceae Brugmansia suaveolens Angel’s Trumpet Solanaceae Bucida buceras Black Olive Combretaceae Buddleja indica Indoor Oak Buddlejaceae Buddleja lindleyana Lindley’s Butterflybush Buddlejaceae Bulbostylis barbata Watergrass Cyperaceae Cabomba palaeformis Fishgrass Cabombaceae Caesalpinia crista Yellow Nicker Fabaceae Caesalpinia pulcherrima Pride-of-Barbados, Dwarf Poinciana Fabaceae Cajanus cajan Pigeonpea Fabaceae Calliandra haematocephala Powderpuff Tree Fabaceae Callisia fragrans Basketplant Commelinaceae Callisia repens Creeping Inchplant Commelinaceae Callistemon viminale Bottlebrush Myrtaceae Callitris glaucophylla White Cypress-Pine Cupressaceae Calophyllum antillanum Santa Maria, Galba Clusiaceae Calophyllum inophyllum Alexandrian Laurel Clusiaceae Calyptocarpus vialis Straggler Daisy Asteraceae Canavalia brasiliensis Brazilian Jackbean Fabaceae Canavalia ensiformis Wonderbean, Jackbean Fabaceae Canna indica Indian Shot Cannaceae Canna x generalis Garden Canna Cannaceae Cannabis sativa Hemp, Marijuana Cannabaceae Caperonia palustris Sacatrapo Euphorbiaceae Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s Purse Brassicaceae Cardiospermum halicacabum Love-in-a-Puff Sapindaceae Carissa macrocarpa Natal Plum Apocynaceae Carmona microphylla Fukien Tea Boraginaceae Carpobrotus edulis Common Hottentot Fig Aizoaceae Caryota mitis Burmese Fishtail Palm Arecaceae Caryota urens Fishtail Palm Arecaceae Casearia nitida Smooth Casearia Salicaceae Cassia fistula Golden Shower Fabaceae Cassia javanica var. indochinensis Pink Shower Fabaceae Casuarina cunninghamiana River Sheoak Casuarinaceae Casuarina equisetifolia Australian-Pine, Horsetail Casuarina Casuarinaceae Casuarina glauca Gray Sheoak, Suckering Australian- Casuarinaceae Pine Catharanthus roseus Madagascar Periwinkle Apocynaceae Cecropia palmata Trumpet Tree Cecropiaceae Celastrus paniculatus Staff-Vine, Oriental Bittersweet Celastraceae Cenchrus ciliaris Buffelgrass Poaceae Centratherum punctatum Larkdaisy Asteraceae Ceratopteris thalictroides Watersprite Pteridaceae Cestrum diurnum Dayflowering Jessamine Solanaceae Cestrum nocturnum Nightflowering Jessamine Solanaceae Chamaecrista pilosa Hairy Sensitive Pea Fabaceae Chamaedorea seifrizii Bamboo Palm Arecaceae Chamaesyce lasiocarpa Roadside Sandmat Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce mendezii Mendez’s Sandmat Euphorbiaceae Chenopodium album Lamb’s Quarters Amaranthaceae Chenopodium ambrosioides Mexican Tea Amaranthaceae Chenopodium glaucum Oakleaf Goosefoot Amaranthaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 47 Scientific name Common name Family name Chenopodium murale Nettleleaf Goosefoot Amaranthaceae Chloris radiata Radiate Fingergrass Poaceae Cinnamomum camphora Camphortree Lauraceae Citrullus lanatus Watermelon, Citron Cucurbitaceae Citrus medica Citron Rutaceae Citrus x aurantiifolia Key Lime Rutaceae Citrus x aurantium Sour Orange, Grapefruit, Sweet Rutaceae Orange Citrus x limon Lemon Rutaceae Cleome gynandra Spiderwisp Brassicaceae Cleome hassleriana Pinkqueen Spiderflower Brassicaceae Cleome rutidosperma Fringed Spiderflower Brassicaceae Clerodendrum bungei Rose Glorybower Lamiaceae Clerodendrum chinense Stickbush Lamiaceae Clerodendrum glabrum Natal Glorybower Lamiaceae Clerodendrum indicum Turk’s Turban, Skyrocket Lamiaceae Clerodendrum japonicum Japanese Glorybower, Kaempfer’s Lamiaceae Glorybower Clerodendrum speciosissimum Javanese Glorybower Lamiaceae Clerodendrum x speciosum Java Glory Bean, Pagoda Flower Lamiaceae Clitoria ternatea Asian Pigeonwings Fabaceae Coccinia grandis Ivy Gourd, Scarletfruit Ivy Gourd Cucurbitaceae Cocos nucifera Coconut Palm Arecaceae Coleus pumilus Dwarf Coleus Lamiaceae Colocasia esculenta Wild Taro, Dasheen, Coco Yam Araceae Colubrina asiatica Latherleaf, Asian Nakedwood Rhamnaceae Commelina caroliniana Carolina Dayflower Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa var. diffusa Common Dayflower Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa var. gigas Climbing Dayflower Commelinaceae Commelina forskaolii Rat’s Ear Commelinaceae Commelina gambiae Gambian Dayflower Commelinaceae Conobea multifida Narrowleaf Paleseed Plantaginaceae Conyza laevigata Manzanilla Horseweed Asteraceae Corchorus hirsutus Jackswitch, Woolly Corchorus, Malvaceae Cadillo Cordia curassavica Black Sage Boraginaceae Cordia dichotoma Fragrant Manjack Boraginaceae Cordia sebestena Largeleaf Geigertree Boraginaceae Cornutia grandifolia Azulejo Lamiaceae Coronilla varia Purple Crownvetch Fabaceae Cosmos bipinnatus Garden Cosmon Asteraceae Crassocephalum crepidioides Redflower Ragleaf Asteraceae Crinum asiaticum Poisonbulb Amaryllidaceae Crinum bulbispermum Hardy Swamplily Amaryllidaceae Crotalaria incana Shakeshake Fabaceae Crotalaria juncea Sunn Hemp Fabaceae Crotalaria lanceolata Lanceleaf Rattlebox Fabaceae Crotalaria pallida var. obovata Smooth Rattlebox Fabaceae Crotalaria retusa Rattleweed Fabaceae Crotalaria spectabilis Showy Rattlebox Fabaceae Crotalaria trichotoma West Indian Rattlebox Fabaceae Crotalaria verrucosa Blue Rattlebox Fabaceae Cryptostegia madagascariensis Madagascar Rubbervine Apocynaceae Cucumis melo Cantaloupe Cucurbitaceae 48 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Scientific name Common name Family name Cucurbita moschata Seminole Pumpkin, Crookneck Cucurbitaceae Squash Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrotwood Sapindaceae Cuphea carthagenensis Colombian Waxweed Lythraceae Cuphea strigulosa