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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 9, Number 4, 2010

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Disturbance of the Florida Manatee by an Invasive Catfi sh
Melissa Gibbs, Tiffany Futral, Megan Mallinger, Desiree Martin, and Monica Ross
Fish Assemblage Variability in a Florida Spring
Kirsten Work, Melissa Gibbs, Brenda Peters, and Laura French
Habitat Associations, Life History, and Diet of the Blackspot Shiner, Notropis atrocaudalis
Preston T. Bean, Casey S. Williams, Peter H. Diaz, and Timothy H. Bonner
Life-history Aspects of the Cherokee Darter, Etheostoma scotti (Actinopterygii: Percidae), an Imperiled Species in Northern Georgia
Stephanie D. Barton and Steven L. Powers
Observations of Physical and Environmental Characteristics of Suwannee Bass Spawning in a Spring-fed Florida River
Will A. Strong, Eric J. Nagid, and Travis Tuten
Natural History of Resident and Translocated Alligator Snapping Turtles (Macrochelys temminckii) in Louisiana
Victor Bogosian III
An Aquatic Bal-Chatri for Trapping Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis)
Peter J. Mahoney, Kenneth D. Meyer, Gina M. Zimmerman, and Christopher E. Cattau
Local and Landscape Habitat Selection of Nesting Bald Eagles in East Texas
Sarah T. Saalfeld and Warren C. Conway
Fine-scale Spatial Genetic Structure in the Cooperatively Breeding Brown-headed Nuthatch (Sitta pusilla)
Sarah. E. Haas, James A. Cox, Jordan V. Smith, and Rebecca T. Kimball
Identification of Peromyscus gossypinus at Poinsett State Park, South Carolina
Pearl R. Fernandes, Justin L. Reynolds, Nicole Segedin-Garrett, and Michael J. Dewey
Effects of Prescribed Fire and Predator Exclusion on Refuge Selection by Peromyscus gossypinus Le Conte (Cotton Mouse)
Anna M. Derrick, L. Mike Conner, and Steven B. Castleberry
Discarded Bottles as a Source of Shrew Species Distributional Data along an Elevational Gradient in the Southern Appalachians
M. Patrick Brannon, Melissa A. Burt, David M. Bost, and Marguerite C. Caswell
The Persistence of Endangered Florida Salt Marsh Voles in Salt Marshes of the Central Florida Gulf Coast
Althea S. Hotaling, H. Franklin Percival, Wiley M. Kitchens, and John W. Kasbohm
Reproductive Characteristics of White-tailed Deer in Mississippi
Phillip D. Jones, Bronson K. Strickland, Stephen Demarais, and Amy C. Blaylock
Flying Squirrel Removal Does Not Reduce Their Use of Simulated Red-cockaded Woodpecker Nest Clusters
Jennifer S. Borgo, Michael R. Conover, and L. Michael Conner
Erethizon dorsatum (L.) (American Porcupine) Skeletal Remains from the Charles Church Rockshelter, Watauga County, North Carolina
Thomas R. Whyte
Potential Effects of Laurel Wilt on the Flora of North America
Joel M. Gramling
Flowering Phenology: Trends over 32 Years in a Common Garden
J. Dan Pittillo and Beverly Collins
Discovery of the Imperiled Miami Blue Butterfly (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri) on Islands in the Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuges, Monroe County
Paula Cannon, Tom Wilmers and Katie Lyons
Predation of a Large Alligator by a Florida Panther
Roy McBride and Cougar McBride
Noteworthy Books 857

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