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Habitat Suitability Modeling and Site Verification for the White Fringeless Orchid (Platanthera integrilabia) in Alabama

Katelyn M. Lawson1,*, Marc A.K. Johnson1, and Alfred Schotz1

1Department of Biological Sciences, 101 Rouse Life Sciences, Auburn University, AL 36849. *Corresponding author.

Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 21, Issue 1 (2022): 28–41

Platanthera integrilabia (White Fringeless Orchid) has a relatively broad but sporadic distribution across the mountainous region of the southeastern United States. Prior to this project, extant occurrences in Alabama were only documented from 9 sites, although there appears to be a large amount of suitable habitat across north Alabama. We created habitat-suitability models and selected a total of 71 medium- and high-suitability sites for surveying. We identified 3 new occurrences of this orchid. We then added these 3 occurrences and 4 additional occurrences that were part of a separate survey effort to the presence locations for creating a post-survey model. This post-survey model performed best overall and may be useful for guiding future White Fringeless Orchid surveys.

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