Stiffhair Waxweed Lythraceae Curculigo capitulata Giant Palm-Grass Hypoxidaceae Cyanthillium cinereum Little Ironweed Asteraceae Cyclospermum leptophyllum Marsh Parsley Apiaceae Cydista aequinoctialis Garlic Vine Bignoniaceae Cymbopogon citratus Lemongrass Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Bermudagrass Poaceae Cynoglossum zeylanicum Ceylon Hound’s Tongue Boraginaceae Cyperus difformis Variable Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus esculentus Yellow Nutgrass, Chufa Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus hyalinus Queensland Flatsedge, Peduncled Cyperaceae Spikesedge Cyperus involucratus Umbrella Plant Cyperaceae Cyperus iria Ricefield Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus lanceolatus Epiphytic Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus ochraceus Pond Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus papyrus Papyrus Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus prolifer Dwarf Papyrus, Miniature Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus pumilus Low Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus rotundus Nutgrass Cyperaceae Cyperus sphacelatus Roadside Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cyperus unioloides Uniola Flatsedge Cyperaceae Cypselea humifusa Panal Aizoaceae Cyrtopodium flavum Parana Cowhorn Orchid, Yellow Orchidaceae Cowhorn Orchid Dactyloctenium aegyptium Durban Crowfootgrass Poaceae Dalbergia sissoo Indian Rosewood Fabaceae Dalechampia scandens Spurgecreeper Euphorbiaceae Delonix regia Royal Poinciana Fabaceae Desmanthus leptophyllus Slenderleaf Bundleflower Fabaceae Desmanthus virgatus Wild Tantan Fabaceae Desmodium incanum Zarzabacoa Comun Fabaceae Desmodium scorpiurus Scorpion Ticktrefoil Fabaceae Desmodium tortuosum Dixie Ticktrefoil Fabaceae Desmodium triflorum Threeflower Ticktrefoil Fabaceae Dianella ensifolia Cerulean Flaxlily Hemerocallidaceae Dichanthium aristatum Angleton’s Bluestem Poaceae Dichanthium sericeum Queensland Bluestem Poaceae Dichondra micrantha Smallflowered Ponysfoot Convolvulaceae Dichrostachys cinerea ssp. africana Aroma Fabaceae Dieffenbachia seguine Dumb Cane Araceae Digitaria bicornis Asia Crabgrass Poaceae Digitaria eriantha Pangolagrass Poaceae Digitaria longiflora Indian Crabgrass Poaceae Digitaria setigera East Indian Crabgrass Poaceae Digitaria violascens Violet Crabgrass Poaceae Dimocarpus longan Longan Sapindaceae Dioscorea alata White Yam Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea bulbifera Air-Potato Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea sansibarensis Zanzibar Yam Dioscoreaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 49 Scientific name Common name Family name Diospyros ebenum Ebony Ebenaceae Diospyros maritima Ebenaceae Diplazium esculentum Vegetable Fern Dryopteridaceae Duranta erecta Golden Dewdrops Verbenaceae Dypsis lutescens Areca Palm Arecaceae Echinochloa colona Jungle Rice Poaceae Echinochloa crusgalli Barnyardgrass Poaceae Egeria densa Brazilian Waterweed Hydrocharitaceae Eichhornia crassipes Common Water-Hyacinth Pontederiaceae Elaeis guineensis African Oil Palm Arecaceae Eleocharis acutangula Acute Spikerush Cyperaceae Eleocharis nigrescens Black Spikerush Cyperaceae Eleusine indica Indian Goosegrass Poaceae Elionurus tripsacoides Pan-American Balsamscale Poaceae Emilia fosbergii Florida Tasselflower Asteraceae Emilia sonchifolia Lilac Tasselflower Asteraceae Enterolobium contortisiliquum Earpod Tree Fabaceae Epidendrum radicans Star Orchid, Crucifix Orchid Orchidaceae Epiphyllum phyllanthus var. hookeri Orchid Cactus Cactaceae Epipremnum pinnatum Golden Pothos Araceae Eragrostis amabilis Feather Lovegrass Poaceae Eragrostis atrovirens Thalia Lovegrass Poaceae Eragrostis bahiensis Bahia Lovegrass Poaceae Eragrostis barrelieri Mediterranean Lovegrass Poaceae Eragrostis cilianensis Stinkgrass Poaceae Eragrostis ciliaris Gophertail Lovegrass Poaceae Eragrostis gangetica Slimflower Lovegrass Poaceae Eragrostis pilosa Indian Lovegrass Poaceae Eragrostis scaligera Tender Lovegrass Poaceae Eragrostis unioloides Chinese Lovegrass Poaceae Eremochloa ophiuroides Centipedegrass Poaceae Eriobotrya japonica Loquat Rosaceae Eriochloa contracta Prairie Cupgrass Poaceae Eriochloa polystachya Caribgrass Poaceae Erucastrum gallicum Common Dogmustard Brassicaceae Eryngium foetidum Spiritweed Apiaceae Erysimum cheiranthoides Wormseed Wallflower Brassicaceae Eucalyptus grandis Grand Eucalyptus Myrtaceae Eucalyptus robusta Swampmahogany Myrtaceae Eucalyptus torelliana Torell’s Eucalyptus, Cadaga Myrtaceae Eugenia uniflora Surinam Cherry Myrtaceae Euphorbia graminea Grassleaf Spurge Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia milii Crown-Of-Thorns, Christplant Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tirucalli Pencil Tree, Indian Tree Spurge Euphorbiaceae Euryops chrysanthemoides African Bushdaisy, Bull’s Eye Asteraceae Evolvulus convolvuloides Bindweed Dwarf Morning-Glory, Convolvulaceae Dwarf Bindweed Fagopyrum esculentum Buckwheat Polygonaceae Fatoua villosa Hairy Crabweed Moraceae Ficus altissima Council Tree Moraceae Ficus americana West Indian Laurel Fig Moraceae Ficus benghalensis Banyan Tree Moraceae Ficus benjamina Weeping Fig Moraceae Ficus carica Common Fig Moraceae 50 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Scientific name Common name Family name Ficus microcarpa Indian Laurel Moraceae Ficus religiosa Bo Tree, Sacred Fig Moraceae Fimbristylis littoralis