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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 22, Number 2, 2023

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Front cover  
Inside front cover  
Board of Editors/indicia page  
The Life History and Ecology of the Lesser Wasp Moth, Pseudocharis minima, (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Euchromiina) in the Pine Rocklands of South Florida
Tiffany Moore and Frank Ridgley
Decline of Tricolored Bats (Perimyotis subflavus) in Florida Caves in Winter
Lisa M. Smith, Andrea Sylvia, Terry J. Doonan, and Jeffery A. Gore
Movement Ecology of Gopher Tortoises in a Residential Neighborhood in Southwest Florida
Matthew Metcalf, Jade Johnson, Alexandra Cooper, Alexander Marsh, Charles W. Gunnels IV, and John Herman
Diversity of Lichens in Northern Alabama Yields Evidence of an Exceptionally Diverse Biota
Erin A. Manzitto-Tripp, Seth J. Raynor, and Carly R. Anderson Stewart
Uninvited Guests: Identifying Parasites and Other Nest Associates of Solitary Bees and Wasps Using Artificial Nest Sites in North Central Florida
Jason R. Graham, Joshua W. Campbell, and James D. Ellis
The Robber Flies (Diptera: Asilidae) of Longleaf Pine Habitats on Fort Stewart, Georgia
Dirk J. Stevenson, Michael C. Thomas, and Giff Beaton
A Review of Common Factors Among Successful and Failed Efforts to Eradicate Invasive Vertebrates in Florida
Zachary T. Steele
Comparing Benthic Assemblages Between Nocomis Nests and Ambient Substrate in South Carolina Streams
Rachel Moore, Colby D. Denison, and Brandon K. Peoples
First Records of Ameiurus brunneus (Snail Bullhead) from the Tallapoosa River Watershed, Alabama, with Comments on Mobile–Chattahoochee Stream Captures
Bryson G. Hilburn and Jason E. Dattilo
Insights on the Distribution of Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida) in the Moro Creek Watershed, Arkansas
Kyler B. Hecke, Ben S. Johnson, Autumn F. Henry, Kendall Moles, and Joseph E. Kaiser
Noteworthy Books B1

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