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Southeastern Naturalist Volume 20, Number 4, 2021

Contents. Click on the hotlinked titles to view open-access first pages with abstracts.

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Board of Editors/indicia page  
Broadcast Predator Vocalizations Reduce Predation by Raccoons (Procyon lotor) on Artificial Nests of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin)
Colleen E. Naeger, Alan D. Jones, and Scott L. Parker
An Overview of Triadica sebifera (Chinese Tallowtree) in the Southern United States, Emphasizing Pollinator Impacts and Classical Biological Control
James T. Vogt, Rabiu Olatinwo, Michael D. Ulyshen, Rima D. Lucardi, Daniel Saenz, and Jessica L. McKenney
Short-term Effects of Two Hurricanes on Bird Populations in Southwestern Louisiana
Erik I. Johnson
Movements and Habitat Use of Bog Turtles in a Southern Appalachian Bog
Samuel T.S. McCoy, Joseph H.K. Pechmann, and Gabrielle J. Graeter
Late-summer Fire Provides Long-term Control of the Invasive Old World Bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum)
Charlotte M. Reemts, Carla Picinich, and Thomas A. Greene
Live Coloration and Schooling Behavior of Juvenile Sharptail Mola, Masturus lanceolatus (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae), Off South Florida
Shanthi Hegde, James C. Tyler, Walt Stearns, and Katherine E. Bemis
Observations of a Nuclear–follower Foraging Association Between Spiny Softshell Turtles (Apalone spinifera) and Fish in an Urban Drainage Canal in Louisiana
Steven G. Plattand Thomas R. Rainwater
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) and Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) Found in Diet of the Non-native Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) in Florida
Melinda J. Schuman, Susan L. Snyder, Copley H. Smoak, and Carla J. Dove
Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis) Eggs Associated with Nest Chambers of the Trap-Jaw Ant Odontomachus brunneus
Christina L. Kwapich

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