Grasslike Fimbry Cyperaceae Fimbristylis schoenoides Ditch Fimbry Cyperaceae Flacourtia indica Governor’s Plum Salicaceae Flaveria bidentis Coastalplain Yellowtops Asteraceae Flueggea virosa Simpleleaf Bushweed Phyllanthaceae Fumaria officinalis Drug Fumitory, Earthsmoke Papaveraceae Furcraea foetida Mauritius Hemp Agavaceae Furcraea selloa Wild Sisal Agavaceae Galinsoga quadriradiata Peruvian Daisy, Shaggysoldier Asteraceae Galphimia gracilis Slender Goldshower Malpighiaceae Gamochaeta coarctata American Everlasting Asteraceae Gamochaeta pensylvanica Pennsylvania Everlasting Asteraceae Gibasis pellucida Tahitian Bridalveil Commelinaceae Glandularia pulchella South American Mock Vervain, Moss Verbenaceae Verbena Gloriosa superba Flamelily Colchicaceae Glycosmis parviflora Flower Axistree Rutaceae Gomphrena serrata Arrasa Con Todo Amaranthaceae Grevillea robusta Silkoak Proteaceae Guaiacum officinale Common Lignumvitae Zygophyllaceae Gynura aurantiaca Velvetplant Asteraceae Hackelochloa granularis Pitscalegrass Poaceae Harpullia arborea Uas Sapindaceae Helianthus annuus Common Sunflower Asteraceae Heliconia latispatha Expanded Lobsterclaw Heliconiaceae Heliotropium procumbens Fourspike Heliotrope Boraginaceae Hemarthria altissima Limpograss Poaceae Hemigraphis alternata Redivy Acanthaceae Hemigraphis reptans Redflame Acanthaceae Heteranthera limosa Blue Mudplantain Pontederiaceae Heteropogon contortus Tanglehead Poaceae Heteropogon melanocarpus Sweet Tanglehead Poaceae Hibiscus acetosella African Rosemallow Malvaceae Hibiscus cannabinus Brown Indianhemp, Kenaf Malvaceae Hibiscus radiatus Monarch Rosemallow Malvaceae Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. Garden Rosemallow, Shoe-Black-Plant Malvaceae rosa-sinensis Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. Fringed Rosemallow Malvaceae schizopetalus Hippobroma longiflora Madamfate Campanulaceae Hiptage benghalensis Hiptage Malpighiaceae Holmskioldia sanguinea Chinese Hat Lamiaceae Hura crepitans Sandboxtree Euphorbiaceae Hybanthus linearifolius Chancleta Violaceae Hydrilla verticillata Waterthyme, Hydrilla Hydrocharitaceae Hydrolea capsularis Spiny False Fiddleleaf Hydroleaceae Hygrophila corymbosa Starhorn Acanthaceae Hygrophila polysperma Indian Swampweed Acanthaceae Hylocereus undatus Nightblooming Cactus Cactaceae Hymenachne amplexicaulis Trompetilla Poaceae Hyparrhenia rufa Jaragua Poaceae Hyptis mutabilis Tropical Bushmint Lamiaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 51 Scientific name Common name Family name Hyptis pectinata Comb Bushmint Lamiaceae Hyptis spicigera Marubio Lamiaceae Hyptis verticillata John Charles Lamiaceae Impatiens balsamina Garden Balsam, Rose Balsam Balsaminaceae Imperata cylindrica Cogongrass Poaceae Indigofera hirsuta Hairy Indigo Fabaceae Indigofera spicata Trailing Indigo Fabaceae Indigofera suffruticosa Anil De Pasto Fabaceae Indigofera tinctoria True Indigo Fabaceae Ipomoea asarifolia Ginger-Leaf Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae Ipomoea batatas Sweetpotato Convolvulaceae Ipomoea cairica Mile-a-Minute Vine Convolvulaceae Ipomoea carnea ssp. fistulosa Bush Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae Ipomoea macrorhiza Largeroot Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae Ipomoea muricata Lilacbell Convolvulaceae Ipomoea quamoclit Cypressvine Convolvulaceae Ipomoea triloba Littlebell Convolvulaceae Ixora arborea Smallflower Jungleflame Rubiaceae Ixora coccinea Scarlet Jungleflame Rubiaceae Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda, Black Poui Bignoniaceae Jacquinia arborea Braceletwood Theophrastaceae Jacquinia macrocarpa Cudjoewood Theophrastaceae Jasminum dichotomum Gold Coast Jasmine Oleaceae Jasminum fl uminense Brazilian Jasmine, Jazmin De Trapo Oleaceae Jasminum mesnyi Japanese Jasmine Oleaceae Jasminum multiflorum Star Jasmine Oleaceae Jasminum nitidum Angelwing Jasmine Oleaceae Jasminum officinale Poet’s Jasmine Oleaceae Jasminum sambac Arabian Jasmine Oleaceae Jatropha curcas Nutmeg Plant, Physic Nut, Barbados Euphorbiaceae Nut Jatropha gossypifolia Bellyache Bush Euphorbiaceae Jatropha integerrima Peregrina Euphorbiaceae Justicia brandegeana Shrimpplant Acanthaceae Justicia pectoralis Freshcut Acanthaceae Justicia spicigera Mexican Honeysuckle, Mohintle Acanthaceae Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Madagascar Widow’s-Thrill, Crassulaceae Christmas Kalanchoe Kalanchoe crenata Neverdie Crassulaceae Kalanchoe daigremontiana Devil’s Backbone Crassulaceae Kalanchoe delagoensis Chandelier Plant Crassulaceae Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Lavender Scallops Crassulaceae Kalanchoe pinnata Cathedral Bells, Life Plant Crassulaceae Kalanchoe x houghtonii Mother-of-Millions Crassulaceae Khaya senegalensis African Mahogany Meliaceae Koelreuteria elegans ssp. formosana Flamegold Sapindaceae Kummerowia striata Japanese Clover Fabaceae Kyllinga brevifolia Shortleaf Spikesedge Cyperaceae Kyllinga squamulata Asian Spikesedge Cyperaceae Lablab purpureus Hyacinthbean Fabaceae Laelia rubescens Pale Laelia Orchidaceae Landoltia punctata Dotted Duckweed Araceae Lantana camara Lantana, Shrubverbena Verbenaceae Lantana montevidensis Trailing Shrubverbena Verbenaceae 52 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Scientific name Common name Family name Laportea aestuans West Indian Woodnettle Urticaceae Launaea intybacea Achicoria Azul Asteraceae Leonotis nepetifolia Lion’s-Ear, Christmas Candlestick