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Recommended Revision of the Type Locality of Clathrodrillia wolfei (Tippett, 1995) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Drilliidae)

Douglas A. Wolfe*

*NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries & Habitat Research (retired), Beaufort NC 28516; Current address - 1135 SW Huntington Avenue, Portland OR 97225.

Southeastern Naturalist,Volume 20, Issue 2 (2021): N50–N54

The type specimens of Drillia wolfei originated in a poorly documented commercial fishery for Argopecten gibbus (Calico Scallop), and the published type locality (east of Cape Lookout, NC) is in error. Evidence presented here indicates that the type material most likely originated from the rarely fished Calico Scallop grounds in the eastern Gulf of Mexico (off western Florida between Tampa and the Florida Keys). In accord with International Code of Zoological Nomenclature rules, it is recommended that the type locality be corrected to the Gulf of Mexico’s west Florida shelf, between Tampa and the Florida Keys, at 12–46 m depth. This region corresponds to authenticated specimens in the collections of the US National Museum and the Delaware Museum of Natural History.

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