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Occurrence of Golden Topminnow, Fundulus chrysotus, in the San Marcos River, Texas

Christa R. Edwards1,*, Sabrina E. Thiels1, Kyle T. Sullivan2, Jubentino Guajardo2, Bradley M. Littrell2, and Timothy H. Bonner1

1Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 585 Prineville Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33954. 2BIO-WEST, Inc., 1405 United Drive, Suite 111, San Marcos, TX 78666. *Corresponding author.

Southeastern Naturalist,Volume 20, Issue 3 (2021): N83–N87

Within the western extent of its range, Fundulus chrysotus (Golden Topminnow) is generally restricted to coastal drainages of Texas, with few reported occurrences inland. We report a new record of Golden Topminnow in the upper San Marcos River of Texas. The occurrence of Golden Topminnow could represent a natural range expansion or incidental introduction to the area. Future monitoring of the population within the San Marcos River (Guadalupe River basin) is needed to confirm if the species becomes established.

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