Lamiaceae Lepianthes umbellata Baquina Piperaceae Lepidium didymum Lesser Swinecress Brassicaceae Leucaena leucocephala White Leadtree Fabaceae Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet Oleaceae Limnophila sessiliflora Asian Marshweed Plantaginaceae Lindernia crustacea Malaysian False Pimpernel Plantaginaceae Linum usitatissimum Common Flax Linaceae Lipocarpha aristulata Awned Halfchaff Sedge Cyperaceae Livistona chinensis Chinese Fan Palm Arecaceae Livistona rotundifolia Footstool Palm Arecaceae Lobularia maritima Seaside Lobularia, Sweet Alyssum Brassicaceae Lolium perenne Italian Ryegrass Poaceae Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle Caprifoliaceae Ludwigia grandiflora Largeflower Primrosewillow Onagraceae Ludwigia peruviana Peruvian Primrosewillow Onagraceae Luffa aegyptiaca Vegetable Sponge, Loofah Cucurbitaceae Lumnitzera racemosa Black Mangrove Combretaceae Luziola subintegra Tropical American Watergrass Poaceae Lygodium japonicum Japanese Climbing Fern Schizaeaceae Lygodium microphyllum Small-Leaf Climbing Fern Schizaeaceae Lysiloma sabicu Horsefl esh Mahogany Fabaceae Macfadyena unguis-cati Catclawvine Bignoniaceae Macroptilium atropurpureum Purple Bushbean Fabaceae Macroptilium lathyroides Wild Bushbean Fabaceae Macrothelypteris torresiana Mariana Maiden Fern Thelypteridaceae Malachra capitata Malva De Caballo Malvaceae Malpighia emarginata Barbados Cherry Malpighiaceae Malvastrum coromandelianum Threelobe False Mallow Malvaceae Malvaviscus arboreus var. Texas Waxmallow Malvaceae drummondii Malvaviscus penduliflorus Mazapan, Turkscap Mallow Malvaceae Mangifera indica Mango Anacardiaceae Manihot esculenta Tapioca Euphorbiaceae Manilkara zapota Sapodilla Sapotaceae Maranta arundinacea Arrowroot Marantaceae Marsilea macropoda Big-Foot Water-Clover Marsileaceae Marsilea vestita Hairy Water-Clover Marsileaceae Maurandya antirrhiniflora Roving Sailor Plantaginaceae Mazus pumilus Japanese Mazus Plantaginaceae Medicago lupulina Black Medick Fabaceae Medicago polymorpha Burr Clover Fabaceae Medicago sativa Alfalfa Fabaceae Melaleuca quinquenervia Punktree Myrtaceae Melaleuca viminalis Bottlebrush Myrtaceae Melastoma malabathricum Straits Rhododendron, Malabar Melastomataceae Melastome Melia azedarach Chinaberrytree Meliaceae Melicoccus bijugatus Spanish Lime Sapindaceae Melilotus albus White Sweetclover Fabaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 53 Scientific name Common name Family name Melilotus indicus Indian Sweetclover, Annual Yellow Fabaceae Sweetclover Melinis minutiflora Molassesgrass Poaceae Melinis repens Rose Natalgrass Poaceae Melochia corchorifolia Chocolateweed Malvaceae Merremia aegyptia Hairy Woodrose Convolvulaceae Merremia cissoides Roadside Woodrose Convolvulaceae Merremia dissecta Noyau Vine Convolvulaceae Merremia quinquefolia Rock Rosemary Convolvulaceae Merremia tuberosa Spanish Arborvine, Yellow Morning- Convolvulaceae Glory Merremia umbellata Hogvine Convolvulaceae Mimosa pigra Black Mimosa Fabaceae Mimosa pudica Sensitive Plant, Shameplant Fabaceae Mimusops elengi Spanish Cherry, Kabiki, Bakul Sapotaceae Mirabilis jalapa Four-O’clock, Marvel-of-Peru Nyctaginaceae Mitracarpus hirtus Tropical Girdlepod Rubiaceae Mollugo verticillata Indian Chickweed, Green Carpetweed Molluginaceae Momordica charantia Balsampear Cucurbitaceae Monstera deliciosa Swiss-Cheese Plant, Cut-Leaf Araceae Philodendron Moringa oleifera Horseradishtree Moringaceae Morrenia odorata Latexplant Apocynaceae Morus alba White Mulberry Moraceae Mucuna pruriens Cowitch, Velvetbean Fabaceae Muntingia calabura Strawberrytree Muntingiaceae Murdannia nudiflora Nakedstem Dewflower Commelinaceae Murdannia spirata var. parviflora Asiatic Dewflower Commelinaceae Murraya paniculata Orange Jessamine Rutaceae Musa acuminata Dwarf Banana Musaceae Musa x paradisiaca Common Banana Musaceae Myriophyllum aquaticum Parrot Feather Watermilfoil Haloragaceae Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian Watermilfoil, Spike Haloragaceae Watermilfoil Nama jamaicensis Jamaicanweed Hydrophyllaceae Nelumbo nucifera Sacred Lotus Nelumbonaceae Nephrolepis brownii Asian Sword Fern Nephrolepidaceae Nephrolepis cordifolia Tuberous Sword Fern Nephrolepidaceae Nephrolepis falcata Fishtail Swordfern Nephrolepidaceae Nerium oleander Oleander Apocynaceae Neyraudia reynaudiana Burmareed, Silkreed Poaceae Nicandra physalodes Apple-of-Peru Solanaceae Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Tex-Mex Tobacco Solanaceae Nicotiana tabacum Cultivated Tobacco Solanaceae Nymphaea capensis var. Cape Blue Waterlily Nymphaeaceae zanzibariensis Nymphaea lotus White Egyptian Lotus Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea x daubenyana Nymphaeaceae Nymphoides cristata Crested Floatingheart Menyanthaceae Nymphoides indica Water Snowflake Menyanthaceae Ochrosia elliptica Elliptic Yellowwood Apocynaceae Ocimum basilicum Sweet Basil Lamiaceae Odontonema cuspidatum Firespike Acanthaceae Oeceoclades maculata Monk Orchid Orchidaceae 54 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Scientific name Common name Family name Oenothera drummondii Beach Eveningprimrose Onagraceae Oenothera speciosa Pinkladies Onagraceae Oldenlandia corymbosa Flattop Mille Graines Rubiaceae Oldenlandiopsis callitrichoides Creeping Blue Rubiaceae Ophioglossum pendulum Old World Adder’s-Tongue Ophioglossaceae Opuntia cochenillifera Cochineal Cactus Cactaceae Oryza perennis Wild Red Rice Poaceae Oxalis debilis Pink