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Southeastern Naturalist, Volume 17, Issue 1 (2018)

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Erratum Some of the data in Table 1 on page 632 of the article “Variability of Paralarval- Squid Occurrence in Meter-net Tows from East of Florida, USA” by Carrie A. Erickson, Clyde F.E. Roper, and Michael Vecchione in issue 16-4 of the Southeastern Naturalist were not presented under the correct columns. The corrected table is provided below. Table 1. Summary of sampling trips (multi-day sampling events). Protocol 1: Transect sampling; Protocol 2: Daytime discrete-depth sampling; Protocol 3: Nighttime discrete-depth sampling; Protocol 4: Repetitive sampling at a fixed station 37.0 km offshore; Protocol 5: Repetitive sampling while following a drogue buoy starting at the station 37.0 km offshore. Note that no transect sampling occurred during February, May, October, or November in any year. Asterisk (*) = not replicated. Protocol Trip Date 1 2 3 4 5 1 25 February 1987 x* 2 9–11 June 1987 x 3 27–29 July 1987 x x 4 21–23 September 1987 x x* 5 11–13 January 1988 x 6 11–14 April 1988 x x* 7 30 August–2 September 1988 x 8 5–8 December 1988 x x 9 27 March 1989 x 10 31 July–2 August 1989 x x 11 17–26 July 1990 x x x x x 12 6–15 August 1991 x x x x