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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 7, Number 2, 2008

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts..

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Reef Morphology and Invertebrate Distribution at Continental Shelf Edge Reefs in the South Atlantic Bight            
Sarah B. Fraser and George R. Sedberry
Morphological and Developmental Differences in Three Species of the Snapping Shrimp Genus Alpheus (Crustacea, Decapoda)            
Heather R. Spence and Robert E. Knowlton
New Records of Copepods (Crustacea) from the Florida Keys
Lawrence J. Hribar and Janet W. Reid
A Survey of Algal Epiphytes from Vallisneria americana Michx. (Hydrocharitaceae) in the Lower St. Johns River, Florida
Angela E. Dunn, Dean R. Dobberfuhl, and Dale A. Casamatta
Assessing the Pre-modern Tree Cover of the Ackerman Unit, Tombigbee National Forest, North Central Hills, MS, Using GLO Survey Notes and Archaeological Data
Evan Peacock, John Rodgers, Kevin Bruce, and Jessica Gray
Preliminary Study Using ISSRs to Differentiate Imperata Taxa (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) Growing in the US            
Rodrigo Vergara, Marc C. Minno, Maria Minno, Douglas E. Soltis, and Pamela S. Soltis
Effect of Vegetation Management on Bird Habitat in Riparian Buffer Zones
Timothy A. Smith, Deanna L. Osmond, Christopher E. Moorman, Jon M. Stucky, and J.Wendell Gilliam
Mammalian Predator Distribution Around a Transmission Line
Matthew B. Smith, David A. Aborn, Timothy J. Gaudin, and John C. Tucker
The Effect of Road Crossings on Fish Movements in Small Etowah Basin Streams
Paul D. Benton, William E. Ensign, and Byron J. Freeman
Annual Surveys of Larval Ambystoma cingulatum Reveal Large Differences in Dates of Pond Residency
Mark S. Bevelhimer, Dirk J. Stevenson, Neil R. Giffen, and Kara Ravenscroft
Diet of Western Slimy Salamander, Plethodon albagula (Caudata: Plethodontidae), from Two Mountain Ranges in Arkansas            
Joseph R. Milanovich, Stanley E. Trauth, and Tanja McKay
Status and Distribution of the Alligator Snapping Turtle  (Macrochelys temminckii), in Southeastern Missouri            
Paul A. Shipman and J. Daren Riedle
A Road Survey of Amphibians and Reptiles in a Bottomland Hardwood Forest
Jessica L. Coleman, Neil B. Ford, and Kevin Herriman
Aspects of the Ecology of the Earth Snakes (Virginia valeriae and V. striatula) in the Upper Coastal Plain            
Brian D. Todd, John D. Willson, Christopher T. Winne, and J. Whitfield Gibbons
Use of Trees by the Texas Ratsnake (Elaphe obsoleta) in Eastern Texas
Josh B. Pierce, Robert R. Fleet, Lance McBrayer, and D. Craig Rudolph
New Reports of Geranium molle L. and Erodium cicutarium (L.) L‘Hér. ex Ait. (Geraniaceae) from Mississippi and Other Important Collections from the State
Lucas C. Majure
“Problem Species” of the Savannah River Site, Such as Brimley’s Chorus Frog (P. brimleyi), Demonstrate the Hidden Biodiversity Concept on an Intensively Studied Government Reserve            
Thomas M. Luhring
Book Reviews 374

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