Woodsorrel Oxalidaceae Oxalis latifolia Broadleaf Woodsorrel Oxalidaceae Pachyrhizus erosus Yam Bean Fabaceae Paederia cruddasiana Sewervine Rubiaceae Paederia foetida Skunkvine Rubiaceae Panicum maximum Guineagrass Poaceae Panicum miliaceum Broomcorn Millet Poaceae Panicum repens Torpedograss Poaceae Parkinsonia aculeata Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn Fabaceae Parthenium hysterophorus Santa Maria Feverfew Asteraceae Paspalum acuminatum Brook Crowngrass Poaceae Paspalum dilatatum Dallisgrass Poaceae Paspalum fimbriatum Winged Paspalum, Panama Crowngrass Poaceae Paspalum malacophyllum Ribbed Paspalum Poaceae Paspalum nicorae Brunswickgrass Poaceae Paspalum notatum var. notatum Bahiagrass Poaceae Paspalum notatum var. saurae Bahiagrass Poaceae Paspalum paniculatum Arrocillo Poaceae Paspalum pleostachyum Tropical Paspalum Poaceae Paspalum urvillei Vaseygrass Poaceae Passiflora biflora Twolobe Passionflower Passifloraceae Passiflora edulis Passionfruit, Purple Granadilla Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida Fetid Passionflower Passifloraceae Passiflora x belotii Passifloraceae Pectis humifusa Yerba De San Juan Asteraceae Peltophorum dubium Horsebush Fabaceae Peltophorum pterocarpum Yellow Poinciana Fabaceae Pennisetum glaucum Pearl Millet, American Fountaingrass Poaceae Pennisetum polystachion West Indian Pennisetum, Missiongrass Poaceae Pennisetum purpureum Elephantgrass, Napiergrass Poaceae Pennisetum setaceum Fountaingrass Poaceae Peperomia amplexicaulis Jackie’s Saddle, Clasping Peperomia Piperaceae Peperomia pellucida Pepper-Elder, Rat-Ear Piperaceae Pereskia aculeata Barbados Gooseberry, Lemon Vine Cactaceae Persea americana Avocado Lauraceae Petitia domingensis Bastard Stopper Lamiaceae Petrea volubilis Queenswreath Verbenaceae Petunia x hybrida Petunia Solanaceae Phleum pratense Timothy Poaceae Phlox drummondii Annual Phlox Polemoniaceae Phoenix reclinata Senegal Date Palm Arecaceae Phyla fruticosa Diamondleaf Fogfruit Verbenaceae Phyllanthus acidus Tahitian Gooseberry Tree Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus amarus Gale-of-Wind, Carry-Me-Seed Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus angustifolius Foliage Flower, Swordbush Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus fraternus Gulf Leafflower Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus tenellus Mascarene Island Leafflower Euphorbiaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 55 Scientific name Common name Family name Phyllanthus urinaria Chamber Bitter Euphorbiaceae Phymatosorus scolopendria Serpent Fern, Wart Fern Polypodiaceae Pilea nummulariifolia Creeping Charlie Urticaceae Piper aduncum Spiked Pepper, False Matico, Higuillo Piperaceae De Hoja Menuda Piper auritum Veracruz Pepper Piperaceae Pithecellobium dulce Monkeypod Fabaceae Pithecoctenium crucigerum Monkeycomb Bignoniaceae Pittosporum pentandrum Taiwanese Cheesewood Pittosporaceae Plantago lanceolata English Plantain, Narrowleaf Plantain Plantaginaceae Plantago major Common Plantain Plantaginaceae Platycerium bifurcatum Staghorn Fern Polypodiaceae Plumbago auriculata Cape Leadwort Plumbaginaceae Poa annua Annual Bluegrass Poaceae Polyalthia suberosa Corky Debbar Tree Annonaceae Polygonum aviculare Prostrate Knotweed Polygonaceae Polygonum lapathifolium Curlytop Knotweed, Pale Smartweed Polygonaceae Polygonum persicaria Spotted Lady’s-Thumb Polygonaceae Polypogon monspeliensis Rabbitsfootgrass Poaceae Polytrias amaura Javanesegrass Poaceae Pongamia pinnata Karum Tree, Poonga-Oil Tree Fabaceae Poranopsis paniculata Bridal Bouquet Convolvulaceae Portulaca amilis Paraguayan Purslane Portulacaceae Portulaca oleracea Little Hogweed Portulacaceae Potentilla reptans Creeping Cinquefoil Rosaceae Pouteria campechiana Egg Fruit, Canistel Sapotaceae Pouzolzia zeylanica Pouzolz’s Bush Urticaceae Premna odorata Fragrant Premna Lamiaceae Proboscidea louisianica Unicornplant, Common Devil’s Claw Martyniaceae Pseudelephantopus spicatus Dogstongue Asteraceae Pseuderanthemum fasciculatum Falseface Acanthaceae Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey Cudweed Asteraceae Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides Mexican Flamevine Asteraceae Psidium cattleianum Strawberry Guava Myrtaceae Psidium guajava Guava Myrtaceae Pteris grandifolia Long Brake Pteridaceae Pteris multifida Spider Brake, Huguenot Fern Pteridaceae Pteris tripartita Giant Brake Pteridaceae Pteris vittata Chinese Ladder Brake Pteridaceae Ptychosperma elegans Alexander Palm, Solitaire Palm Arecaceae Ptychosperma macarthurii Macarthur’s Palm Arecaceae Pueraria montana var. lobata Kudzu Fabaceae Pyrostegia venusta Flamevine Bignoniaceae Quisqualis indica Rangoon Creeper Combretaceae Ranunculus sardous Hairy Buttercup Ranunculaceae Raphanus raphanistrum Wild Radish Brassicaceae Rauvolfia tetraphylla Be-Still Tree Apocynaceae Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Rose Myrtle Myrtaceae Richardia brasiliensis Tropical Mexican Clover Rubiaceae Richardia grandiflora Largeflower Mexican Clover Rubiaceae Richardia scabra Rough Mexican Clover Rubiaceae Ricinus communis Castorbean Euphorbiaceae Rotala rotundifolia Dwarf Rotala, Roundleaf Toothcup Lythraceae Rottboellia cochinchinensis Itchgrass Poaceae 56 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Scientific name Common name Family name Rubus niveus Snowpeaks Raspberry Rosaceae Ruellia blechum Browne’s Blechum Acanthaceae Ruellia ciliatiflora Hairyflower