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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 8, Number 1, 2009

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Status of Native Freshwater Mussels in Copper Creek, Virginia
Shane D. Hanlon, Melissa A. Petty, and Richard J. Neves
Fish Hosts and Conglutinates of the Pyramid Pigtoe (Pleurobema rubrum)
J. Jacob Culp, Adam C. Shepard, and Monte A. McGregor
Influence of Small Impoundments on Habitat and Fish Communities in Headwater Streams
Michael T. Kashiwagi and Leandro E. Miranda
Notes on the Reproduction of the Streamside Salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, from Rutherford County, Tennessee
Matthew L. Niemiller, Brad M. Glorioso, Christina Nicholas, Julie Phillips, Jessica Rader, Elizabeth Reed, Kyle L. Sykes, Jason Todd, George R. Wyckoff, Elizabeth L. Young, and Brian T. Miller
Identity, Reproduction, Variation, Ecology, and Geographic Origin of a Florida Adventive: Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Rainbow Whiptail Lizard, Sauria: Teiidae)
Brian P. Butterfield, J. Brian Hauge, Anthony Flanagan, and James M. Walker
Aspects of the Reproductive Biology of the Skate Fenestraja plutonia (Garman) off North Carolina
Andrea M. Quattrini, Melissa L. Partyka, and Steve W. Ross
Two Shark-bitten Whale Skeletons from Coastal Plain Deposits of South Carolina
David J. Cicimurri and James L. Knight
Recovery of Nesting Bald Eagles in Texas
Sarah T. Saalfeld, Warren C. Conway, Ricky Maxey, Chris Gregory, and Brent Ortego
Activity of Post-fledging Peregrine Falcons in Different Rearing and Habitat Conditions
Matthew R. Dzialak, Kristina M. Carter, Michael J. Lacki, David F. Westneat, and Katie Anderson
Avian Response to Microclimate in Canopy Gaps in a Bottomland Hardwood Forest
Tracey B. Champlin, John C. Kilgo, Marcia L. Gumpertz, and Christopher E. Moorman
Do Abandoned Woodpecker Cavities Provide Secondary Cavity Nesters Protection from Climbing Snakes?
David L. Leonard, Jr.
Hemlock Susceptibility to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Attack in the Chattooga River Watershed
Mark Faulkenberry, Roy Hedden, and Joe Culin
Microstegium vimineum Invasion Changes Soil Chemistry and Microarthropod Communities in Cumberland Plateau Forests
Deborah A. McGrath and Meagan A. Binkley
Habitat Use by a Dense Population of Southern Fox Squirrels
James C. Lee, David A. Osborn, and Karl V. Miller
External Parasites of Neotoma magister Baird (Allegheny Woodrat) in the Cumberland Mountains and Plateau, Tennessee
William T. Parker, Reid R. Gerhardt, Lisa I. Muller, Nathan D. Caldwell, Steven B. Castleberry, and W. Mark Ford
First Record of Agonostomus monticola (Family: Mugilidae) in Mississippi Freshwaters with Notes of its Distribution in the Southern United States
Wilfredo A. Matamoros, Jacob Schaefer, Paul Mickle, William Arthurs, R. Joan Ikoma, and Renee Ragsdale
Antagonistic Behavior Between Evening Bats and Carpenter Ants
Michael J. Bender, Steven B. Castleberry, Darren A. Miller, and T. Bentley Wigley
Downstream Intrabasin Range Extension for the Endangered Plicate Rocksnail, Leptoxis plicata (Conrad) (Gastropoda: Pleuroceridae)
Terry D. Richardson and Jeff Selby
Book Reviews 185

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