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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 23, Number 1, 2024

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Frequency, Patterns, and Construction of Web Decorations by the Spider Uloborus glomosus (Feather-legged Orbweaver)
Alexander M. Kerr
Range Expansion and Population Trends of Cliff Swallows in Northeastern South Carolina and Southeastern North Carolina, Especially at Colony Sites Along the Great Pee Dee River Corridor
Douglas B. McNair
The Origin and Ecology of a Likely Introduced Population of Southern Black-Bellied Salamanders (Desmognathus amphileucus)
Kevin G. Hutcheson, Todd W. Pierson, and John C. Maerz
Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Prey from Pellets Collected During Periods of Deficit and Abundant Precipitation in Claiborne County, Tennessee
G. Neil Douglas, Moondil Jahan, Rhea Sharma, Jessica Vinson, Geri Mitchell, Sean Nilan, Rudolphe A. Gelis, and Ralph L. Thompson
A Night of Devastation: Natural and Life-History Observations from an en Masse Collection of Fallicambarus devastator
Zackary A. Graham, Zachary W. Dillard, R. Katie Scott, Nicole M. Sadecky, Luke K. Sadecky, and Zachary J. Loughman
Effects of Different Silvicultural Canopy-Gap Sizes on Soil Respiration and Red Spruce Regeneration at Roan Mountain, North Carolina
Thomas Hennessey and Beverly Collins
Prevalence and Intensity of Mussel Glochidia Infestations on Potential Host Fish Species in a South Carolina Stream
Olivia Poelmann, Catherine M. Bodinof Jachowski, Tanya L. Darden, Daniel J. Farrae, Lengxob Yong, Morgan Kern, and Brandon K. Peoples
Night Roosts of Double-crested Cormorants in Coastal North Carolina
Bryan D. Watts
Scatterhoarded Seeds Remain Useful to Hoarders over Multiple Hoarding Seasons in Central Alabama
Sarah B. Ramirez, F. Stephen Dobson, and Todd D. Steury

First Documentation of a Larval Eastern Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) in a Bear Creek Tributary, Mississippi
Emily K. Field, Calvin R. Rezac, Robert J. Ellwanger, and Jack C. Creely

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