Wild Petunia Acanthaceae Ruellia simplex Britton’s Wild Petunia, Mexican Acanthaceae Bluebell Rumex crispus Curly Dock Polygonaceae Rumex obovatus Tropical Dock Polygonaceae Rumex pulcher Fiddle Dock Polygonaceae Rumohra adiantiformis Leatherleaf Fern Dryopteridaceae Russelia equisetiformis Fountainbush, Firecracker Plant Plantaginaceae Saccharum officinarum Sugarcane Poaceae Sacciolepis indica Indian Cupscale Poaceae Salsola kali ssp. pontica Prickly Russian Thistle Amaranthaceae Salvinia minima Water Spangles Salviniaceae Salvinia molesta Aquarium Watermoss Salviniaceae Sansevieria hyacinthoides Bowstring Hemp, Mother-in-Law’s Ruscaceae Tongue Santalum album Sandalwood Santalaceae Sapium sebiferum Popcorntree, Chinese Tallowtree Euphorbiaceae Scaevola taccada var. taccada Beach Naupaka Goodeniaceae Scaevola taccada var. sericea Beach Naupaka Goodeniaceae Scheffl era actinophylla Australian Umbrella Tree, Octopus Tree Araliaceae Scheffl era arboricola Dwarf Scheffl era Araliaceae Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian Pepper Anacardiaceae Scirpus cubensis Cuban Bulrush Cyperaceae Scleria lacustris Wright’s Nutrush Cyperaceae Secale cereale Cultivated Rye Poaceae Selaginella uncinata Peacock Spike-Moss Selaginellaceae Selaginella willdenowii Vine Spike-Moss Selaginellaceae Selenicereus grandiflorus Queen-of-the-Night Cactaceae Selenicereus pteranthus Princess-of-the-Night Cactaceae Senna alata Candlestick Plant Fabaceae Senna corymbosa Argentine Wild Sensitive Plant Fabaceae Senna didymobotrya African Wild Sensitive Plant Fabaceae Senna obtusifolia Coffeeweed, Sicklepod Fabaceae Senna occidentalis Septicweed Fabaceae Senna pendula var. glabrata Valamuerto Fabaceae Senna surattensis Glossy Shower Fabaceae Sesamum indicum Sesame, Benne Pedaliaceae Sesbania punicea Rattlebox Fabaceae Sesbania sericea Silky Sesban Fabaceae Setaria barbata East Indian Bristlegrass, Marygrass, Poaceae Corngrass Setaria faberi Japanese Bristlegrass, Giant Foxtail Poaceae Setaria italica Foxtail Bristlegrass Poaceae Setaria pumila Yellow Bristlegrass, Yellow Foxtail Poaceae Setaria setosa West Indian Bristlegrass Poaceae Setaria sphacelata African Bristlegrass Poaceae Setaria verticillata Hooked Bristlegrass Poaceae Setaria viridis Green Bristlegrass, Green Foxtail, Poaceae Foxtail Millet Severinia buxifolia Chinese Boxorange Rutaceae Sida cordifolia Llima Malvaceae Sida glabra Smooth Fanpetals Malvaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 57 Scientific name Common name Family name Sida santaremensis Moth Fanpetals Malvaceae Sida spinosa Prickly Fanpetals Malvaceae Sinapis arvensis Charlock Mustard Brassicaceae Sisymbrium altissimum Tall Tumblemustard Brassicaceae Sisymbrium irio Londonrocket Brassicaceae Sisyrinchium rosulatum Annual Blue-Eyed Grass Iridaceae Solandra nitida Chalicevine Solanaceae Solanum diphyllum Twoleaf Nightshade Solanaceae Solanum elaeagnifolium Silverleaf Nightshade, White Solanaceae Horsenettle Solanum lycopersicum Garden Tomato Solanaceae Solanum melongena Eggplant Solanaceae Solanum seaforthianum Brazilian Nightshade Solanaceae Solanum tampicense Aquatic Soda Apple Solanaceae Solanum torvum Turkeyberry Solanaceae Solanum viarum Tropical Soda Apple Solanaceae Sonchus asper Spiny Sowthistle Asteraceae Sonchus oleraceus Common Sowthistle Asteraceae Sophora tomentosa var. occidentalis Yellow Necklacepod Fabaceae Sorghum bicolor ssp. bicolor Broomcorn Poaceae Sorghum bicolor ssp. verticilliflorum Grain Sorghum, Broomcorn Poaceae Sorghum halepense Johnsongrass Poaceae Sorindeia madagascariensis Mtikiza Anacardiaceae Spathodea campanulata African Tuliptree Bignoniaceae Spathoglottis plicata Philippine Ground Orchid Orchidaceae Spermacoce verticillata Shrubby False Buttonweed Rubiaceae Sphaeropteris cooperi Cooper’s Tree Fern Cyatheaceae Sphagneticola trilobata Creeping Oxeye Asteraceae Spondias purpurea Purple Mombin Anacardiaceae Sporobolus indicus var. indicus Smutgrass Poaceae Sporobolus indicus var. pyramidalis West Indian Dropseed Poaceae Sporobolus tenuissimus Tropical Dropseed Poaceae Stachytarpheta cayennensis Nettleleaf Velvetberry Verbenaceae Stellaria media Common Chickweed Caryophyllaceae Stemodia durantifolia Whitewoolly Twintip Plantaginaceae Stenochlaena tenuifolia Giant Vine Fern Blechnaceae Stictocardia tiliifolia Spottedheart Convolvulaceae Strychnos spinosa Wood Orange, Natal Orange Strychnaceae Stylosanthes hamata Cheesytoes Fabaceae Syagrus romanzoffiana Queen Palm Arecaceae Synedrella nodiflora Nodeweed Asteraceae Syngonium angustatum Fivefingers Araceae Syngonium podophyllum American Evergreen Araceae Syzygium cumini Java Plum Myrtaceae Syzygium jambos Malabar Plum, Rose Apple Myrtaceae Tabebuia aurea Caribbean Trumpettree Bignoniaceae Tabebuia heterophylla White Cedar Bignoniaceae Tabernaemontana alba White Milkwood Apocynaceae Tagetes erecta Aztec Marigold Asteraceae Talinum fruticosum Verdolaga-Francesa Portulacaceae Talinum paniculatum Pink Baby’s-Breath, Jewels-of-Opar Portulacaceae Talipariti tiliaceum var. tiliaceum Sea Hibiscus, Mahoe Malvaceae Talipariti tiliaceum var. Yellow Mahoe Malvaceae pernambucense 58 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Scientific name Common name Family name Tamarindus indica Tamarind Fabaceae Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion Asteraceae Tecoma capensis Cape Honeysuckle Bignoniaceae Tecoma stans Yellow Elder, Yellow Trumpetbush Bignoniaceae Tectaria incisa Incised Halberd Fern Dryopteridaceae Terminalia catappa West Indian Almond Combretaceae Terminalia muelleri Australian Almond Combretaceae Thelypteris dentata Downy Maiden Fern, Downy Shield Thelypteridaceae Fern Thelypteris opulenta Jeweled Maiden Fern Thelypteridaceae Thespesia populnea Portia Tree Malvaceae Thevetia peruviana Luckynut Apocynaceae Thlaspi arvense Field Pennycress Brassicaceae Thunbergia alata Blackeyed Susan Vine Acanthaceae Thunbergia erecta Bush Clockvine Acanthaceae Thunbergia fragrans Whitelady Acanthaceae Thunbergia grandiflora Skyvine, Clockvine, Bengal Trumpet Acanthaceae Thymophylla tenuiloba Bristleleaf Pricklyleaf Asteraceae Tithonia diversifolia Shrub Sunflower Asteraceae Torenia fournieri Bluewings, Wishbone Flower Plantaginaceae Trachelospermum jasminoides Confederate Jasmine Apocynaceae Tradescantia pallida Purplequeen Commelinaceae Tradescantia spathacea Moses-in-the-Cradle, Oyster-Plant, Commelinaceae Boatlily Tradescantia zebrina Wandering-Jew, Inchplant Commelinaceae Tribulus cistoides Burrnut, Jamaican Feverplant Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris Puncturevine Zygophyllaceae Trichosanthes tricuspidata Bracted Snakegourd Cucurbitaceae Tridax procumbens Coatbuttons Asteraceae Trifolium hybridum Alsike Clover Fabaceae Trifolium pratense Red Clover Fabaceae Trifolium repens White Clover, Dutch Clover Fabaceae Trigonella caerulea Blue Fenugreek Fabaceae Trimezia martinicensis Martinique Trimezia Iridaceae Triphasia trifolia Limeberry Rutaceae Triumfetta semitriloba Sacramento Burrbark Malvaceae Turbina corymbosa Christmasvine Convolvulaceae Turnera ulmifolia Yellow Alder, Ramgoat Dashalong Turneraceae Urena lobata Caesarweed Malvaceae Urochloa arrecta Tannergrass Poaceae Urochloa distachya Tropical Signalgrass Poaceae Urochloa fusca var. reticulata Browntop Signalgrass Poaceae Urochloa mutica Paragrass Poaceae Urochloa plantaginea Creeping Signalgrass, Plantain Poaceae Signalgrass Urochloa ramosa Browntop Millet, Dixie Signalgrass Poaceae Urochloa texana Texas Signalgrass, Texas Millet Poaceae Vaccaria hispanica Cow Soapwort, Cow Herb Caryophyllaceae Vanilla planifolia Commercial Vanilla Orchidaceae Vanilla pompona West Indian Vanilla Orchidaceae Verbascum virgatum Wand Mullein Scrophulariaceae Verbena incompta Purpletop Vervain Verbenaceae Verbena brasiliensis Brazilian Vervain Verbenaceae Verbena montevidensis Seashore Vervain Verbenaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 59 Scientific name Common name Family name Vigna adenantha Wild Pea Fabaceae Vigna hosei Sarawak Bean Fabaceae Vigna speciosa Wandering Cowpea Fabaceae Vigna unguiculata Blackeyed Pea, Cowpea Fabaceae Vitex agnus-castus Lilac Chastetree Lamiaceae Vitex glabrata Smooth Chastetree Lamiaceae Vitex trifolia Simpleleaf Chastetree Lamiaceae Washingtonia robusta Washington Fan Palm Arecaceae Woodwardia radicans European Chain Fern Blechnaceae Xanthium strumarium Rough Cockleburr Asteraceae Xanthosoma sagittifolium Arrowleaf Elephantear Araceae Xyris jupicai Richard’s Yelloweyed Grass Xyridaceae Youngia japonica Oriental False Hawksbeard Asteraceae Zamia furfuracea Cardboard Palm, Cardboard Cycad Zamiaceae Zea mays ssp. mexicana Teosinte Poaceae Zea mays ssp. parviglumis Teosinte Poaceae Zephyranthes citrina Yellow Zephyrlily Amaryllidaceae Zeuxine strateumatica Soldier’s Orchid, Lawn Orchid Orchidaceae Ziziphus mauritiana Inidan Jujube Rhamnaceae Zoysia japonica Korean Templegrass, Japanese Poaceae Lawngrass Zoysia matrella Manila Templegrass, Manilagrass Poaceae Zoysia pacifica Manila Templegrass, Mascarenegrass Poaceae 60 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Appendix D. Florida Exotic Pest Council’s 2007 list of invasive non-native plant species in south Florida. Taxonomy for all species listed follows Wunderlin and Hansen (2011), and the naming authorities for each can be found there. Scientific name Common name Family name Category I Abrus precatorius Rosary Pea, Blackeyed Susan Fabaceae Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf Acacia Fabaceae Albizia lebbeck Woman’s Tongue Fabaceae Ardisia crenata Scratchthroat Myrsinaceae Ardisia elliptica Shoebutton Myrsinaceae Asparagus aethiopicus Sprenger’s Asparagus-Fern Asparagaceae Bauhinia variegata Orchid Tree, Mountain Ebony Fabaceae Bischofia javanica Javanese Bishopwood Euphorbiaceae Calophyllum antillanum Santa Maria, Galba Clusiaceae Casuarina equisetifolia Australian-Pine, Horsetail Casuarina Casuarinaceae Casuarina glauca Gray Sheoak, Suckering Australian-Pine Casuarinaceae Cinnamomum camphora Camphortree Lauraceae Colocasia esculenta Wild Taro, Dasheen, Coco Yam Araceae Colubrina asiatica Latherleaf, Asian Nakedwood Rhamnaceae Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrotwood Sapindaceae Dioscorea alata White Yam Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea bulbifera Air-Potato Dioscoreaceae Eichhornia crassipes Common Water-Hyacinth Pontederiaceae Eugenia uniflora Surinam Cherry Myrtaceae Ficus microcarpa Indian Laurel Moraceae Hydrilla verticillata Waterthyme, Hydrilla Hydrocharitaceae Hygrophila polysperma Indian Swampweed Acanthaceae Hymenachne amplexicaulis Trompetilla Poaceae Imperata cylindrica Cogongrass Poaceae Jasminum dichotomum Gold Coast Jasmine Oleaceae Jasminum fl uminense Brazilian Jasmine, Jazmin De Trapo Oleaceae Lantana camara Lantana, Shrubverbena Verbenaceae Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet Oleaceae Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle Caprifoliaceae Ludwigia peruviana Peruvian Primrosewillow Onagraceae Lumnitzera racemosa Black Mangrove Combretaceae Luziola subintegra Tropical American Watergrass Poaceae Lygodium japonicum Japanese Climbing Fern Schizaeaceae Lygodium microphyllum Small-Leaf Climbing Fern Schizaeaceae Macfadyena unguis-cati Catclawvine Bignoniaceae Manilkara zapota Sapodilla Sapotaceae Melaleuca quinquenervia Punktree Myrtaceae Mimosa pigra Black Mimosa Fabaceae Nephrolepis cordifolia Tuberous Sword Fern Nephrolepidaceae Nephrolepis brownii Asian Sword Fern Nephrolepidaceae Neyraudia reynaudiana Burmareed, Silkreed Poaceae Nymphoides cristata Crested Floatingheart Menyanthaceae Paederia cruddasiana Sewervine Rubiaceae Paederia foetida Skunkvine Rubiaceae Panicum repens Torpedograss Poaceae Pennisetum purpureum Elephantgrass, Napiergrass Poaceae Phymatosorus scolopendria Serpent Fern, Wart Fern Polypodiaceae Pistia stratiotes Water-Lettuce Araceae Psidium cattleianum Strawberry Guava Myrtaceae 2012 S. Mortellaro et al. 61 Scientific name Common name Family name Psidium guajava Guava Myrtaceae Pueraria montana var. lobata Kudzu Fabaceae Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Rose Myrtle Myrtaceae Melinis repens Rose Natalgrass Poaceae Ruellia simplex Britton’s Wild Petunia, Mexican Acanthaceae Bluebell Salvinia minima Water Spangles Salviniaceae Sapium sebiferum Popcorntree, Chinese Tallowtree Euphorbiaceae Scaevola taccada var. taccada Beach Naupaka Goodeniaceae Scaevola taccada var. sericea Beach Naupaka Goodeniaceae Scheffl era actinophylla Australian Umbrella Tree, Octopus Tree Araliaceae Schinus terebinthifolius Brazilian Pepper Anacardiaceae Senna pendula var. glabrata Valamuerto Fabaceae Scleria lacustris Wright’s Nutrush Cyperaceae Solanum tampicense Aquatic Soda Apple Solanaceae Solanum viarum Tropical Soda Apple Solanaceae Syngonium podophyllum American Evergreen Araceae Syzygium cumini Java Plum Myrtaceae Tectaria incisa Incised Halberd Fern Dryopteridaceae Thespesia populnea Portia Tree Malvaceae Urena lobata Caesarweed Malvaceae Urochloa mutica Paragrass Poaceae Category II Adenanthera pavonina Red Beadtree, Red Sandalwood Fabaceae Agave sisalana Sisal Hemp Agavaceae Alstonia macrophylla Deviltree Apocynaceae Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligatorweed Amaranthaceae Antigonon leptopus Coral Vine, Queen’s Jewels Polygonaceae Aristolochia littoralis Elegant Dutchman’s Pipe, Calico Flower Aristolochiaceae Asystasia gangetica Chinese Violet Acanthaceae Begonia cucullata Wax Begonia, Club Begonia Begoniaceae Broussonetia papyrifera Paper Mulberry Moraceae Callisia fragrans Basketplant Commelinaceae Casuarina cunninghamiana River Sheoak Casuarinaceae Cecropia palmata Trumpet Tree Cecropiaceae Cestrum diurnum Dayflowering Jessamine Solanaceae Chamaedorea seifrizii Bamboo Palm Arecaceae Cocos nucifera Coconut Palm Arecaceae Cryptostegia madagascariensis Madagascar Rubbervine Apocynaceae Cyperus involucratus Umbrella Plant Cyperaceae Cyperus prolifer Miniature Flatsedge Cyperaceae Dactyloctenium aegyptium Durban Crowfootgrass Poaceae Dalbergia sissoo Indian Rosewood Fabaceae Epipremnum pinnatum Golden Pothos Araceae Ficus altissima Council Tree Moraceae Flacourtia indica Governor’s Plum Flacourtiaceae Hemarthria altissima Limpograss Poaceae Hyparrhenia rufa Jaragua Poaceae Ipomoea carnea ssp. fistulosa Bush Morning-Glory Convolvulaceae Kalanchoe pinnata Cathedral Bells, Life Plant Crassulaceae Koelreuteria elegans ssp. formosana Flamegold Sapindaceae Landoltia punctata Dotted Duckweed Araceae Leucaena leucocephala White Leadtree Fabaceae 62 Southeastern Naturalist Vol. 11, Monograph 3 Scientific name Common name Family name Limnophila sessiliflora Asian Marshweed Plantaginaceae Livistona chinensis Fountain Palm Arecaceae Melaleuca viminalis Bottlebrush Myrtaceae Melia azedarach Chinaberry Tree Meliaceae Melinis minutiflora Molassasgrass Poaceae Merremia tuberosa Spanish Arborvine, Yellow Morning- Convolvulaceae Glory Murraya paniculata Orange Jessamine Rutaceae Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian Watermilfoil, Spike Haloragaceae Watermilfoil Panicum maximum Guineagrass Poaceae Passiflora biflora Twolobe Passionflower Passifloraceae Pennisetum setaceum Fountaingrass Poaceae Phoenix reclinata Senegal Date Palm Arecaceae Pittosporum pentandrum Taiwanese Cheesewood Pittosporaceae Pteris vittata Chinese Ladder Brake Pteridaceae Ptychosperma elegans Alexander Palm, Solitaire Palm Arecaceae Ricinus communis Castorbean Euphorbiaceae Rotala rotundifolia Dwarf Rotala, Roundleaf Toothcup Lythraceae Ruellia blechum Browne’s Blechum Acanthaceae Sansevieria hyacinthoides Bowstring Hemp, Mother-in-Law’s Ruscaceae Tongue Sesbania punicea Rattlebox Fabaceae Solanum diphyllum Twoleaf Nightshade Solanaceae Solanum torvum Turkeyberry Solanaceae Sphagneticola trilobata Creeping Oxeye Asteraceae Stachytarpheta cayennensis Nettleleaf Velvetberry Verbenaceae Syagrus romanzoffiana Queen Palm Arecaceae Syzygium jambos Malabar Plum, Rose Apple Myrtaceae Talipariti tiliaceum Sea Hibiscus, Mahoe Malvaceae Terminalia catappa West Indian Almond Combretaceae Terminalia muelleri Australian Almond Combretaceae Tradescantia spathacea Moses-in-the-Cradle, Oyster-Plant, Commelinaceae Boatlily Tribulus cistoides Burrnut, Jamaican Feverplant Zygophyllaceae Vitex trifolia Simpleleaf Chastetree Lamiaceae Washingtonia robusta Washington Fan Palm Arecaceae Xanthosoma sagittifolium Arrowleaf Elephantear Araceae